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单词 music
释义 music noun¹ 1arrangement of sounds for singing/playing音乐adjective | ... of music | verb + music | music + verb | music + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤beautiful, fine, good, great, wonderful优美的/悦耳的/动听的/绝妙的/美妙的音乐➤loud响亮的音乐➤quiet, soft, sweet轻柔的音乐;甜美的音乐◆the soft background music made her feel sleepy.轻柔的背景音乐令她昏昏欲睡。➤ambient氛围音乐➤heavy重型音乐◆heavy music thundered from the basement.地下室传来重型音乐的轰隆声。➤light轻音乐➤serious严肃音乐➤cool, funky时髦的/节奏感强的音乐➤dramatic, lively, upbeat激烈的/活泼的/欢快的音乐➤tonal调性音乐➤atonal, twelve-tone无调性/十二音音乐▸➤contrapuntal, polyphonic复调音乐▸➤live现场演奏的音乐➤recorded录制的音乐➤background背景音乐➤canned, elevator, piped (bre) 预先录制的音乐;电梯音乐;(公共场合喇叭播放的)背景音乐▸➤band, choral, instrumental, orchestral, symphonic军乐;合唱曲;器乐;管弦乐;交响乐➤guitar, keyboard, organ, piano, vocal, etc.吉他曲、键盘音乐、风琴曲、钢琴曲、声乐等➤chamber室内乐➤church, liturgical, religious, sacred教堂音乐;礼拜仪式上的音乐;宗教音乐;圣乐➤secular世俗音乐➤mood情绪音乐➤film, movie (especially name) 电影音乐▸➤ballet, incidental, theme芭蕾舞曲;配乐;主题音乐◆the incidental music for a radio play广播剧配乐➤acoustic, computer, digital, electronic, online原声/电脑/数字/电子/在线音乐➤african, indian, irish, western, etc.非洲、印度、爱尔兰、西方等音乐▸➤mainstream, traditional主流/传统音乐➤alternative, underground另类/地下音乐➤urban城市音乐➤period某个历史时期特有的音乐◆the movie uses appropriate period music.该影片使用了符合那个时期特点的音乐。➤experimental实验音乐➤avant-garde, baroque, classical, contemporary, early, medieval, modern先锋/巴罗克/古典/当代/早期/中世纪/现代音乐➤popular流行音乐▸➤black, country, dance, disco, folk, gospel, heavy metal, hip-hop, house, indie, jazz, pop, rap, reggae, rock, soul, techno, world, etc.黑人音乐、乡村音乐、舞曲、迪斯科音乐、民间音乐、福音音乐、重金属音乐、嘻哈音乐、家庭音乐、独立音乐、爵士乐、流行乐、说唱乐、雷鬼乐、摇滚乐、灵乐、高技术舞曲、世界音乐等... of music➤piece一首乐曲▸➤bar, line一节/一段音乐verb + music➤listen to听音乐◆listening to music is a great way to relax.听音乐是一种很好的放松方式。➤hear听到音乐◆she could hear loud music from the party upstairs.她能听到楼上聚会传来的喧闹的音乐声。➤make, perform, play, sing演奏音乐;演唱歌曲◆we love to make music as a family.我们喜欢全家人一起演奏乐曲。➤play, put on播放音乐◆put some music on, would you? (= play a cd, etc.) 放点儿音乐好吗?➤blare, blare out, blast, blast out, pump out放出响亮刺耳的音乐;播出震耳欲聋的音乐◆bars and nightclubs blaring music late into the night音乐声震耳欲聋一直响到深夜的酒吧和夜总会➤download下载音乐➤turn down, turn up调低/调高音乐音量◆could you turn that music down?你能把音乐音量调低吗?➤compose, write谱曲;作曲➤arrange, score编配乐曲➤put sth to, set sth to为⋯谱曲◆schubert set several poems by goethe to music.舒伯特为歌德的几首诗谱了曲。➤create, produce创作音乐◆the city has produced a lot of good music.这座城市涌现出很多优秀音乐作品。➤provide提供音乐◆a beach party with music provided by a local band由当地乐队演奏音乐的沙滩派对➤release发布音乐➤distribute分销音乐➤broadcast广播音乐➤record录制音乐➤burn刻录音乐◆i use my laptop to burn music to a cd.我用笔记本电脑刻录音乐光盘。➤rip翻录音乐◆software that rips music from cds能从光盘上翻录音乐的软件➤be into (informal) , enjoy, like, love对音乐极感兴趣;喜爱音乐;热爱音乐◆she's really into indie music.她对独立音乐十分着迷。➤appreciate欣赏音乐◆the ability to appreciate music is largely learnt.音乐鉴赏能力主要靠后天学习。➤pirate, steal盗版/剽窃音乐music + verb➤sound音乐响起◆the music sounded vibrant and loud.那音乐听起来活泼而洪亮。➤play音乐播放◆calypso music played faintly in the distance.远处隐隐约约播放着卡利普索小调。