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单词 similar
释义 similar adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look, sound, taste相似;感觉近似;看起来类似;听起来类似;尝起来类似➤appear, seem似乎/好像类似➤become变得相似▸➤remain仍然相似adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常相似▸➤remarkably, strikingly极其相似;惊人地相似◆the three portraits are remarkably similar.这 3 幅肖像惊人地相似。➤basically, broadly, essentially, fundamentally, roughly, vaguely基本相似;大致相似;本质上相似;比较类似;有几分相似◆countries with broadly similar characteristics具有大致相似特点的国家➤superficially表面相似◆their experiences are superficially similar.他们的经历表面上看很相似。➤qualitatively, substantially性质上/基本上相似➤surprisingly令人吃惊地相似➤eerily, uncannily怪异地/不寻常地相似◆the scene in the picture was eerily similar to what i had seen in my dream.怪异的是,照片里的情景和我的梦境很相似。preposition➤in在⋯方面相似◆the two houses are similar in size.这两幢房子大小差不多。➤to类似于⋯◆snake meat tastes similar to chicken.蛇肉尝起来跟鸡肉差不多。similaradjectivelike sb/sth but not exactly the same相似的;相仿的;类似的◆we have very similar interests.我们趣味相投。◆my teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.我的教学风格跟大多数教师相似。◆the two houses are similar in size.这两座房子大小差不多。◆the brothers look very similar.兄弟几个长得很像。◆stir the paint with a piece of wood or something similar.用木棒或类似的东西把油漆搅拌一下。opp different , dissimilar → different  ➡ see also similarity → similarity ▸ similarly adverb◆husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妻俩在各自选择的事业上成就不相上下。similar/ˈsɪmələ(r) ||; ˈsɪməlɚ/adj similar (to sb/sth);similar (in sth) like sb/sth but not exactly the same 相似的;类似的: ◇our houses are very similar in size. 我们的房子大小很相似。◇your handwriting is very similar to mine. 你的字迹跟我的很相似。 [opp] different or dissimilar 反义词为different或dissimilar➔similarly adv ◇the plural of ‘shelf’ is ‘shelves’. similarly, the plural of ‘wolf’ is ‘wolves’. shelf的复数是shelves。同样,wolf的复数是wolves。 sim·i·lar /`sɪmələ; ˈsɪmələ/adjalmost the same but not exactly the same 相似的,类似的:◇they came from similar backgrounds. 他们的出身背景差不多。◇+ to your shoes are similar to mine. 你的鞋子和我的鞋子很像。 ☞ similar




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