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单词 territory
释义 territory noun¹ 1area of land that belongs to one country, etc.领土adjective | verb + territory adjective➤vast广袤的领土▸➤new新领土◆the explorers set off to conquer new territories.探险家们动身去征服新的领地了。➤former以前的领地◆former french territories以前的法国领地➤neighbouring/neighboring, surrounding毗邻的领土;周围的领地▸➤home, national国土;国家的领土▸➤alien, foreign, overseas异国的领土;海外领地▸➤enemy, hostile敌方领土;敌方领地▸➤friendly友好的疆土▸➤neutral中立的领土▸➤colonial, dependent, trust (especially bre) 殖民/附属/托管的领地◆a un trust territory administered by new zealand新西兰管理的联合国托管领土➤sovereign主权国领土◆troops were stationed on sovereign german territory.军队驻扎在德国的主权领土上。➤annexed, conquered, lost, occupied被并吞的/被征服的/沦丧的/被占领的国土◆a town in british-occupied territory英国占领地上的一个小镇➤contested, disputed有争议的领土▸➤familiar, home (both figurative) 熟悉的/得心应手的领域◆the writer is back on home territory with his latest novel.作者在他的最新小说里又回到了他所熟悉的领域。➤uncharted, unexplored, unfamiliar, unknown, virgin (all often figurative) 地图上未标明的土地;未开发地区;未知领域;处女地▸➤dangerous (often figurative) 危险的领域verb + territory➤hold占据领地▸➤annex, capture, conquer, invade, occupy, recapture, take并吞/夺取/征服/入侵/占据/夺回/侵占领土▸➤control, govern, rule控制/治理/统治领地◆the territory had been controlled by azerbaijan for many years.那片土地已被阿塞拜疆控制多年。➤cede, surrender割让/放弃领土▸➤lose失去领土▸➤enter, stray into进入/误入领土◆the soldiers strayed into hostile territory.士兵们误入敌方领土。➤leave离开领地▸➤settle定居于领地◆the territory was never densely settled.那片土地上一直人烟稀少。➤stake out (often figurative) 立桩标出领土◆the parties have been staking out their territory on education.各方已经明确了各自在教育问题上的立场。➤chart, explore, map out (all often figurative) 用图标明/探索/在地图上标出领土◆tired of writing detective novels, she began to explore new territory.她厌烦了写侦探小说,开始探索新的创作领域。➤cover (often figurative) 涵盖领域◆many books have covered this territory before.以前许多书籍涉及过这一领域。territory noun² 2of an animal动物adjective | verb + territory adjective➤breeding, nesting繁殖地;巢址verb + territory➤defend, patrol, protect保卫/巡视/保护领地▸➤establish, mark, mark out建立/标记/标出领地◆the male establishes a territory and attracts a female.雄性建立领地吸引雌性。 territory /terətri; name -tɔːri/ noun [countable, uncountable] (plural territories) area of a town, a country or the world that sb has responsibility for in their work 势力范围;区域;地区◆our representatives cover a very large territory. 我们的代表覆盖十分广阔的区域。  ➡  area (1) area of knowledge or activity (知识或活动的)领域,范围◆legal problems are andy's territory (= he deals with them). 法律问题归安迪管。◆this type of work is uncharted territory (= completely new) for us. 这类工作对我们来说是全新的。  ➡  area (3) negative territory ◇ positive territory ◇ sales territory ☞ territory territory nounterritory ♦︎ colony ♦︎ enclave ♦︎ possession ♦︎ dominion ♦︎ satellitethese are all words for a country or area that is occupied or controlled by another country.这些词均表示殖民地、托管地、属地。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) british / spanish, etc. territory / colony / enclave / possession◆a self-governing territory / colony / dominion◆(a) former territory / colony / possession◆overseas territory / possessions■ territory /terətri; name terətɔːri/ [uncountable, countable] land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler(被某一国家或统治者占领的)领土,版图,领地◆they have refused to allow un troops to be stationed in their territory.他们拒不允许联合国部队驻扎在他们的领土上。◆the killings had set off widespread rioting in the occupied territories.