➤blare, blast, boom, pound, pump音乐声响亮刺耳/震耳欲聋/低沉震撼/轰鸣/声震四邻◆disco music blaring out of the open windows of a car车窗开着,传来震耳欲聋的迪斯科音乐➤come, drift, emanate, flow, waft音乐传来;音乐飘来;音乐流动◆the music was coming from next door.音乐声是从隔壁传来的。➤fill sth音乐充满⋯◆music filled the air.空气中充满了音乐声。➤drown sb/sth out音乐声淹没⋯➤fade, fade away, fade out音乐声渐渐消失➤accompany sth音乐为⋯伴奏◆the music which accompanied the dance为舞蹈伴奏的音乐➤emerge from sth音乐自⋯传开◆the music emerging from the cities of america从美国城市传出来的音乐➤evoke sth, inspire sth音乐唤起⋯/激发⋯➤reflect sth音乐反映⋯music + noun➤biz (informal) , business, industry音乐行业➤scene音乐界◆rio's live music scene里约充满活力的音乐界➤world乐坛◆she is a rising star in the music world.她是乐坛一颗冉冉升起的明星。➤genre音乐类型➤press音乐媒体◆the album has been praised in the music press.这张专辑受到音乐媒体的好评。➤magazine音乐杂志➤charts音乐排行榜◆the band are number one in the music charts.这个乐队高居音乐排行榜榜首。➤award音乐奖➤concert, event, festival音乐会;音乐盛会;音乐节➤collection乐曲集➤appreciation音乐欣赏➤aficionado, buff, enthusiast, fan, lover音乐狂;音乐迷;狂热的音乐爱好者;乐迷;音乐爱好者➤composer, critic, director, journalist, mogul, producer, promoter, teacher作曲家;乐评人;音乐指挥;音乐记者;音乐巨头;音乐制作人;音乐推广人;音乐教师◆the choir's music director合唱团的指挥➤group音乐团体➤legend, star音乐传奇/明星◆music legend, elvis presley音乐传奇人物埃尔维斯・普雷斯利(即“猫王”)➤label音乐唱片公司➤cd音乐光盘➤video音乐电视➤download, file音乐下载/文件➤album, track音乐专辑;专辑中的单曲➤channel, station音乐频道;音乐台➤retailer, shop, store (especially name) 唱片零售商;唱片店;唱片商店▸➤room, studio音乐室;音乐制作室➤venue音乐演出场所➤library音乐图书馆➤piracy音乐盗版➤education音乐教育➤academy, college, school音乐学院;音乐学校➤class, lesson, workshop音乐班;音乐课;音乐研讨班➤therapy音乐疗法preposition➤to (the) music随着音乐◆to dance to the music在音乐伴奏下跳舞phrases➤in time to (the) music合着音乐节拍◆they did their exercises in time to the music.他们合着音乐的节拍做操。➤music and song音乐和歌曲◆an evening of scottish music and song苏格兰音乐和歌曲晚会➤the sound of music音乐声◆the sound of pop music drifted through the open window.流行音乐从敞开的窗户飘进来。➤a style of music音乐风格▸➤taste in music对音乐的喜好◆her taste in music was eclectic.她的音乐口味很杂。➤words and music词曲◆he made up the words and music for the song.他为这首歌作词并谱曲。  ➡ note at subject (for more verbs and nouns) music noun² 2written signs that represent musical sounds乐谱adjective | ... of music | verb + music | music + noun | preposition adjective➤printed, sheet印制的/活页乐谱... of music➤bar, line, sheet一节/一行/一张乐谱verb + music➤read识乐谱◆can you read music?你识谱吗?music + noun➤score总谱➤stand乐谱架◆i pulled the lyrics out and laid them on the music stand.我拽出歌词页,放到了乐谱架上。➤publisher, publishing乐谱出版商/出版preposition➤music for适合⋯的乐谱◆music for piano, cello and voice适合钢琴、大提琴和演唱的乐谱➤with music, without music有乐谱;没有乐谱◆he played the piece without music.他没用乐谱直接演奏了这一作品。 music nounmusic ♦︎ singing ♦︎ song ♦︎ harmony ♦︎ melodythese are all words for musical sounds.这些词均表示音乐、乐声。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆beautiful music / singing / harmony◆choral / folk music / singing◆to hear music / singing of sth◆to listen to music / singing / the harmony / the melody■ music [uncountable] sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to, and that can be sung or played on musical instruments音乐;乐曲◆pop / dance / classical / church music流行音乐;舞曲;古典/教堂音乐◆it was a charming piece of music.