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单词 trend
释义 trend nounadjective | verb + trend | trend + verb | preposition adjective➤strong强大的趋势▸➤consistent, steady一贯的/稳定的趋势▸➤accelerating, growing, increasing加速的/增长的/增加的趋势▸➤underlying潜在的趋势◆despite this month's disappointing figures, the underlying trend is healthy.尽管本月的数字令人失望,但潜在的趋势却是健康的。➤big, dominant, main, major, prevailing大趋势;支配性趋势;主要趋势;重大趋势;主导趋势▸➤current, latest, new, recent目前趋势;最新动态;新趋向;最近的趋势▸➤long-term长期趋势▸➤gradual逐步的趋势▸➤clear, marked, significant清晰的趋势;显著的趋势▸➤important重要的发展趋势▸➤general, overall总的趋向▸➤apparent, discernible表面的/可辨的趋势▸➤global, international, national, worldwide全球的/国际的/全国的/世界范围的趋势▸➤larger, wider更大的趋势◆the increase in crime in the capital was just part of a wider trend.首都犯罪率的升高仅仅是冰山一角。➤positive, upward积极的/向上的趋势▸➤downward, negative向下的/消极的趋势▸➤opposite相反的趋势▸➤healthy, welcome健康的/受欢迎的趋向▸➤adverse, dangerous, disturbing, unfortunate, worrying不利的/危险的/使人不安的/令人遗憾的/让人担忧的趋势▸➤fashion时尚潮流▸➤demographic, population人口统计趋势;人口趋势▸➤cultural, social文化的/社会的趋势▸➤evolutionary, historical演变的/历史的趋势▸➤economic, market经济的趋势;市场的趋向▸➤growth, inflationary增长的/通货膨胀的趋势◆the latest figures show a clear growth trend in the service sector.最近的数字清楚地表明了服务部门的增长趋势。verb + trend➤begin, create, set, start开创潮流◆in the 1960s, britain set the fashion trends.20 世纪 60 年代,英国开创了时尚新风。➤continue继续趋势▸➤follow追随趋势◆we are following the trend for more flexible working conditions.我们追随趋势,向更加灵活的工作条件转变。➤reinforce加强趋势▸➤buck, counteract, go against反潮流;对抗趋势◆efforts to buck the current downward trend in sales顶住目前销售下降这一趋势的努力➤reverse扭转趋势▸➤halt阻止趋势▸➤detect, identify, notice, observe, see察觉到趋势◆i can see a worrying trend in these results.我在这些结果中能看到一种令人担忧的趋势。➤indicate, reflect, show, suggest表明趋势;反映趋势◆the data indicates a trend towards / toward earlier retirement.数据表明退休年龄有提前的趋向。trend + verb➤develop, emerge趋势形成/出现▸➤continue趋势继续▸➤indicate sth, reflect sth, show sth, suggest sth趋势表明⋯;趋势反映⋯◆current trends suggest that cities will continue to grow.目前的趋势表明,城市将继续发展。➤grow趋势发展preposition➤on trend顺应潮流◆linen is on trend again this summer.亚麻衣料今年夏天再次流行。➤trend away from远离⋯趋势◆a trend away from narrow specialization摆脱狭隘专业化的趋势➤trend for追求⋯的趋势◆a trend for nostalgia has emerged.出现了一股怀旧的风潮。➤trend in在⋯方面的趋势◆future trends in the volume of employment就业量的未来趋势➤trend towards/toward朝⋯的趋势◆the trend towards / toward privatization私有化的趋势trend /trend/ noun [countable] a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing 趋势;趋向;倾向;动向◆there is a growing trend towards shorter contracts. 合同期限有变短的趋势。◆current trends in advertising 广告的当前趋势◆the success of this car set a trend for smaller vehicles (= made them popular). 这种车的成功使小型车很受欢迎。◆the company has bucked (= been an exception to) the trend for lower sales. 这家公司的销售额逆势增长。◆growth remains below the long-term trend. 增长仍低于长期趋势。⨁ economic / political / social trends经济/政治/社会趋势 ⨁ business / industry / market / pricing / sales trends商情/行业/市场/定价/销售趋势 ⨁ a downward / growing / negative / positive / rising / an upward trend下降/增长/消极/积极/上涨/上升趋势 ⨁ current / future / long-term / recent trends当前/未来/长期/最近趋势 ⨁ a broad / clear / general / global trend大/明显的/总体/全球趋势 ⨁ to break with / reverse a trend打破/扭转趋势 ▸ trend verb [intransitive] (especially name) ◆unemployment has been trending upwards. 