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单词 traveller
释义 traveller noun (especially bre) (name usually traveler) adjective | verb + traveller adjective➤business, corporate (name) 因公出差者;公务旅行者▸➤commercial, old-fashioned) , leisure旅行推销员;休闲游客➤holiday (especially name) 假期旅行者➤budget精打细算的游客▸➤frequent经常旅行的人◆attractive discounts are available to frequent travellers.常旅客可以享受诱人的折扣。➤foreign, international, world外国/国际/世界游客➤long-distance长途旅行者▸➤avid, great, inveterate, keen, seasoned狂热的旅行者;伟大的旅行家;旅游成瘾的人;热衷旅游的人;老练的游客◆i'm not a great traveller. i'm happiest staying at home.我说不上是旅行家,待在家里最开心。➤adventurous, intrepid喜欢冒险的旅行家▸➤independent (especially bre) 自助旅游者◆independent travellers often steer clear of the most touristy spots.不跟团的旅行者常常避开游客最多的景点。➤lone孤单的游客▸➤discerning有眼力的游客▸➤fellow旅伴◆i got to know my fellow travellers quite well in the course of the three-day journey.经过 3 天的旅行,我对我的旅伴们都很熟识了。➤weary疲惫的旅客▸➤unwary大意的旅客◆stations can be dangerous places for the unwary traveller.车站对于毫无防备之心的旅客来说是危险的地方。➤air, rail, train乘飞机的旅客;乘火车的旅客▸➤space, time航天旅行者;穿越时空的人▸➤armchair (= sb who does not travel but likes to read about distant places) 足不出户的神游旅行者◆his travel books have given pleasure to generations of armchair travellers.他的旅游书给一代代足不出户的神游者带来了乐趣。verb + traveller➤attract, deter吸引/阻止游客➤cater to迎合旅行者◆hotels that cater to business travellers迎合商务旅客的酒店➤guide给旅游者指路◆local tribesmen earn their living guiding travellers across the mountains.当地族人靠给翻越大山的游客领路谋生。 traveller (name spelling usually traveler) /trævələ(r)/ noun [countable] a person who is travelling or who often travels 旅游者;旅行者;旅客;游客◆the airline is popular with business travellers. 这家航空公司很受商务旅行者的喜爱。◆she's a frequent traveller to belgium. 她经常去比利时旅行。  ➡  sales representative ◇ commercial traveller ☞ traveller traveller noun  ➡ see also the entry for tramp另见 tramp 条traveller ♦︎ gypsy ♦︎ nomad ♦︎ romanythese are all words for people who have no fixed or permanent home and who travel from place to place.这些词均表示居无定所、四处漂泊的人。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a traveller / gypsy site◆traveller / gypsy families◆a gypsy / romany camp / caravan◆the gypsy / nomad / romany population■ traveller [countable] (bre) a person who does not live in a building in one place but travels around living in a caravan, especially as part of a group(尤指结队而行,住在车上的)漂泊者◆there was a travellers' site (= where travellers stay) just outside the village.村外就有一个漂泊者的据点。◆there is a programme to ensure access to education for traveller children.有一个确保随行迁移的儿童获得教育的计划。ⓘ in britain traveller is used especially to talk about travelling people of irish origin, but is also used as a word for all travelling people including from the gypsy/romany community.在英国,traveller 尤指爱尔兰裔的漂泊者,但也可指包括吉普赛人在内的所有经常迁移的人。■ gypsy (also gipsy, gypsy, gipsy) /dʒɪpsi/ [countable] (sometimes offensive) a member of a race of people, originally from asia, who travel around and traditionally live in caravans吉卜赛人;吉普赛人◆an old gypsy woman offered to tell my fortune.一个吉普赛老妇人主动提出要给我算命。ⓘ the name gypsy is now often considered offensive and many people prefer to use the name romany. * gypsy 这一名称现在常被认为有冒犯意味,许多人更喜欢用 romany 这一名称。■ nomad /nəʊmæd; name noʊmæd/ [countable] a member of a traditional community that moves with its animals from place to place游牧部落的人◆the tuareg are the largest tribe of nomads in the desert.图阿雷格人是沙漠中最大的游牧部落。■ romany /rɒməni, rəʊməni; name rɑːməni, roʊməni/ [countable] a member of a race of people, originally from asia, who travel around and traditionally live in caravans吉卜赛人;吉普赛人◆they demanded protection for romanies against attacks from racist groups.他们要求保护吉普赛人免受种族主义团体攻击。traveller (especially bre) (name usually traveler) [countable] a person who is travelling or who often travels旅行者;旅客;游客◆he passed the time chatting to his fellow travellers.他和同行的旅客闲聊消磨时间。◆seasoned travellers (= experienced travellers) know which places to avoid.经验丰富的旅行者知道要避开哪些地方。 ➡ see also travel → go 2 traveller [countable] (bre) a person who does not live in a building in one place but travels around living in a caravan, especially as part of a group(尤指结队而行,住在车上的)漂泊者◆there was a travellers' site (= where travellers stay) just outside the village.村外就有一个漂泊者的据点。◆there is a programme to ensure access to education for traveller children.有一个确保随行迁移的儿童获得教育的计划。ⓘ in britain traveller is used especially to talk about travelling people of irish origin, but is also used as a word for all travelling people including from the gypsy/romany community.在英国,traveller 尤指爱尔兰裔的漂泊者,但也可指包括吉普赛人在内的所有经常迁移的人。traveller/ˈtrævələ(r)/(us 美 traveler) noun [c] 1. a person who is travelling or who often travels (经常)旅行者;旅行家 2. (brit 英) a person who travels around the country in a large vehicle and does not have a permanent home anywhere (以车为屋四处飘流的)游民 ☞look at gypsy. 参看gypsy。 travellersee ⇨ travel 11 trav·el·ler /bre 【英】, traveler ame 【美】 /`trævlə; ˈtrævələ//n [c]someone who is on a journey or who travels a lot 旅客,旅行者; 经常旅行的人




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