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单词 put sth forward
释义 ☞ putput sth forwardphrasal verb(putting, put, put) (rather formal) to tell people about a plan or idea for them to discuss, usually so that sth can be decided提出,提议,建议(以便作出决策)◆several suggestions were put forward for possible venues.关于场地,已经提出了几个建议。◆he put forward some very convincing arguments.他提出了一些相当有说服力的论据。note 辨析 propose, suggest or put forward? suggest is often used in less formal situations than propose or put sth forward, especially when making personal suggestions or arrangements.与 propose 和 put sth forward 相比,suggest 常用于不太正式的场合,尤指提出个人的建议和安排◆i suggest that we go out to eat.我提议咱们出去吃。you can say 'i propose that we go out to eat.' but this sounds very formal. put sth forward is not used with i in this way.可以说 i propose that we go out to eat,但这听起来非常正式。表达此义时 put sth forward 的主语不能是 i◆i put forward that we go out to eat. suggest is sometimes less certain than propose or put sth forward: you might suggest sth in order to be helpful, or in a gentle way because you are not sure how welcome your suggestion will be; you are more likely to propose or put sth forward in a confident way and when you definitely want your idea to be accepted. when sth is to be considered in a formal process it is more usual to use propose or put sth forward. * suggest 有时显得不如 propose 或 put sth forward 有把握,suggest 表示提出建议是为了有所帮助,或不清楚他人是否乐于听取而出言谨慎。propose 或 put sth forward 较常指自信地提出建议,绝对希望被采纳。通过正式程序提出建议或动议时较常用 propose 或 put sth forward◆they are ready to discuss plans proposed / put forward by the un.他们准备就联合国提出的方案进行讨论。◆they are ready to discuss plans suggested by the un. you can put forward but not propose or suggest a suggestion or argument. * put forward 可以后接 suggestion 或 argument,但 propose 和 suggest 不可以。 put sth forward 1. to change the time shown on a clock to a later time 把时钟向前拨或拨快;顺拨: ◇we put the clocks forward in spring. 春季时我们把时钟拨快。 [opp] put sth back 反义词为put sth back 2. to suggest sth 提出或建议某事物: ◇she put forward a plan to help the homeless. 她提出一个计划,要帮助无家可归的人。




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