那是一段迷人的音乐。◆he wrote the music but i don't know who wrote the words.是他谱的曲,但我不知道歌词出自何人。◆the poem has been set to music.这首诗被谱了曲。◆every week they get together to make music (= to play music or sing).每个星期他们都聚在一起玩音乐。▸ musical adjective◆musical instruments乐器◆she had a low, musical voice that thrilled him to hear.她的嗓音低沉悦耳,他一听就非常激动。■ singing [uncountable] the activity of making musical sounds with your voice唱歌;歌唱◆there was singing and dancing all night.通宵都有歌舞。◆she has a beautiful singing voice.她有一副唱歌的好嗓子。 ➡ see also sing → sing ■ song [uncountable] the act of singing; singing when considered generally唱歌;(统称)歌唱◆the story is told through song and dance.故事是通过歌舞的形式来表现的。◆suddenly he burst into song (= started to sing).突然间,他放声唱了起来。■ harmony /hɑːməni; name hɑːrməni/ [uncountable, countable] the way in which different notes that are played or sung at the same time combine to make a pleasing sound和声◆they began to sing in perfect four-part harmony.他们开始以完美的四部和声演唱。◆with their tight vocal harmonies it is easy to understand the group's appeal.这支合唱组合的和声演唱紧密契合,不难理解他们为何如此受欢迎。■ melody /melədi/ [uncountable] the way in which different notes are played or sung one after another to make a tune乐曲的音符编排◆a few bars of melody drifted towards us.我们听到几小节乐曲从远处传来。music [uncountable] sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to, and that can be sung or played on musical instruments音乐;乐曲◆pop / dance / classical / church music流行音乐;舞曲;古典/教堂音乐◆it was a charming piece of music.那是一段迷人的音乐。◆he wrote the music but i don't know who wrote the words.是他谱的曲,但我不知道歌词出自何人。◆the poem has been set to music.这首诗被谱了曲。◆every week they get together to make music (= to play music or sing).每个星期他们都聚在一起玩音乐。▸ musical adjective◆musical instruments乐器◆she had a low, musical voice that thrilled him to hear.她的嗓音低沉悦耳,他一听就非常激动。music/ˈmju:zɪk ||; ˈmjuzɪk/noun[u] 1. an arrangement of sounds in patterns to be sung or played on instruments 音乐: ◇what sort of music do you like? 你喜欢哪类音乐呢?◇classical/folk/pop/rock/world music 古典╱民间╱流行╱摇滚╱世界音乐◇to write/compose music 作曲◇a music lesson/teacher 音乐课;音乐老师 2. the written signs that represent the sounds of music 乐谱;曲谱: ◇can you read music? 你能看乐谱吗? ☞pictures on page 776 and 777 见776及777页插图 music1 music2 a piece of music3 to play music4 someone who plays music5 to write music6 someone who writes music7 a public performance of musicrelated wordssee alsosing,dance,sound,television/radio,perform/performance,1. music 音乐 music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ [uncountable noun] the sounds made by people singing or playing musical instruments, or the art and skill of writing, playing, or singing these sounds 音乐,乐曲 what kinds of music do you like? 你喜欢哪类音乐? the music was so loud you couldn't carry on a conversation. 音乐声这么响让人没法交谈。 would you like to listen to some music? 你想听些音乐吗? the royal college of music 皇家音乐学院 did you study music at school? 你在学校里学过音乐吗?live music music that is not recorded 现场演奏的音乐 the club has live music every saturday night. 这家俱乐部每星期六晚都有乐师现场演奏音乐。