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单词 tell sb off
释义 tell sb offphrasal verb(told, told) (especially bre, spoken) to speak angrily to sb for doing sth wrong责备;斥责;责骂;数落◆i told the boys off for making so much noise.孩子们太吵,我把他们责骂了一通。◆did you get told off?你有没有捱骂?▸ telling-off noun [countable, usually singular] ◆ (bre, informal) the nurse gave him a telling-off for smoking in the hospital.护士责备他在医院里抽烟。note 辨析 scold or tell sb off?there is no verb for telling sb that you disapprove of their actions that is neither formal nor informal. scold is the most frequent of these verbs in written english, particularly in stories, but it is not used much in spoken english. tell sb off is by far the most frequent in spoken british english but it is not used much in written english or american english.表示责备的动词要么是正式的,要么是非正式的。scold 最常用于书面语,特别是故事中,但不常用于口语。目前 tell sb off 最常用于英式口语,但在书面语或美式英语中不太常用。tell sb off1 to tell someone off2 to tell someone off very angrily or loudly3 when you tell someone offrelated wordssee alsoangry,criticize,1. to tell someone off 训斥某人 tell somebody off /ˌtel somebody ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] she's always telling her kids off and shouting at them. 她总是斥责自己的孩子并对他们大声叫嚷。tell sb off for did your dad tell you off for getting home late? 回家晚了,你爸爸有没有责备你?tell sb off about the manager said my work wasn't good enough. he really told me off about it. 经理说我的工作做得还不够好。他严厉地训斥了我一顿。get told off i was always getting told off for things i hadn't done when i was a kid. 我小时候总是因一些不是自己做的事而受到训斥。 give somebody a talking-to also give somebody a telling-off british /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈtɔːkɪŋ tuː, ˌgɪv somebody ə ˌtelɪŋ ˈɒf/ [verb phrase] to tell someone off, especially a child, to make it clear that you disapprove of something they have done 把某人责备一顿,把某人申斥一番[尤对孩子表明你不赞成他们做某件事] addicts don't stop what they're doing just because someone gives them a talking-to. 瘾君子不会因为有人训斥了他们一顿就停止吸毒。 i remember being late for school and the teacher giving me such a telling-off. 我记得上学迟到了,被老师训斥了一顿。give somebody a good talking-to/telling-off you should give that child a good talking-to, if you want my opinion. 如果你想听我的意见,我就说你应该好好训斥那孩子一顿。 lecture /ˈlektʃəʳ/ [transitive verb] spoken to talk angrily to someone for a long time, especially in a way that they think is not necessary or fair 【口】[长时间地]教训,训斥[尤指令对方感到不必要或不公平] he was lectured by the headmaster in front of the whole school. 他被校长在全校师生面前训斥了一顿。lecture somebody on/about something she's always lecturing me on bad manners. 她老是训斥我不懂规矩。 after the violence on the field, the manager lectured the team about acceptable standards of behaviour. 运动场上发生暴力事件后,领队告诫全体球员什么才是可接受的行为标准。 scold /skəʊld/ [transitive verb] especially american if a parent, teacher, or other adult scolds a child, they tell them off 【尤美】[父母、老师或其他成人]责骂[孩子] i dreaded the thought of going home and being scolded by my father. 我一想起回家要被爸爸责骂就害怕。scold somebody for something don't scold him for doing badly at school, he's doing his best. 别因为他在学校成绩不好而责骂他,他已尽了最大努力了。 our parents were strict and we were frequently scolded for our bad behaviour. 我们的父母很严格,我们常常因行为不规矩而受到责骂。 scolding [countable noun] betty got a severe scolding and had to apologize. 贝蒂被严厉地责骂了一顿,只得道歉。 rebuke /rɪˈbjuːk/ [transitive verb] to talk severely to someone in order to criticize them for doing something which they knew was wrong 指责,斥责[某人做了自知是错的事] when the extent of the pollution became known, the company was publicly rebuked by the governor. 污染程度曝光后,州长公开指责了这家公司。rebuke somebody for (doing) something amnesty international rebuked the british government for its treatment of the refugees. 大赦国际指责英国政府对待难民的做法。 welfare workers were sternly rebuked by the court for ignoring the woman's plea for help. 福利工作者因忽视这位妇女的求助而受到法庭的严厉指责。 rebuke [countable/uncountable noun] there was a hint of rebuke in his voice. 他话里有一种谴责的语气。 the magazine drew a stinging rebuke from the police, saying it would only encourage children to play with drugs. 该杂志受到警方尖刻的指责,说那样只会鼓励儿童尝试吸毒。 reprimand /ˈreprɪmɑːnd, ˈreprəmɑːndǁ-mænd/ [transitive verb] to officially tell someone that they have done something wrong or illegal, especially by warning them that if they do it again they will be punished 训斥,谴责,斥责[尤指警告他们再犯就会受罚] after the trial two police officers were suspended from duty; four others were reprimanded. 经审讯后,两名警员被停职,另外四名遭谴责。reprimand somebody for (doing) something the man was released after being officially reprimanded for illegal possession of a knife. 那名男子因非法藏有匕首,被正式训斥了一顿然后释放。