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单词 stair
释义 stair noun¹ 1stairs steps inside a building建筑物内的梯级adjective | ... of stairs | verb + stairs | stairs + verb | stair + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤steep陡的楼梯▸➤wide宽楼梯▸➤narrow窄楼梯▸➤rickety摇摇欲坠的楼梯➤spiral螺旋式楼梯▸➤main主楼梯▸➤back后楼梯➤basement地下室楼梯◆my kids sat on the basement stairs.我的孩子们坐在地下室楼梯上。➤marble, metal, stone, wooden大理石楼梯;金属楼梯;石梯;木楼梯... of stairs➤flight一段楼梯◆we went up three flights of stairs.我们爬了三段楼梯。verb + stairs➤ascend, climb, mount上楼梯;爬楼梯▸➤go up, run up, etc.走上、跑上等楼梯▸➤descend下楼梯▸➤go down, run down, etc.走下、跑下等楼梯▸➤take, use走楼梯◆take the back stairs.走后面的楼梯。stairs + verb➤go down to sth, go up to sth, lead to sth楼梯往下是⋯;楼梯往上是⋯;楼梯通往⋯▸➤creak楼梯吱吱作响◆the stairs creaked as i went down.我下楼时楼梯吱吱作响。stair + noun➤rod (especially bre) 楼梯毯棍◆the carpet was held in place by brass stair rods.地毯用黄铜楼梯毯棍固定住。➤rail (name) 楼梯栏杆➤gate (especially bre) 楼梯门preposition➤under the stairs在楼梯下◆a cupboard under the stairs (bre) 楼梯下的橱柜◆a closet under the stairs (name) 楼梯下的壁橱➤stairs down to, stairs to, stairs up to楼梯向下通往⋯/通往⋯/向上通往⋯◆the stairs to the third floor通往三楼的楼梯phrases➤the bottom of the stairs, the foot of the stairs, the head of the stairs, the top of the stairs楼梯底部;楼梯顶部▸➤take the stairs two, etc. at a time一步两级等地上楼梯◆he rushed up to the bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time.他一步两级地冲向楼上的卧室。stair noun² 2one step一个梯级adjective | preposition adjective➤top楼梯最上面的一级▸➤bottom楼梯最下面的一级preposition➤on a/the stair在楼梯的梯级上◆he sat waiting on the bottom stair.他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上等着。stair/steə(r) ||; stɛr/noun1. stairs [pl] a series of steps inside a building that lead from one level to another 楼梯: ◇a flight of stairs 一段楼梯◇i heard somebody coming down the stairs. 我听见有人下楼梯的声音。◇she ran up the stairs. 她跑上楼梯。 ☞look at downstairs and upstairs. 参看downstairs及upstairs。 compare stair and step. stairs or flights of stairs are usually inside buildings. steps are usually outside buildings and made of stone or concrete. 比较stair及step。stairs或flights of stairs通常指建筑物内的楼梯或梯级。steps通常指建筑物外用石头或混凝土筑成的台阶等。 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 2. [c] one of the steps in a series inside a building 梯级 stair /stɛr; steə/n [c]one of the steps in a set of stairs 楼梯的一级:◇jane sat on the bottom stair. 简坐在楼梯最下面的一级上。 ☞ stair




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