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单词 unsuitable
释义 unsuitable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove不合适;证明不合适▸➤make sth, render sth使⋯不合适◆the size of the rooms made the house unsuitable for conversion into apartments.这些房间的面积使得这房子不适合改成公寓。➤consider sth, deem sth, find sth认为⋯不合适◆many tasks were considered unsuitable for women.很多工作被认为不适合女性。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常不合适▸➤highly, most (bre) 极不合适▸➤completely, entirely, quite, totally, wholly完全不合适;全然不适当;总体上不适宜▸➤manifestly明显不合适preposition➤for不适合于⋯unsuitablenot right or practical for a particular purpose, occasion or person(对某种场合、目的或某人而言)不适当的,不适宜的,不合适的◆he was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.他穿了一双根本不适合爬山的鞋子。◆they considered him quite unsuitable for their daughter.他们认为他一点都不适合他们的女儿。opp suitable → good 2 ▸ unsuitably adverb◆they were unsuitably dressed for the occasion.他们的穿着在那个场合很不得体。note 辨析 inappropriate or unsuitable? unsuitable clothes, equipment or facilities are usually wrong for a practical purpose. inappropriate behaviour or clothes are usually wrong for social reasons. * unsuitable 形容穿着、设备或设施不适于做某事。inappropriate 形容行为或穿着社交上不得体。unsuitable/ʌnˈsu:təbl ||; ʌnˈsutəbḷ/adj not right or appropriate for sb/sth 不适当的;不合适的;不适宜的: ◇this film is unsuitable for children under 12. 这部影片不适宜12岁以下的儿童观看。 [opp] suitable 反义词为suitableunsuitable1 not suitable for a particular purpose, person, or situation2 when someone is not suitable for a particular job or situation3 when something is not suitable for a place or situation4 when two people are not suitable for each otherrelated wordsoppositesuitable,see alsowrong,1. not suitable for a particular purpose, person, or situation 对某一目的、某个人或情形不适合的 unsuitable/not suitable /ʌnˈsuːtəbəl, nɒt ˈsuːtəbəl/ [adjective] we never planted roses here because the climate isn't suitable. 我们这儿从来不种玫瑰,因为气候不适宜。 the strict laws forbid women to read ‘unsuitable material.’ 那些法律严禁妇女看“不宜读物”。unsuitable/not suitable for the road is not suitable for heavy vehicles. 这条路不适合重型车辆行驶。 the movie contains violence and is unsuitable for children. 这部影片涉及暴力内容,儿童不宜。 inappropriate/not appropriate /ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriɪt, ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət, nɒt əˈprəʊpriə̇t/ [adjective] formal not suitable for a situation or purpose - use this especially about something that has been done or chosen without enough care or thought 【正式】不适当的;不恰当的[尤指没有经过充分考虑而做或选择的事] this is not an appropriate use of taxpayers’ money. 这是对纳税人的钱的不当使用。 i thought his remarks were inappropriate on such a serious occasion. 我认为他在这么严肃的场合中说这样的话并不恰当。inappropriate/not appropriate for the court found that the sex-education brochures were inappropriate for eighth-grade students. 法庭认为性教育手册不适合八年级学生。it is inappropriate/not appropriate (for somebody) to do something it's completely inappropriate for the president to get so involved in a local issue like this. 总统如此干涉地方事务非常不妥。 unsuited to something/not suited to something /ʌnˈsuːtɪd tə , ʌnˈsuːtəd tə something, nɒt ˈsuːtə̇d tə something/ [adjective phrase] not having the qualities or characteristics that are needed for a particular purpose or situation 不合适某事物[因缺乏某种特质] the tomatoes didn't grow because they're unsuited to the soil here. 番茄因为不适应这里的土壤而无法生长。 her outfit was completely unsuited to the tropical climate. 她的衣服完全不适合热带天气。 wrong /rɒŋǁrɔːŋ/ [adjective] not the right one for a particular job or purpose [对某工作或目的]不合适的,错误的 you're using the wrong spoon - this is the soup spoon. 你用错调羹了—这是把汤匙。 i think you picked the wrong time to call her. 我觉得你给她打电话打得不是时候。wrong for his brand of nationalism is wrong for our party and wrong for the country. 他这种民族主义于党于国都是不合适的。 