rock/pop/country/classical etc music i've never been a big fan of country music. 我向来不太喜欢乡村音乐。 musical /ˈmjuːzɪkəl/ [adjective usually before noun] relating to music 音乐的 do you play a musical instrument? 你会演奏乐器吗? her teachers told her she had no musical ability whatsoever. 老师们告诉她,她丝毫没有音乐天分。 o'connor uses a wide variety of musical styles in his performances. 奥康纳演奏时采纳了各种各样的音乐风格。 note /nəʊt/ [countable noun] a single musical sound 音符 it is amazing how expressive she makes each note sound. 她让每个音符听起来都抒发思想感情,令人惊叹。 some of the singers had a little trouble with the high notes. 有的歌手唱高音有些困难。 tune /tjuːnǁtuːn/ [countable noun] the main series of notes in a piece of music - use this especially when you think it is nice to listen to 调子,曲调,旋律[尤用于认为悦耳] the music box plays the tune ‘send in the clowns.’ 这只音乐盒奏的曲调是《让小丑登场》。 i've heard that tune before, but i don't know the words to the song. 那段旋律我以前听到过,但我不知道这首歌的歌词。 melody /ˈmelədi/ [countable/uncountable noun] the main series of notes in a piece of music that has many lines being played at the same time 主旋律,曲调 the song has a simple melody and beautiful lyrics. 这首歌旋律质朴,歌词优美。 melody is not the central element in martino's compositions - rhythm is more important. 马蒂诺的曲子中旋律不是关键性因素,节奏才更重要。 harmony /ˈhɑːʳməni/ [countable/uncountable noun] the chords or lines of music that accompany support the melody 和声 the harmonies in her symphonies are wonderfully rich. 她的交响乐中和声极为丰富。 all first year music students are required to take a class in harmony. 所有学习音乐的一年级学生都要上和声课。 rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ [countable/uncountable noun] a pattern of beats in music, that comes from the arrangement of the notes, the time between them, and the emphasis each note is given 节奏 you need to feel the rhythm of the music in order to dance properly. 要把舞步踏准就要感觉音乐的节奏。 the band's music is known for its fiery latin rhythms. 这个乐队的音乐以其火辣辣的拉丁节奏而闻名。 beat /biːt/ [singular noun] the main rhythm that a piece of music has 节拍,拍子 jessica moved her hips to the beat of the music. 杰茜卡随着乐曲的节拍扭动臀部。 their new song has a good beat that you can dance to. 他们的新歌节拍很不错,你可以跟着跳舞。2. a piece of music 一首乐曲 piece/piece of music /piːs, ˌpiːs əv ˈmjuːzɪk/ [countable noun] an arrangement of musical notes that has been written by someone - use this about music without words 乐曲,曲子[指不带歌词的乐曲] the cd contains two pieces performed by the tokyo string quartet. 这张唱片收有东京弦乐四重奏组演奏的两首乐曲。 it's difficult to know ahead of time whether an audience will like a new piece of music. 事先很难知道听众是否会喜欢一首新曲子。 song /sɒŋǁsɔːŋ/ [countable noun] a short piece of music with words for singing 歌曲,歌 that's a pretty song - where did you learn it? 那首歌真好听,你从哪儿学来的? the song ‘yesterday’ is one of the most often recorded songs in the world. 《昨日》这首歌是世界上最经常灌录的歌曲之一。 in the evenings we'd sit around the campfire and sing songs. 晚上我们就围坐在篝火旁唱歌。 composition /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃənǁˌkɑːm-/ [countable noun] a piece of music - use this when you are considering the way the music is written 音乐作品,曲子 stone's composition ‘idaho’ became a national hit when benny goodman recorded it for columbia. 