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单词 prediction
释义 prediction nounadjective | verb + prediction | prediction + verb | preposition adjective➤accurate, correct, good, precise, right, successful准确的/正确的/很好的/精确的/没错的/成功的预测◆the best available prediction of future interest rates手头现有的对未来利率的最好的预测◆it turned out my prediction was right.结果证明我的预测是正确的。➤false, incorrect虚假的/错误的预测▸➤dire, gloomy, grim可怕的/悲观的/严峻的预测◆the dire predictions by economists of a worldwide recession经济学家对全球性经济衰退悲观的预测➤optimistic乐观的预测◆the sales results exceeded even the most optimistic predictions.销售业绩甚至超过了最乐观的预测。➤long-term长期的预测▸➤reliable, safe可靠的/无风险的预测▸➤bold, confident大胆的/有把握的预报▸➤definite, firm, specific明确的/坚定的/具体的预测◆in this study, we made no specific predictions about likely outcomes.在这项研究中,我们没有对可能的结果作具体的预测。➤theoretical理论预测◆the discrepancy between the theoretical predictions and the results理论预测和结果之间的差异➤computer计算机预测▸➤earthquake, weather地震/气象预测verb + prediction➤make作出预测➤give, offer给出/提供预测◆could the panel give their prediction as to who he will appoint to the post?委员会可以预测出他会委任谁担任此职位吗?➤test测试预测◆this study tests these predictions.这项研究测试了这些预测。➤confirm, fulfil/fulfill, support确认/履行/支持预测◆the results of the experiment confirmed their predictions.实验结果证实了他们的预测。➤confound, contradict, defy证明预测错误;与预言相抵触;推翻预测◆their success defies the predictions made by most experts.他们的成功使大多数专家的预测落空。prediction + verb➤prove sth, turn out to be sth预言证明⋯;预测结果是⋯◆our prediction turns out to be correct.我们的预测证明是正确的。➤be borne out, come true预言被证实/实现preposition➤amid predictions (especially bre) 在预测中◆six hundred workers there lost their jobs today, amid gloomy predictions that there could be worse to come.今天那里有 600 名工人丢了工作,同时还有各种悲观的传言说更糟的还在后面。➤contrary to a/the prediction与预测相反◆contrary to almost all predictions, however, the government did not fall.与几乎所有的预言相反,政府并没有垮台。➤despite a/the prediction尽管有预言◆despite earlier dire predictions, shares remained steady.尽管早先有一些不祥的预言,股价依旧稳定。➤prediction about关于⋯的预测◆i've learned not to make predictions about the weather.我已经吸取教训,不再预测天气了。➤prediction for就⋯所作的预测◆the government's prediction for unemployment政府的失业预测➤prediction of⋯的预测◆their predictions of future growth他们对未来发展的预测➤prediction on对⋯的预测◆let me get your predictions on the final score.告诉我你对最后比分的预测吧。 prediction /prɪdɪkʃn/ noun [countable, uncountable] a statement that says what you think will happen; the act of making such a statement 预言;预告;预测◆the sales figures confirmed our predictions. 销售数据证实了我们的预测。◆not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve. 没有多少人同意政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。☞ predictionprediction [countable, uncountable] a statement of what you think will happen in the future; the act of making such a statement预言;预测;预告◆not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。◆our prediction turned out to be correct.结果证明我们的预测是对的。◆skilled readers make use of context and prediction.会读书的人利用上下文及推测来理解文意。 ➡ see also predict → predict prediction/prɪˈdɪkʃn ||; prɪˈdɪkʃən/noun [c,u] saying what will happen; what sb thinks will happen 预言;预报;预告;预测: ◇the exam results confirmed my predictions. 考试的结果证明我的预测是正确的。 predictionsee ⇨ predict 3 pre·dic·tion /prɪ`dɪkʃən; prɪˈdɪkʃən/n [c,u]a statement saying what you expect to happen, or when you make this kind of statement 预言,预测:◇make a prediction it's hard to make a prediction about who'll win the championship this year. 今年谁会夺得锦标难以预料。




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