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单词 troubled
释义 troubled adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look苦恼;感到烦恼;看上去忧虑adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常忧虑◆a singer with an extremely troubled past一个经历极为坎坷的歌手➤deeply, greatly, particularly极为烦恼▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些烦恼▸➤vaguely隐约不安◆she still felt vaguely troubled by it all.她仍然对这一切隐约有些忧心。➤increasingly越来越困扰▸➤emotionally, financially感情上/财务上陷入困境◆financially troubled companies陷入财务困境的公司preposition➤at, by对⋯感到不安◆he was deeply troubled by the news.这个消息使他非常不安。 troubled /trʌbld/ adjective [usually before noun] (often used in newspapers) having a lot of problems (常用于报章)麻烦多的,混乱的◆analysts expect the troubled company to be broken up or sold. 分析员预计这家陷入困境的公司或将倒闭或被出售。◆investors are not willing to take risks in these troubled times. 投资者在乱世不愿冒险。☞ troubledtroubled (written) worried or anxious忧虑的;烦恼的;不安的◆she looked into his troubled face.她打量着他那布满愁容的脸。ⓘ troubled is used especially to describe people's expressions, faces or eyes. * troubled 尤用于描述人的表情、脸或眼睛。 troub·led /`trʌbḷd; ˈtrʌbəld/adjhaving a lot of problems and worries 有问题的; 烦恼的:◇a deeply troubled man 一个很烦恼的男人




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