斯通的作品《爱达荷》经本尼·古德曼为哥伦比亚唱片公司录音之后就成了全国走红的热门曲子了。 zwilich's flute concerto was nominated for best contemporary classical composition. 兹维利奇的长笛协奏曲被提名角逐“最优秀现代古典音乐作品”奖。 work /wɜːʳk/ [countable noun] a piece of music, especially a long classical one - use this in written or formal contexts 作品,曲子[尤指长篇古典音乐,通常为书面或正式用语] the performance began with two of mozart's early works. 此次演出以两首莫扎特的早期作品开场。 handel's ‘messiah’ is one of the most majestic musical works ever written. 汉德尔的《弥赛亚》是有史以来最为庄严宏伟的音乐作品之一。 number /ˈnʌmbəʳ/ [countable noun] a piece of popular music that forms part of a longer performance [演出中的]一首流行乐曲,歌曲 ‘the show's not very good.’ ‘we can leave after this number if you want.’ “演出不怎么样。”“你愿意的话这首唱完我们就走。” nell carter also appeared and performed a couple of upbeat numbers. 内尔·卡特也出场演唱了几首欢快的歌曲。3. to play music 演奏音乐 play /pleɪ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make music on a musical instrument 演奏[乐器] do you play in an orchestra? 你在管弦乐队里演奏吗? charles likes to play celtic music on his flute. 查尔斯喜欢用长笛吹奏凯尔特音乐。play the piano/trumpet/drums etc i didn't know you could play the violin. 我不知道你会拉小提琴。 perform /pəʳˈfɔːʳm/ [intransitive/transitive verb] formal to sing or play music in front of people who have come to listen 【正式】演唱;演奏 she still gets very nervous about performing in public. 她对公开演奏仍感到非常紧张。 the orchestra will be at the festival hall tonight, performing a selection of works by russian composers. 今晚该乐队将在节日音乐厅演奏几首精选的俄罗斯作曲家的作品。 on (the) drums/guitar/keyboards etc /ɒn (ðə) ˈdrʌmz/ [adverb] playing a particular instrument in a band [在乐队中]打鼓/弹吉他/弹奏键盘乐器等 when they perform, barbara sings and her older sister suzie is on drums. 她们演出时由芭芭拉唱歌,她姐姐苏茜打鼓。 the recording features norman simmons on piano and henry johnson on guitar. 这首乐曲中诺曼·西蒙斯弹钢琴,亨利·约翰逊弹奏吉他。 improvise /ˈɪmprəvaɪz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to perform music by creating it from your imagination while you play or sing 即兴演奏[演唱] you can't play jazz unless you can improvise. 除非你会即兴演奏,否则就不能演奏爵士乐。 mike improvised a little farewell song at the end of the evening. 晚会的最后迈克即兴演唱了一首短小的告别歌。 jam /dʒæm/ [intransitive verb usually in progressive] to play jazz or rock music with other people in an informal way, without planning what you are going to play [爵士乐或摇滚乐的]即兴合奏 some guys are getting together tonight at scott's to jam. 今晚一些人聚集在斯科特家即兴演奏。jam with matthews used to jam with drummer carter beauford and saxophonist leroi moore. 马修斯过去常和鼓手卡特·博福德及萨克斯管手雷罗伊·穆尔一起即兴演奏。jam session an occasion when a group of musicians jam 即兴合奏会 all-night jam sessions were common in kansas city jazz clubs of the 1930s. 20世纪30年代时通宵即兴合奏会在堪萨斯城的爵士乐俱乐部是很常见的。 play by ear /ˌpleɪ baɪ ˈɪəʳ/ [verb phrase] to play a song or piece of music from memory without reading the written music 凭记忆演奏,不看乐谱演奏 he never took piano lessons - he just plays by ear. 他从没上过钢琴课,他只是凭听觉记忆的演奏。 with the suzuki method, a child is trained to play by ear at an early age without any written music. 按铃木教学法,小儿不需乐谱只凭耳朵学习如何演奏。