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单词 uninvited
释义 uninvited (often used after the verb常用在动词后) doing sth or going somewhere when you have not been asked or invited, especially when sb does not want you to未经要求的;不请自来的;不速而至的◆there were one or two uninvited guests at the party.聚会上有一两个不速之客。◆he turned up uninvited.他不请自到。uninvited/ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪtɪd ||; ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪtɪd/adj doing sth or going somewhere when you have not been asked or invited to, especially when sb does not want you to 未经要求的;未获邀请的;不速而至的: ◇uninvited guests at a party 聚会上的不速之客 ◇he turned up uninvited. 他不请自到了。uninvitedsee ⇨ invite 4




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