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单词 reopen
释义 reopen /riːəʊpən; name -oʊ-/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to open a shop/store, etc. again, or to be opened again, after being closed for a period of time (商店等)重新开业,重新开放◆the market has reopened after the new year break. 新年休假后市场重新开张。 2. [intransitive, transitive] to deal with or begin sth again after a period of time; to start again after a period of time 重新处理;再次开始;恢复◆management have agreed to reopen talks with the union. 管理层同意和工会重新谈判。◆the trial reopened on 6 march. 审判于 3 月 6 日再次进行。 (finance 金融) [transitive] in the us, to issue additional amounts of an existing bond, etc. with the same maturity date and rate of interest as the original 增额发行,增补发行(债券等) ▸ reopening /riːəʊpənɪŋ; name -oʊ-/ noun [uncountable; singular] ◆the reopening of merger talks 并购谈判的恢复☞ reopenreopen /riːəʊpən; name riːoʊpən/ [transitive, intransitive] (especially written) to deal with or start sth again after a period of time; to start again after a period of time重新处理;再次开始;恢复◆the police have decided to reopen the file on the missing girl.警方已重新立案调查那名女孩的失踪。◆the trial reopened on 6 march.审判在 3 月 6 日再次进行。ⓘ people typically reopen sth such as a debate, a discussion, an issue, a controversy, an argument, a case, a file, negotiations or talks. * reopen 常接 debate、discussion、issue、controversy、 argument、case、file、negotiation 或 talk 等宾语。reopen/ˌri:ˈəʊpən ||; riˈopən/verb[t] 1. to open a shop/store, theatre, etc again, or to be opened again, after being closed for a period of time 重新开业;重新开放: ◇the school was reopened just two weeks after the fire. 火灾之后仅两个星期,这所学校就重新开学了。◇the store will reopen at 9 a.m. on january 2. 商店将于元月 2 号上午 9 点重新开业。 2. to deal with or begin sth again after a period of time; to start again after a period of time 重新处理;再次开始;恢复: ◇to reopen an argument/a discussion/a debate 重新开始争论/讨论/辩论 ◇the police have decided to reopen the case. 警方已经决定重新审理这个案子了。 reopen old wounds to remind sb of sth unpleasant that happened or existed in the past 揭旧伤疤➔reopening noun [u,sing]reopensee ⇨ continue 8     • • •• ⇨ open/reopen old wounds




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