4. someone who plays music 演奏音乐的人 musician /mjuːˈzɪʃənǁmjʊ-/ [countable noun] someone who plays a musical instrument very well or someone who does this as their job 乐师,音乐家 ellen is one of our most talented young musicians. 埃伦是我们最有才华的年轻乐师之一。 the group is made up of local musicians who have been performing together for several years. 这个乐队由本地乐师组成,他们在一起演奏已有几年了。 performer /pəʳˈfɔːʳməʳ/ [countable noun] someone who sings or plays a musical instrument in order to entertain people 表演者;演奏[唱]者 most performers feel nervous before they go on stage. 大多数表演者上台之前都会感到紧张。 the festival provides an opportunity to hear some fine blues performers at reasonable prices. 这次音乐节以合理的票价提供了一次聆听几位优秀布鲁斯演奏家演奏的机会。 player /ˈpleɪəʳ/ [countable noun] guitar/piano/trumpet etc player someone who plays a particular musical instrument simpson is a talented singer and piano player. 辛普森是位天赋很高的歌手及钢琴演奏家。 she sang ‘i'll fly away,’ accompanied by two guitar players. 在两名吉他手的伴奏下,她唱了《我欲远走高飞》。 accompanist /əˈkʌmpənɪst, əˈkʌmpənəst/ [countable noun] someone who plays a musical instrument while someone else sings or plays the main tune 伴奏者 i'd be happy to sing, but i'll need an accompanist. 我很乐意唱,但需要一个伴奏者。 pianist tommy flanagan is among the finest accompanists in jazz history. 钢琴手汤米·弗拉纳根是爵士乐史上最出色的伴奏者之一。 soloist /ˈsəʊləʊɪst, ˈsəʊləʊəst/ [countable noun] someone who plays or sings the main part of a piece of music alone, or with a musical group supporting them 独奏者,独唱者 there will be four soloists in tonight's performance. 今晚的演奏会上将有四位独奏者。 violin soloist jessica solano will perform mozart's concerto no. 4. 小提琴独奏家杰茜卡·索拉诺将演奏莫扎特的《第四小提琴协奏曲》。 street musician also busker british /ˈstriːt mjuːˌzɪʃənǁ-mjʊ-, ˈbʌskəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who plays music in a public place such as a street or railway station, so that people will give them money 街头音乐家,卖唱歌手 a street musician sat on the other side of the courtyard, banging a drum. 一名街头演奏家坐在院子的另一头打鼓。 in the summer, buskers fill the town's streets and public squares. 夏季,镇子的街道上和公共广场上到处都是街头艺人。5. to write music 创作音乐 write /raɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to write a song or a piece of music 作曲,谱曲 i wrote the next song for my wife. 下面一首歌曲我是写给妻子的。 an opera written by verdi 威尔第创作的一部歌剧 i sit at the piano when i write. 我作曲时坐在钢琴边。 compose /kəmˈpəʊz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to write a piece of music, especially classical music 作曲,谱曲[尤指古典音乐] glass composed the music for cocteau's movie. 格拉斯为科克托的电影配乐。 a song composed by schubert 舒伯特谱写的一首歌曲 the children will now play some pieces that they composed themselves. 孩子们现在要演奏几首自己谱的曲子。 dario composes for a living. 达里奥以谱曲为生。 set/put something to music /ˌset, ˌpʊt something tə ˈmjuːzɪk/ [verb phrase] to write music so that the words of a play, poem etc can be sung 给…配乐,为…谱曲 the greek tragedy ‘elektra’ was set to music by richard strauss. 古希腊悲剧《埃莱克特拉》被理查德·斯特劳斯配了音乐。 she sat at the piano for hours, putting one of her poems to music. 她一连在钢琴前坐了很多小时为自己的一首诗谱曲。6. someone who writes music 作曲的人 composer /kəmˈpəʊzəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who writes music, especially classical music 作曲家[尤创作古典音乐者] henry purcell was one of the greatest english composers. 