reprimand somebody severely the foreman reprimanded the workers severely for not following safety procedures. 工头严厉地把工人训斥了一顿,因为他们不遵守安全程序。 pull somebody up /ˌpʊl somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] british to tell someone off for doing something that you do not approve of but that is not very bad 【英】责备,责骂 pull sb up for our teachers are always pulling us up for wearing the wrong uniform. 我们的老师老是因为我们穿错校服而责备我们。pull sb up on i felt i had to pull her up on her lateness. 我觉得我要责备她迟到。 have a bone to pick with /hæv ə ˈbəʊn tə ˌpɪk wɪð/ [verb phrase] spoken use this to tell someone that they have done something to annoy you and that you are going to tell them off about it 【口】同…有争端要解决 i've got a bone to pick with you - what are all these lies you've been spreading about me? 我有话要和你当面讲清楚—你散布了那么多有关我的谣言是什么意思?2. to tell someone off very angrily or loudly 气愤地或大声地痛骂某人 give somebody hell /ˌgɪv somebody ˈhel/ [verb phrase] informal to shout at someone and make them suffer for doing something wrong 【非正式】痛骂某人一顿 i'd better go. my wife will give me hell if i'm late home again. 我最好现在就走了,如果又晚了回家,我老婆会痛骂我一顿的。 caroline would give me hell for evermore if she thought i'd mistreated her best friend. 如果卡罗琳觉得我慢待了她最好的朋友,她会骂我一辈子的。 yell at /ˈjel ət/ [transitive phrasal verb] especially american to shout at or talk angrily to someone because they have done something wrong or annoying 【尤美】对…大喊大叫,大声责骂 it was so embarrassing - he just started yelling at his wife. 那时候真令人尴尬一他开始对他妻子大声叫骂起来。get yelled at spoken i got yelled at at school because i was wearing the wrong shirt. 我因为穿错了衬衫在学校里被大声斥责。 chew out /ˌtʃuː ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] american informal to talk very angrily to someone for a long time about something wrong that they have done 【美,非正式】[长时间地]严厉斥责[某人] chew somebody out even his mother used to chew him out in public. 甚至连他的母亲过去也常在公开场合厉声斥责他。chew out somebody the senate science and space subcommittee chewed out nasa for failing to conduct the necessary tests. 参议院的科学与太空小组委员会严厉批评美国国家航空航天局没有进行必要的试验。chew somebody out for something/chew out somebody for something the boss called diane into his office and chewed her out for losing the thurman account. 黛安娜失去了瑟曼这个客户,被老板叫进办公室严厉斥责了一顿。 read somebody the riot act /ˌriːd somebody ðə ˈraɪət ækt/ [verb phrase] informal to tell someone off and warn them about what will happen if they continue with their bad behaviour 【非正式】训斥某人,严厉警告某人 they'll read him the riot act if he ever shows his face again. 如果他还敢露脸的话,他们会教训他的。 give somebody a dressing down /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˌdresɪŋ ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase] to tell someone off, especially in a way that makes them look stupid 狠狠地训斥某人一顿,痛骂某人一顿[尤指使某人看来很愚蠢] give sb a dressing down for elise was delighted i rang, but gave me a terrible dressing down for not ringing before or sending a postcard. 埃莉斯听到我打电话去很高兴,但又因为我没有早些去电话或寄一张明信片而痛骂了我一顿。 bollock somebody/give somebody a bollocking /ˈbɒlək somebody, ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈbɒləkɪŋǁˈbɑː-/ [verb phrase] british informal to tell someone off by shouting at them. these are rude phrases 【英,非正式】把某人臭骂一顿[属粗俗语言] being bollocked by your daughter is a bit hard to take. 被女儿臭骂一顿可不是好受的。bollock sb/give sb a bollocking for my dad gave me a real bollocking for crashing his car. 我爸因为我撞坏了他的车把我臭骂了一顿。3. when you tell someone off 责骂、训斥某人的说法 talking-to informal also telling-off british informal /ˈtɔːkɪŋ tuː, ˌtelɪŋ ˈɒf/ [countable noun] when someone, especially a child, is told off for being disobedient or for doing something wrong [尤指对小孩的]训斥,责骂 what sarah needs is a good talking-to. 萨拉需要好好地被教训一顿。 after a stern telling-off from the teacher, billy left the room. 被老师狠狠地训斥了一顿后,比利离开了房间。 reprimand /ˈreprɪmɑːnd, ˈreprəmɑːndǁ-mænd/ [countable noun] when someone is officially told that they should not have done something, especially by warning them that they will be punished more severely if they do it again 训斥,谴责,斥责[尤指警告某人再犯就会受罚] this time the police let him go with a reprimand as it was his first offence. 因为这次是初犯,警察训斥了他一顿就让他走了。a severe reprimand david was fined £100, and louis was given a severe reprimand for his behaviour. 戴维被罚款100英镑,路易斯则因其行为被狠狠地训斥了一顿。 lecture /ˈlektʃəʳ/ [countable noun] when you talk to someone for a long time in order to tell them that they should not have done something, especially in a way that they find annoying 教训[尤指使对方感到厌烦] lecture about she launched into another one of her lectures about why we should always do our homework. 她又开始长篇大论地教训我们为何要常做功课。




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