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单词 sorrow
释义 sorrow nounadjective | verb + sorrow | preposition | phrases adjective➤deep, genuine, great, immense, profound, terrible, tremendous, unbearable深切的悲痛;巨大的悲痛;万分悲痛;难以承受的悲痛◆he wrote to the dead man's mother expressing his deep sorrow.他写信给死者的母亲表达他深切的悲痛。verb + sorrow➤feel感到悲伤◆i felt no sorrow for her.我并不为她感到悲伤。➤express表达悲痛▸➤share分担悲痛◆she wanted to share his sorrow.她想分担他的悲痛。➤hide掩藏悲伤◆i couldn't hide my sorrow and anger.我无法掩藏我的悲伤与愤怒。➤drown (figurative) 借酒浇愁◆alex decided to drown his sorrows in beer.亚历克斯决定要借啤酒来浇愁。➤bring, cause带来/造成不幸◆the war brought sorrow to millions.战争给数以百万计的人带来了不幸。preposition➤to sb's sorrow令某人悲伤的是◆to his great sorrow he could not remember his mother.令他难过万分的是他记不起他的母亲了。➤with sorrow悲伤地◆they accepted the decision with sorrow.他们伤心地接受了这个决定。➤sorrow at因⋯感到悲伤◆his sorrow at having to quit his job他对不得不辞去职务感到的悲伤phrases➤an expression of sorrow, a look of sorrow悲痛的表情◆his eyes took on an expression of sorrow.他的眼睛充满忧伤。➤a feeling of sorrow, a pang of sorrow一阵悲痛◆claudia felt a deep pang of sorrow for her sister.克劳迪娅为她的姐姐深感悲痛。➤full of sorrow充满悲伤◆he looked at katherine, his eyes full of sorrow.他看着凯瑟琳,眼里充满了忧伤。➤tears of sorrow悲伤的泪水◆tears of relief were mixed with tears of sorrow.宽慰的泪水和悲伤的泪水混在了一起。➤a time of sorrow悲痛的时刻◆this is a time of great sorrow for all the family.这是全家人悲痛万分的时刻。sorrow [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a feeling of great sadness because sth bad has happened; a sad event or situation(因发生不好的事而产生的)悲伤,悲痛;伤心事;不幸◆he found to his sorrow that his childhood home was no longer there.得知他童年时的家已荡然无存,他感到很难过。◆his death was a great sorrow to everyone who knew him.他的死对每一个认识他的人来说都是很悲痛的事。◆it was an opportunity to share the joys and sorrows of the past few months.那是一个机会,得以分享过去几个月的喜悦和悲伤。opp joy → pleasure sorrow/ˈsɒrəʊ ||; ˈsɑro/noun (formal 正式) 1. [u] a feeling of great sadness because sth bad has happened 悲痛;悲哀;忧伤 2. [c] a very sad event or situation 令人哀伤的事 ➔sorrowful adj ➔sorrowfully adv sorrowsee ⇨ sad 8 sor·row /`sɑro; ˈsɒrəʊ/n [c,u]a feeling of great sadness, or an event that makes you feel very sad 悲伤,悲痛; 使悲伤的事,不幸:◇the joys and sorrows of family life 家庭生活的苦和乐




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