亨利·普赛尔是英国最伟大的作曲家之一。 amelia likes german composers, particularly wagner. 阿梅莉亚喜欢德国作曲家,尤其是瓦格纳。 songwriter /ˈsɒŋˌraɪtəʳǁˈsɔːŋ-/ [countable noun] someone who writes songs 歌曲作者,歌曲作家 most of elton john's early hits were written by songwriter bernie taupin. 埃尔顿·约翰的大部分受欢迎的早期歌曲都是歌曲作家贝尔尼·托潘创作的。singer-songwriter someone who writes songs and sings them 歌手兼歌曲作家 music on the show is performed by singer-songwriter vonda shepard. 节目中的音乐是由歌手兼歌曲作家冯达·谢泼德演唱的。7. a public performance of music 公开演出音乐 concert /ˈkɒnsəʳtǁˈkɑːn-/ [countable noun] a performance given by musicians 音乐会 there's a free band concert in reid park this afternoon. 今天下午在里德公园内有一场免费的乐队音乐会。 amanda has a solo in the school chorus concert this year. 今年的学校合唱音乐会上阿曼达要唱一段独唱。concert of various performers will present a concert of broadway music to benefit aids charities. 好几位表演者将举行一场音乐会,演奏百老汇音乐来赞助艾滋病慈善机构。go to a concert on friday we're going to a concert of modern african music. 星期五我们要去听一场现代非洲音乐会。 go to see /ˌgəʊ tə ˈsiː/ [verb phrase] to go to see a particular singer or band perform - use this especially about going to see modern popular musicians 去听,去看[某一歌手或乐队演出,尤指现代流行音乐表演者] are you going to see britney spears this weekend? 本周末你打算去听布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的演唱吗? performance /pəʳˈfɔːʳməns/ [countable noun] when a musician or group of musicians performs a piece of music 演出;演奏;演唱 there are no tickets left for this evening's performance. 今晚的演出已经没余票了。performance of it is the first performance of berlioz's requiem in this city in over 20 years. 20多年来柏辽兹的《安魂曲》是首次在这座城市演出。live performance a performance that is not recorded 现场演奏 have you ever heard a live performance of beethoven's seventh symphony? 你听过贝多芬的《第七交响曲》的现场演奏吗? gig /gɪg/ [countable noun] informal a performance by a musician or group of musicians playing modern popular music or jazz 【非正式】[现代流行音乐或爵士乐的]演奏会;演唱会 we have a gig in l.a. on thursday. 星期四我们在洛杉矶开一场演唱会。do/play a gig perform at a concert 开演奏会[演唱会] they are doing about 30 gigs on their european tour. 他们在欧洲巡回演出时要开大约30场演唱会。 festival /ˈfestɪvəl, ˈfestəvəl/ [countable noun] an event lasting for a few days or weeks each year, in which many different musical groups or singers perform. it takes place in the same place every year [每年一度的]音乐节 i first heard them play at the pittsburgh jazz festival. 我第一次听他们演奏是在匹兹堡爵士音乐节上。 are you going to the glastonbury festival this year? 今年你打算去参加格拉斯顿伯里音乐节吗? mu·sic /`mjuzɪk; ˈmjuːzɪk/n [u] 1. a pattern of sounds made by people playing musical instruments or singing 音乐; 乐曲; 歌曲:◇what kind of music do you like? 你喜欢哪种音乐?◇piece of music my favorite piece of music is vivaldi's 'four seasons'. 我最喜欢的乐曲是维瓦尔第的《四季》。 2. the art of writing or playing music 音乐艺术:◇music lessons 音乐课 3. a set of written marks that can be read as musical sounds 乐谱,曲谱:◇paul has never been able to read music. (=understand written music) 保罗从不懂看乐谱。 4. face the music to admit that you have done something wrong and accept your punishment 为自己的错误承担后果 ☞ music




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