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单词 lecture
释义 lecture noun¹ 1talk given to a group of people讲座adjective | ... of lectures | verb + lecture | lecture + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤fascinating, interesting引人入胜的/有趣的演讲▸➤boring乏味的演讲▸➤formal正式的演讲▸➤illustrated配图讲座▸➤impromptu即兴演讲▸➤guest客座讲座◆a two-day event of guest lectures, seminars and workshops为期两天的客座讲座、研讨会和讲习班➤public公开演讲▸➤annual年度演讲▸➤inaugural, introductory就职/开场演说◆professor pearson gave the inaugural lecture.皮尔逊教授发表了就职演讲。➤keynote, plenary主题演讲;全体出席的讲座▸➤memorial纪念演说▸➤class, classroom (both name) 讲课... of lectures➤course, programme/program, series一次讲座;一系列讲座verb + lecture➤deliver, give, present发表演讲▸➤hold举办讲座◆the society is holding a series of lectures on the subject next term.这个社团下学期要举办有关该主题的系列讲座。➤attend, go to, hear, listen to出席讲座;听讲座▸➤miss, skip错过演讲;听课缺席▸➤prepare, write准备演讲;写演讲稿➤have有课◆i have a lecture at nine tomorrow.我明天 9 点有课。lecture + noun➤course, programme/program, series讲座课程;系列讲座▸➤hall, room, theatre/theater讲堂;演讲室;阶梯教室▸➤notes讲稿▸➤format (especially name) 讲座格式➤tour巡回演讲▸➤circuit巡回讲学◆a familiar figure on the international lecture circuit经常进行国际巡回讲学的人物preposition➤at a/the lecture出席讲座◆she wasn't at the lecture.她没来听讲座。➤during a/the lecture演讲期间◆the fire alarm went during his lecture.他演讲时火警铃响了。➤in a/the lecture在讲座中◆she referred to professor jones's work in her lecture on shakespeare's imagery.她在莎士比亚的意象运用讲座中谈及了琼斯教授的研究。➤lecture by⋯主讲的讲座◆a lecture by professor snow斯诺教授的讲座➤lecture about, lecture on关于⋯的讲座➤lecture to面向⋯的讲座◆a lecture to the darwin society为达尔文学会举行的演讲phrases➤a lecture entitled sth, a lecture titled sth (name) 题为⋯的讲座◆a lecture entitled 'how to prevent food poisoning'题为《怎样防止食物中毒》的讲座➤a lecture on the subject of sth关于⋯主题的演讲lecture noun² 2serious talk to sb about what they have done wrong训斥adjective | verb + lecture | preposition adjective➤little, long小小的/长篇大论的训斥▸➤stern严厉的训斥verb + lecture➤give sb训斥某人◆she gave me a stern lecture on ingratitude.她严厉地数落我如何忘恩负义。➤get受到训斥◆i got a lecture from dad about not coming home on time.我没有按时回家,受到了爸爸的训斥。➤need需要指教◆i don't need any lectures from you on responsibility.用不着你来教育我要担当责任。preposition➤lecture about, lecture on关于⋯的训斥◆i don't take lectures from anyone on how to behave.不管谁来教训我该如何有礼貌,我都不会听。➤lecture from来自⋯的训斥lecture /lektʃə(r)/ [transitive] (disapproving) to criticize sb or tell them how you think they should behave, especially when it is done in an annoying way(尤指烦人地)指责,训斥,告诫◆don't start lecturing me!别教训我呀!◆he's always lecturing her about the way she dresses.他对她的衣着总是指手画脚的。▸ lecture noun [countable] ◆i know i should stop smoking-don't give me a lecture about it.我知道我该戒烟 - 别教训我了。lecture [countable] a talk given to a group of people to tell them about a particular subject, often as part of a course of study讲座;讲课;演讲◆he gave a very interesting and informative lecture on the roman army.他以古罗马军队为题作了一次既饶有趣味又能长见识的讲座。◆a series of lectures系列讲座◆a lecture room / hall演讲室;演讲厅◆ (bre) a lecture theatre阶梯教室  ➡ see also lecture → teach verb lecture /lektʃə(r)/ [intransitive] to give a talk or a series of talks to a group of people on a subject, especially as a way of teaching in a university or college(尤指在大学里)开讲座,讲授,讲课◆she lectures in russian literature.她讲授俄罗斯文学。  ➡ see also lecture → speech noun lecturenoun [countable] ◆i know i should stop smoking-don't give me a lecture about it.我知道我该戒烟 - 别教训我了。lecturenoun [countable] ◆i know i should stop smoking-don't give me a lecture about it.我知道我该戒烟 - 别教训我了。lecture/ˈlektʃə(r) ||; ˈlɛktʃɚ/noun[c] 1. a lecture (on/about sth) a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, especially as part of a university course (尤指作为大学课程一部份的)演讲,讲课,讲座: ◇the college has asked a journalist to come and give a lecture on the media. 学院请了一位记者来开个关于新闻媒介的讲座。◇a course of lectures 系列讲座 2. a serious talk to sb that explains what he/she has done wrong or how he/she should behave 训斥: ◇we got a lecture from a policeman about playing near the railway. 我们在铁路旁边玩耍,结果给警察训斥了一顿。 lecture verb [i,t] ◇alex lectures in european studies at london university. 亚历克斯在伦敦大学讲授欧洲研究。◇the policeman lectured the boys about playing ball games in the road. 那名警察告诫那些小男孩在马路上打球很危险。 lecturesee ⇨ class 2 ⇨ teach 2 ⇨ tell sb off 1,3☞ lecture¹☞ lecture²




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