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单词 wait up
释义 ☞ wait up (for sb)wait upsee ⇨ sleep 11 ⇨ wait 2 wait upphr v [i] 1. to wait for someone to come back home before you go to bed 等候着不睡:◇please don't wait up for me. 请不要熬着不睡等我。 2. to wait for someone 等待[某人]:◇hey, wait up. i'm coming. 嘿,等一等,我就来。usage note 用法说明: wait and 和 expectuse wait to talk about staying somewhere until someone comes or something happens. 在某处等人来或等待某事发生用 wait:◇please wait until mr feltcher arrives. 请等到费尔切先生来。◇she's been waiting all day for that phone to ring. 她一整天在等那电话铃响。use expect to say that you think something will probably happen, arrive etc, whether you want it to or not. 表示你认为某事可能会发生,某物可能会抵达等,用 expect:◇i didn't expect her to be so angry. 我没料到她会生这么大的气。◇were you expecting a phone call? 你在等电话吗?




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