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单词 possession
释义 possession noun¹ 1having/owning sth拥有adjective | verb + possession | possession + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤exclusive, sole独有◆they had exclusive possession of the property as tenants.作为业主,他们对房产享有独有权。➤illegal, unlawful (especially bre, both law法律) 非法拥有◆they were charged with unlawful possession of firearms.他们被指控非法持有枪支。➤drug持有毒品➤cannabis, marijuana (especially name) , etc.持有大麻等verb + possession➤gain, get, obtain获得▸➤have有所有权▸➤take取得所有权◆when do you take possession of your new house?你什么时候能拿到新房子?➤keep, retain保持控制◆the team was struggling to retain possession of the ball.该队拚命想保住对球的控制。➤lose失去所有权possession + noun➤order (bre, law法律) 占有决议◆the judge made a possession order against the tenant.法官作出了租户不享有所有权的决议。preposition➤in possession of sth持有⋯◆passengers must be in possession of a valid passport.乘客必须持有有效的护照。➤in your possession占有◆they have in their possession some very valuable pictures.他们藏有一些非常珍贵的照片。phrases➤in full possession of sth完全占有⋯◆anyone in full possession of the facts would see that we are right.任何了解全部事实的人都会明白我们是正确的。possession noun² 2sth that sb has/owns所有物adjective | verb + possession adjective➤family, personal, private家庭/个人/私人财产▸➤precious, prized, treasured, valuable, valued珍贵的/心爱的/珍视的/有价值的/珍藏的财物◆the sports car was her proudest possession.那辆跑车是她最引以为傲的财产。➤material, worldly财物◆he carried all his worldly possessions in an old suitcase.他将所有的个人财物放在一只旧手提箱里拎着。➤colonial, overseas殖民地;海外领地◆the country's overseas possessions (= colonies) 该国的海外领地verb + possession➤acquire得到财产▸➤have拥有财产▸➤collect (especially bre) 积聚财产➤sell卖掉财产▸➤lose失去财产 possession /pəzeʃn/ noun1. [uncountable] the state of having or owning sth 具有;拥有◆if the loan is not repaid, the bank may take possession of the company's assets. 如果不偿还贷款,银行可以没收公司的资产。2. [countable, usually plural] something that you own or have with you at a particular time 个人财产;私人物品◆please remember to take your possessions with you. 请记住带走你的随身个人物品。 immediate possession ◇ vacant possession ☞ possessionpossession [countable, usually plural] (formal) a country that is owned and governed by another country殖民地;托管地;属地◆the former colonial possessions are now independent states.这些前殖民地现已是独立的国家。note 辨析 colony or possession? colony is used especially to talk about a country that many people moved to in order to make a new permanent home. a colony is usually far away from the country that controls it. possession is often used in the plural to talk about all the countries and areas that make up a powerful country's empire. * colony 尤指很多人移居过去并打算长久定居的殖民地国家,通常远离控制它的宗主国。possession 常用复数形式,指组成一个强大帝国的所有国家和地区。possession [countable, usually plural] something that you own, especially sth that can be moved(尤指可以拿走的)个人财产,私人物品◆the ring is one of her most treasured / prized possessions.这枚戒指是她最珍贵的财产之一。◆prisoners were allowed no personal possessions.囚犯不允许携带任何个人财物。  ➡ see also possess → have 1 possession/pəˈzeʃn ||; pəˈzɛʃən/noun1. [u] the state of having or owning sth 有;持有;拥有;占有: ◇the gang were caught in possession of stolen goods. 那帮人持有赃物,当场被捉。◇enemy forces managed to take possession of the town. 敌军攻占了那个市镇。 2. [c] [] something that you have or own 所有物;财产;财物: ◇bud packed all his possessions and left. 巴德收拾好他的所有财物后便走了。 possession• ⇨ have sth in your possession pos·ses·sion /pə`zɛʃən; pəˈzeʃən/n 1. [c usually plural 一般用复数] something that you own 拥有物; 财产,财物:◇when they left, they had to sell most of their possessions. 他们走之前只得把大部分东西卖了。 2. [u] formal when you have or own something 【正式】 拥有,占有:◇in possession of sth (=having something) 藏有[持有]某物: he was found in possession of stolen goods. 他被发现藏有赃物。◇have sth in your possession i have in my possession a number of secret documents. 我掌握着一些机密文件。◇take possession of sth (=start to own something, or take something from someone) 拥有某物,占有某物: when do you actually take possession of the house? 你何时才能真正拥有这房子? ☞ possession




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