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单词 fond
释义 fond adjective fond of sb/sth verbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem喜爱;似乎喜欢▸➤become, grow逐渐喜欢▸➤remain一直喜爱adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常喜爱▸➤especially, genuinely, immensely, particularly尤其喜欢;真心喜欢;十分喜爱;特别钟爱◆she seems genuinely fond of the children.她看上去真心喜欢这些小孩。fond [only before noun] showing love and affection for sb/sth深情的;温情的;慈爱的◆she waved a fond farewell to her parents and sister.她挥手与父母和妹妹深情告别。◆i have very fond memories of my time in spain (= i remember it with affection and pleasure).我十分怀念在西班牙度过的美好时光。ⓘ you can use fond to describe a person. * fond 可用于描述一个人◆a fond father / mother慈爱的父亲/母亲but it is more often used to describe things or actions that result from a person's feelings.但更常用于描述因喜爱而产生的事物或行为◆a fond look / smile / memory慈爱的目光/微笑;温馨的记忆  ➡ see also be fond of sth → like verb ▸ fondly adverb◆he looked at her fondly.他深情地望着她。◆she is still fondly remembered by her former students.她以前的学生仍然十分想念她。fond/fɒnd ||; fɑnd/adj1. (not before a noun 不用于名词前) fond of sb/sth;fond of doing sth liking a person or thing, or liking doing sth 喜欢某人或某事物;喜欢做某事: ◇elephants are very fond of bananas. 大象很喜欢吃香蕉。◇i'm not very fond of getting up early. 我不大喜欢早起。◇teachers often grow fond of their students. 老师往往会喜欢上他们的学生。 2. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) kind and loving 柔情的;情深的: ◇i have fond memories of my grandmother. 我的祖母给我留下了温馨的回忆。 fond /fɑnd; fɒnd/adj 1. be fond of to like someone or something very much 喜爱[某人或某事]:◇mrs winters is very fond of her grandchildren. 温特斯夫人非常宠爱她的孙儿。 2. be fond of doing sth to enjoy doing something, or to do something often 喜欢做某事; 经常做某事:◇they're fond of using legal jargon. 他们喜欢使用法律术语。 3. fond memories of if you have fond memories of something, it makes you happy when you think of it …的美好记忆:◇i have fond memories of my time at oxford. 在牛津的那段日子给我留下愉快的回忆。 4. fond hope/belief/wish something you hope or wish were true, but probably is not 盲目的希望/信念/愿望 5. a fond look is kind and gentle and shows that you like someone very much [目光]深情的,柔情的 ☞ fond




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