hardly the time/place/person [adverb] /ˌhɑːʳdli ðə ˈtaɪm, ˈpleɪs, ˈpɜːʳsən/ use this when it is completely the wrong time or place in which to do something, or the person doing it is a completely unsuitable person 绝不是恰当的时候/地方/人选 this is hardly the place to talk about your sexual problems. 这里绝不是讨论你的性问题的地方。 i know it's hardly the moment to tell you, but i've quit my job. 我知道现在告诉你不是时候,我辞职了。 this little man was hardly the kind of person you'd expect to be in charge of an international gun-smuggling scheme. 你根本想象不到这个矮小的男人原来操控着跨国枪支走私活动,他实在不像那种人。 unfit/not fit /ʌnˈfɪt, nɒt ˈfɪt/ [adjective not usually before noun] not good enough for a particular purpose, especially when someone has officially decided this [尤指被某人正式判断为]不合适的,不适宜的,不胜任的 unfit/not fit for the land is so polluted it is not fit for crops. 土地污染严重,不适合种庄稼。unfit for human consumption/habitation not fit for humans to eat or live in 不适宜人类食用/居住 the meat was declared unfit for human consumption. 这种肉被宣布不宜食用。unfit/not fit to do something her uncle was mentally unstable and unfit to raise a child. 她的叔叔精神不稳定,不宜抚养孩子。2. when someone is not suitable for a particular job or situation 某人不适合某一工作或情形 unsuitable/not suitable /ʌnˈsuːtəbəl, nɒt ˈsuːtəbəl/ [adjective not usually before noun] they told me that the reason i was considered unsuitable was that i was over-qualified. 他们告诉我说,认为我不合适是因为我的资历过高。 we've already rejected several unsuitable candidates. 我们已经拒绝了几个不合适的应聘者。unsuitable/not suitable for the first person we interviewed was clearly not suitable for the job. 第一位接受面试的应聘者显然不适合这个职位。 not be cut out for /nɒt biː kʌt ˈaʊt fɔːʳ something/ [verb phrase] informal if you are not cut out for a type of work or way of life, you do not have the right qualities to enjoy it or to be successful in it 【非正式】不适合于[某类工作或生活方式],不是…的材料 obviously, paul was not cut out for army life. 显然,保罗不适合军旅生活。 she'd been married only a year and a half when her husband decided he was not cut out for marriage. 她结婚才一年半之后,她的丈夫发现自己不适合结婚。 wrong /rɒŋǁrɔːŋ/ [adjective] completely unsuitable for a particular job 不适合的;完全不胜任的 this is a very important job, so we don't want to choose the wrong person. 这个工作非常重要,所以我们不想选错了人。wrong for dave's wrong for this job. he doesn't have enough patience. 戴夫不适合这工作,他没有足够的耐心。 ill-suited to something/not suited to something /ˌɪl ˈsuːtə̇d tə something, ˌnɒt ˈsuːtə̇d tə something/ [adjective phrase] formal unsuitable for a particular job or activity, because you do not have the right qualities for it 【正式】[因没有合适的素质而]不适合某事 with so little experience, paula is not really suited to the role of personnel director. 葆拉经验不足,不是很适合当人力资源主管。 the lieutenant was by nature a man ill-suited to the discomforts of army life. 中尉天生过不了军队的艰苦生活。 be/seem/feel/look out of place /biː, siːm, fiːl, lʊk ˌaʊt əv ˈpleɪs/ [verb phrase] to be, feel, or look very different from the other people you are with, and therefore seem to not belong with them 是/似乎/感觉/看上去不相称 in her old jeans and college sweater, sarah looked a little out of place in the foyer of the grand hotel. 萨拉穿着旧牛仔裤和印着校名的套头毛衣,在格兰德酒店的门厅里看上去有点格格不入。 leary later went to beverly hills high school, but he felt out of place among the rich kids. 利里后来进了贝弗利山高中,但是他觉得自己在那些富家子弟中显得格格不入。 misfit /ˈmɪsˌfɪt/ [countable noun] someone who does not seem to belong in a group or in society because they have different attitudes, a different appearance, different habits etc 不适应环境的人 i didn't have a very happy time at school - i suppose i was something of a misfit. 我在学校很不开心—我想我有点和别人合不来。social/societal misfit he's always blamed his parents for turning him into a social misfit. 他总是责怪父母把他变成一个与社会格格不入的人。3. when something is not suitable for a place or situation 某物不适合某地方或某情形 be/seem/look out of place /biː, siːm, lʊk ˌaʊt əv ˈpleɪs/ [verb phrase] if something is out of place, it seems or looks very different from the other things around it, and therefore seems unsuitable for that particular place or situation 是/似乎/看上去不适当 extremely informal language is out of place in an academic essay. 