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单词 arthritis
释义 arthritis nounadjective | verb + arthritis | arthritis + noun | phrases adjective➤severe严重的关节炎▸➤chronic慢性关节炎➤degenerative变性关节炎▸➤rheumatoid类风湿性关节炎verb + arthritis➤have, suffer, suffer from有关节炎;患关节炎▸➤develop, get得关节炎◆it is unclear why some people develop arthritis.尚不明确为什么有些人会得关节炎。➤treat治疗关节炎arthritis + noun➤sufferer关节炎患者➤patient关节炎病人➤pain关节炎引发的疼痛➤drug, medicine, treatment治疗关节炎的药物;关节炎治疗phrases➤crippled with arthritis因关节炎而致残  ➡ topic at illness arthritis/ɑ:ˈθraɪtɪs ||; ɑrˈθraɪtɪs/noun [u] a disease which causes swelling and pain in the places where your bones are connected(joints), where you bend your arms, fingers, etc 关节炎 ➔arthritic /ɑ:ˈθrɪtɪk ||; ɑrˈθrɪtɪk/ adj ar·thri·tis /ɑr`θraɪtɪs; ɑːˈθraɪtɪs/n [u]a disease that causes pain and swelling in the joints of your body 关节炎




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