失业率一直趋于上升。☞ trend☞ trendtrend nountrend ♦︎ tendency ♦︎ movement ♦︎ driftthese are all words for a change in a situation or in the way people think and behave that happens slowly.这些词均表示趋势、趋向、转变。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the trend / tendency / movement / drift towards sth◆the trend / movement / drift away from sth◆a trend / tendency to do sth◆a general trend / tendency / movement / drift◆a downward / gradual trend / movement / drift■ trend [countable] a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing趋势;倾向;动向◆a survey of social trends社会趋势调查◆a downward / upward trend in sales销售额下滑/上升的趋势◆there is a growing trend towards earlier retirement.提早退休有增加的趋势。◆the company managed to buck the trend (= to be different from most others) and increase profits this year.该公司努力使得业务不随大趋势下滑,今年的利润还有所增加。 ➡ see also trend → fashion ■ tendency [countable] a new custom that is starting to develop趋势;趋向◆there is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual workers.雇主雇用临时工有增加的趋势。 ➡ see also tendency → tendency ■ movement [singular] a gradual change in what people in society do or think(社会行为或观念的)逐步转变◆a movement away from this idea can be seen in the second half of the century.这个观念的转变可能会在本世纪下半叶显现。◆the movement to greater liberalization was halted.更为自由化的转变停止了。■ drift [singular] a gradual change or development from one situation to another, especially to sth bad that happens because nobody is aware of it or does anything to stop it(尤因未加关注或遏制而逐渐恶化的)趋势,倾向◆action is needed to prevent a drift into lawlessness.需要采取行动来遏制目无法纪的势头。◆the polls show a drift back towards labour.民意调查显示人们重新倾向支持工党。trend [countable] a general direction in the way fashion changes流行趋势;趋向;动态◆you seem to have set (= started) a new trend.看来你们是开了新风气。◆fashion trends in sunglasses太阳眼镜的流行趋势◆ (bre, rather informal) their new knitwear is very on trend (= in the latest fashion).他们的新针织衫是最时兴的。  ➡ see also trend → trend trend [countable] a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing趋势;倾向;动向◆a survey of social trends社会趋势调查◆a downward / upward trend in sales销售额下滑/上升的趋势◆there is a growing trend towards earlier retirement.提早退休有增加的趋势。◆the company managed to buck the trend (= to be different from most others) and increase profits this year.该公司努力使得业务不随大趋势下滑,今年的利润还有所增加。 ➡ see also trend → fashion trend/trend ||; trɛnd/noun [c] a trend (towards sth) a general change or development 趋势;潮流: ◇the current trend is towards smaller families. 少生小孩是目前的趋势。◇he always followed the latest trends in fashion. 他一向赶最新服装潮流。 set a/the trend to start a new style or fashion 开创新潮流 trendsee ⇨ change/not change 21 ⇨ fashionable/not fashionable 6     • • •• ⇨ set the trend trend /trɛnd; trend/n [c] 1. the way a situation is generally developing or changing 趋势,倾向:◇there's a trend toward more part-time employment. 聘用兼职人员有上升的趋势。◇the latest fashion trends 最新的时装潮流 2. set the trend to start doing something that other people copy 开创新潮流




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