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单词 wolf
释义 wolf nounadjective | ... of wolves | wolf + verb | wolf + noun adjective➤lone孤狼◆a lone wolf howled under the full moon.一匹孤狼在满月下嗥叫。➤wild野狼➤hungry (often figurative) 饿狼▸➤ravening, ravenous (especially name, both usually figurative) 饿狼◆she compared the media to a pack of ravening / ravenous wolves.她把媒体比作一群饿狼。➤big bad (figurative) 邪恶的大灰狼◆labour groups are often seen as the big bad wolf.劳工组织常常被看作邪恶的大灰狼。... of wolves➤pack一群狼wolf + verb➤growl, howl狼嚎▸➤hunt狼猎食➤raise sb狼养育某人◆a story of a young boy raised by wolves一个被狼养大的小男孩的故事wolf + noun➤cub狼崽▸➤pack狼群wolf /wʊlf/ [transitive] (rather informal) to eat food very quickly, especially by putting a lot of it in your mouth at once大口地快吃;狼吞虎咽◆he wolfed down his breakfast and left the house in a hurry.他狼吞虎咽地吃完早饭就匆匆忙忙离开了家。wolf/wʊlf ||; wυlf/noun [c] (plural wolves /wʊlvz ||; wυlvz/) a wild animal that looks like a dog and that lives and hunts in a group (pack) 狼☞ wolf¹☞ wolf²




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