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单词 temporary
释义 temporary adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be暂时◆the arrangement's only temporary.这只是暂时的安排。adverb➤very非常短暂▸➤strictly完全暂时的▸➤merely, only只是暂时的 temporary /temprəri; name -pəreri/ adjectivelasting or intended to last only for a short time; not permanent 临时的;暂时的◆the canteen has been closed as a temporary measure while the problem is investigated. 在调查这个问题期间,餐厅被临时关闭。◆more than half the staff are temporary. 一半以上的员工是临时工。◆workers on temporary contracts 签订临时合同的工人 opp permanent  ➡  temp ☞ temporarytemporarylasting or intended to last for only a short time短暂的;暂时的;临时的◆25 000 households are living in temporary accommodation.有 25 000 户人家住在临时住所里。◆the job's only temporary, while their secretary's on maternity leave.这份工作是临时性的,只是在他们的秘书休产假期间代班。◆more than half the employees are temporary.半数以上的职员是临时雇员。opp permanent → permanent ▸ temporarily /temprərəli; name tempərerəli/ adverb◆we regret that this service is temporarily unavailable.很抱歉我们暂时不能提供这项服务。 opp permanently → permanent adj. temporary/ˈtemprəri; us -pərerɪ ||; ˈtɛmpəˌrɛrɪ/adj lasting for a short time; not permanent 临时的;暂时的: ◇a temporary job 临时性工作◇this arrangement is only temporary. 这项安排只是暂时的。 ➔temporarily /ˈtemprərəli; us ˌtempəˈrerəlɪ ||; ˌtɛmpəˈrɛrəlɪ/ adv temporary1 continuing or existing for only a limited period of time2 for a limited time onlyrelated wordsoppositealways (6),see alsoshort,1. continuing or existing for only a limited period of time 只持续或存在有限的时间 temporary /ˈtempərəri, -pəriǁ-pəreri/ [adjective] i'm sure this is only a temporary problem. 我肯定这只是个暂时的问题。 these arrangements are only intended to be temporary until an alternative is found. 这些安排只是临时性的,直至找到另一个方案。 temporary shelters were hastily constructed as the refugees started to pour in. 难民开始蜂拥而至,临时避难所被匆匆搭建起来。temporary job/employment i've got a temporary secretarial job, but i'm hoping to find something more permanent. 我找到了一份临时的秘书工作,但我希望能找到更固定的职业。temporary staff/teacher/worker etc who is temporary 临时员工/教师/工人等 there are always plenty of temporary workers available during the summer months. 夏季的几个月里总是有大量的临时工可供选择。temporary accommodation because of damage to their homes, many people had to stay in temporary accommodation for a few months. 由于房屋遭损,许多人只好在临时住处内暂住几个月。 short-term /ˌʃɔːʳt ˈtɜːʳm◂/ [adjective usually before noun] continuing, or intended to continue, for only a short time 短期的 quite a lot of our staff are employed on short term contracts. 我们的员工中有许多人签的是短期合同。 the development programme was established on a short-term basis, just over a year ago. 这项发展计划的设立是短期性的,一年前才刚定下来。 the prime minister emphasized the need to look to the future, rather than only considering the short-term results. 首相强调要放眼未来,不能仅仅考虑短期结果。short-term memory the ability to remember things that happened recently 短期记忆 she can still remember things that happened fifty years ago, but her short-term memory is terrible! 她仍记得50年前发生的事,但她的短期记忆却糟得很! short term [singular noun] in the short term in the near future, but perhaps not after that 短期内 in the short term, interest rates are likely to remain the same. 短期内利率很可能维持不变。 provisional /prəˈvɪʒənəl/ [adjective] a provisional arrangement is temporary and can be changed or replaced in the future [安排等]临时的,暂定的 the management has made a provisional pay offer of 7%. 管理层暂时定出7%的加薪幅度。 following a series of provisional governments, the dominican people elected juan bosch as their president. 经过一连串临时政府执政后,多米尼加人民选出了胡安·博什为他们的总统。 i've made a booking at the hotel, but it's only provisional - i'll have to confirm it soon. 我在旅馆订了房间,但只是暂定—我得马上确认一下。a provisional licence british a driving licence that you have while you are learning to drive 【英】临时驾驶执照 you have to get a provisional licence until you pass your test. 在通过考试之前,你要去办一张临时驾驶执照。 provisionally [adverb] two more series of the show are provisionally planned for next year. 这个节目暂定于来年多推出两个系列。 interim /ˈɪntərɪm/ [adjective only before noun] an interim report, measure, arrangement etc is one that is used temporarily until a final or complete one is ready [报告、措施、安排等]临时的,过渡期间的 eventually an interim agreement on arms control was reached. 最终达成了一项临时军备控制协议。 the actual sales figures were 20% higher than those estimated in the interim report in july. 实际的销售数字比在7月份的中期报告中估计的要高出20%。 the government will announce interim measures to tackle fuel shortages. 政府将宣布推出临时措施以解决燃料紧缺问题。 stopgap /ˈstɒpgæpǁˈstɑːp-/ [countable noun] something that is done or used for a short time because there is an immediate need for it, but is replaced as soon as possible with something that is better - use this especially to show disapproval 临时替代物;权宜之计[尤表贬义] the first house we bought was only a stopgap, until we could afford something we really liked. 我们买的第一套房子只是暂时的,直到我们能够买得起真正喜欢的房子。 stopgap [adjective only before noun] stopgap measures there is a trend towards favoring stopgap measures, instead of seeking long-term solutions to socioeconomic problems. 现时的趋势是喜欢推行临时措施,而非寻找能解决社会经济问题的长远方法。2. for a limited time only 只是暂时的 temporarily /ˈtempərərɪli, ˈtempərərəliǁˌtempəˈrerə̇li/ [adverb] the library is temporarily closed for repairs. 图书馆因维修暂时关闭。 well, i suppose she can stay here temporarily, while she's looking for an apartment. 嗯,我想她在找房子时可以暂时住在这里。 for now/for the moment /fəʳ ˈnaʊ, fəʳ ðə ˈməʊmənt/ [adverb] from now until a time in the future, especially when you do not know exactly when in the future 目前;暂时 for the moment, i'm quite happy in the job i'm doing. 目前我对自己的工作很满意。 such popular programmes will go on being broadcast on channel 3 - for now. 这么受欢迎的节目暂时将继续在第三频道播出。 ‘the negotiations are continuing for the moment,’ a spokesman said. “谈判目前还在继续。”一位发言人说。 for the time being /fəʳ ðə ˌtaɪm ˈbiːɪŋ/ [adverb] for a short period of time from now, but not permanently 暂时,临时 for the time being, mrs gilman's classes will be taken by other teachers. 吉尔曼太太教的班级暂时由其他老师接手。 although the government aims to encourage private enterprise, around one third of the economy will remain under state control, for the time being. 尽管政府致力鼓励私营企业,暂时仍约有三分之一的经济由国家控制。 tem·po·ra·ry /`tɛmpəˏrɛrɪ; ˈtempərəri/adjexisting or happening for a limited period of time 暂时的; 临时的; 短期的:◇temporary jobs are becoming more common. 临时工作越来越普遍了。 ☞ temporary




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