极不正式的语言不适合用于学术论文。 the christmas decorations looked somehow out of place in waikiki. 不知为什么圣诞装饰看上去与怀基基海滩格格不入。 be out of keeping/not be in keeping /biː ˌaʊt əv ˈkiːpɪŋ, ˌnɒt biː ɪn ˈkiːpɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to not seem right or suitable when seen together with something else that is very different in style or character [与某物]不相配,不协调 serious poetry published in newspapers always seems slightly out of keeping. 严肃的诗歌刊登在报纸上总有点不协调。be out of keeping/not be in keeping with those new windows are not really in keeping with the style of the house. 那些新的窗户和房子的风格不是很相称。 the cheerful cover of the diary was out of keeping with the thoughts i was recording inside. 日记本活泼的封面与我记录的心情不相称。 incongruous /ɪnˈkɒŋgruəsǁɪnˈkɑːŋ-/ [adjective] something that is incongruous seems strange and unsuitable, often in a humorous way, because it is so unexpected in a particular situation, so different from its surroundings etc 不协调的,不和谐的 it seemed incongruous having a dance-band at the funeral. 在葬礼上出现伴舞乐队看起来很怪。 he was dressed in a three-piece suit with an incongruous tie shaped like a fish. 他穿了三件套的西服,戴了一条极不相称的鱼形领带。4. when two people are not suitable for each other 两个人合不来的 incompatible /ˌɪnkəmˈpætɪbəl, ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbəl/ [adjective] two people who are incompatible are unable to form a long relationship with each other because they have very different characters, attitudes, interests etc 不能和睦相处的,合不来的 after a week together on vacation it was clear that they were totally incompatible. 他们度假相处了一个星期,很明显根本合不来。 my parents always seemed incompatible to me, but they stayed together for over 40 years. 在我看来,父母性格不合,但是他们一起过了四十多年。 be wrong for/not be right for /biː ˈrɒŋ fɔːʳǁ-ˈrɔːŋ-, nɒt biː ˈraɪt fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to not be the right type of person to form a relationship with someone else, especially a long or serious relationship 对[某人]不是合适的[尤指建立长期或认真的关系] everyone told him that she was wrong for him, but he wouldn't listen. 每个人都说她不适合他,但是他不听。 i'll introduce you if you want, but i don't think he's really right for you. 你想认识他我就给你介绍,不过我觉得他不是很适合你。 not be somebody's type /nɒt biː somebodyˈs ˈtaɪp/ [verb phrase] informal to not be a suitable person to form a relationship or friendship with someone else because you have different attitudes, interests etc or because you are not attracted to someone with particular characteristics 【非正式】不是某人喜欢的类型 all he ever talks about is football - he's not really my type. 他只管讲足球—他不是我喜欢的类型。 denise was really nice, but physically she wasn't my type. 丹尼丝很不错,但是外表上不是我喜欢的类型。 not be suited /nɒt biː ˈsuːtə̇d/ [verb phrase] if two people are not suited, they are not suitable for each other because they have very different attitudes and characters [两个人彼此]不适合 i've never thought of going out with her - we're not really suited. 我从来没有想过和她交往—我们不是很适合对方。not be suited to/for if two people aren't naturally suited to each other, there's no point in pursuing a relationship. 如果两人天生性格不合,就没有必要维持关系。 ill-matched /ˌɪl ˈmætʃt◂/ [adjective] formal two people who are having a relationship who are ill-matched, have very different characters, interests etc and their relationship is likely to be very difficult or unsuccessful 【正式】很合不来的,很不相配的 they were both strong, vital people, but they made an ill-matched couple. 他们两个都是坚强、充满活力的人,但却是一对合不来的夫妻。 whenever you see them, they're always arguing - they seem very ill-matched. 每次看到他们,他们都在争吵—这两人好像很不相配。 un·suit·able /ʌn`sjutəbḷ; ʌnˈsuːtəbəl/adjnot having the right qualities for a particular purpose, situation, person etc 不合适的; 不适宜的:◇this movie is unsuitable for young children. 这部影片不适合儿童观看。 ☞ unsuitable




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