这些杀人事件在被占领地区引发了大规模骚乱。▸ territorial /terətɔːriəl/ adjective◆territorial gains / disputes / claims领土增加/争端;对领土的主张■ colony /kɒləni; name kɑːləni/ [countable] a country or area that is governed by people from another, more powerful, country殖民地◆east timor was a former portuguese colony.东帝汶以前是葡萄牙的殖民地。▸ colonial /kələʊniəl; name kəloʊniəl/ adjective◆western colonial attitudes西方的殖民主义态度■ enclave /enkleɪv/ [countable] (rather formal) an area of a country or city where the people have a different religion, culture or nationality from those who live in the country or city that surrounds it飞地(某国或某市境内具有不同宗教、文化或主权属于他国或他市的地区)◆the northern part of the city is a christian enclave.这座城市的北部是一块基督徒飞地。■ possession [countable, usually plural] (formal) a country that is owned and governed by another country殖民地;托管地;属地◆the former colonial possessions are now independent states.这些前殖民地现已是独立的国家。note 辨析 colony or possession? colony is used especially to talk about a country that many people moved to in order to make a new permanent home. a colony is usually far away from the country that controls it. possession is often used in the plural to talk about all the countries and areas that make up a powerful country's empire. * colony 尤指很多人移居过去并打算长久定居的殖民地国家,通常远离控制它的宗主国。possession 常用复数形式,指组成一个强大帝国的所有国家和地区。■ dominion /dəmɪniən/ [countable] (formal) an area controlled by one ruler(一人统治的)领土,版图◆he ruled over the vast dominions of the holy roman empire.他当时统治神圣罗马帝国的辽阔领土。■ satellite /sætəlaɪt/ [countable] a town, country or organization that is controlled by and dependent on another larger or more powerful one卫星城;卫星国;外围组织◆following the second world war it became a satellite state of the soviet union.第二次世界大战之后,它成了苏联的一个卫星国。territory /terətri; name terətɔːri/ [countable, uncountable] an area that a person, group or animal considers as their own and defends against others who try to enter it(个人、群体、动物等占据的)领域,管区,地盘◆mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.乌鸫交配时会保护自己的地盘,不允许外来者侵入。◆she seems to regard that end of the office as her territory.她似乎把办公室的那一头看成是她的领地了。territory /terətri; name terətɔːri/ [uncountable, countable] land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler(被某一国家或统治者占领的)领土,版图,领地◆they have refused to allow un troops to be stationed in their territory.他们拒不允许联合国部队驻扎在他们的领土上。◆the killings had set off widespread rioting in the occupied territories.这些杀人事件在被占领地区引发了大规模骚乱。▸ territorial /terətɔːriəl/ adjective◆territorial gains / disputes / claims领土增加/争端;对领土的主张territory/ˈterətri; us -tɔ:rɪ ||; ˈtɛrəˌtɔrɪ/noun (plural territories) 1. [c,u] an area of land that belongs to one country 领土;版图: ◇to fly over enemy territory 飞越敌人领土上空 2. [c,u] an area that an animal has as its own (动物的)地盘 3. [u] an area of knowledge or responsibility (知识、职责的)范围,领域: ◇computer programming is frank's territory. 计算机程序设计是弗兰克的职责范围。 territorysee ⇨ area 7 ⇨ country 3 ⇨ land/ground 1     • • •• ⇨ be on dangerous ground/in dangerous territory ter·ri·to·ry /`tɛrəˏtɔrɪ; ˈterɪtəri/n 1. [c,u] land that a particular country owns and controls 领土,版图:◇canadian territory 加拿大领土 2. [c,u] the area that a person or animal thinks is his or her own [人或动物的]地盘,领域 3. [u] an area of business, experience, or knowledge 商业领域; 经验[知识]范围:◇we are moving into unfamiliar territory with the new software. 我们正通过这种新开发的软件进入一个陌生的领域。 ☞ territory




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