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单词 rally
释义 rally noun¹ 1political meeting政治集会adjective | verb + rally | rally + verb | preposition adjective➤big, huge, large, major, mass, massive大型集会;重要集会;群众集会;盛大集会▸➤public公众集会▸➤indoor, outdoor室内/户外集会◆a massive outdoor rally in buenos aires布宜诺斯艾利斯的一次大规模户外集会➤pep (name) 赛前动员会◆a pep rally before the homecoming game返校节比赛前的动员会➤campaign, election, political竞选/选举/政治集会▸➤opposition, protest反对派/抗议集会▸➤peace和平集会▸➤anti-government, anti-war, etc.反政府、反战等群众集会➤pro-government, pro-war, etc.支持政府、支持战争等群众集会verb + rally➤have, hold, stage举行集会◆the demonstrators marched to trafalgar square where they held a rally.示威者游行到特拉法尔加广场举行群众集会。➤call for, organize, plan呼吁/组织/策划集会▸➤attend, take part in出席/参加集会◆about 5 000 people attended a rally calling for peace.约有 5,000 人参加了呼吁和平的集会。➤address, speak at在集会上演讲/讲话▸➤ban禁止集会◆the government banned all rallies.政府禁止一切集会。rally + verb➤take place集会进行▸➤end集会结束➤call for sth集会呼吁⋯◆a rally calling for a boycott of the january elections呼吁联合抵制一月份大选的集会preposition➤at a/the rally在集会上◆she spoke at a public rally in hyde park.她在海德公园的一次公众集会上讲了话。➤rally against反对⋯的集会◆a mass rally against the treaty反对该条约的群众集会➤rally for为⋯的集会◆a rally for the winning candidate为获胜候选人举行的集会➤rally in support of支持⋯的集会◆a rally in support of the strike支持罢工的集会rally noun² 2recovery恢复adjective | verb + rally | preposition adjective➤bear-market, market, stock-market (all business商业) 熊市反弹;市场回稳;股市反弹◆the us dollar is now ending its bear-market rally.美元的熊市反弹已近尾声。➤dollar, euro, etc.美元、欧元等价格反弹➤recent最近的价格回稳➤late晚些时候的回升◆the visiting team staged a late rally.客队在晚些时候状态有所好转。verb + rally➤mount, stage重新振作;恢复元气preposition➤rally in在⋯方面回稳◆the recent rally in the treasury market(美国)国债市场最近的价格回稳rally noun³ 3in tennis网球adjective | verb + rally adjective➤long, short长时间的拉锯战;短时间的对打verb + rally➤play展开对打▸➤win在对打中取胜▸➤lose在对打中落败rally noun⁴ 4 (bre) motor race赛车adjective | verb + rally | rally + noun | preposition adjective➤club, international俱乐部公路汽车赛;国际汽车拉力赛▸➤motor, motorcycle汽车/摩托车拉力赛verb + rally➤hold, organize举行公路汽车赛;组织汽车拉力赛▸➤compete in, enter在公路汽车赛中角逐;参加公路汽车赛▸➤win在公路汽车赛中获胜rally + noun➤circuit赛车路线➤driver, driving公路赛车手;公路赛车preposition➤on a/the rally在公路汽车赛中◆he will join the team on the rally next week.他将加入该队,参加下星期的汽车拉力赛。rally verbadverb | verb + rally | preposition | phrases adverb➤around, round (especially bre) 团结在一起◆everyone rallied around and offered to help.大家团结在一起,都主动帮忙。verb + rally➤try to试图振作◆the team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.队长试图振作队伍的士气,但没有成功。preposition➤around, behind, round (especially bre) 团结在⋯周围;聚集在⋯身后◆she urged everyone to rally behind the president.她敦促大家团结起来做总统的后盾。➤to共同支持◆friends rallied to her.朋友们都联合起来支持她。phrases➤rally around the flag(在国家危急关头)大家团结起来◆we were at war and everyone was rallying around the flag.我们当时正处于战争时期,大家都团结一心,同仇敌忾。➤rally to sb's defence/defense联合起来为某人辩护◆bbc leaders rallied to his defence.英国广播公司的领导们合力为他辩护。➤rally to sb's/the cause联合起来支持(某人的)事业◆friends and colleagues have rallied to her cause.朋友和同事们联合起来支持她的事业。rally /ræli/ verb [intransitive] (rallies, rallying, rallied, rallied) (finance 金融) to rise in price after a period of falling prices or little activity 价格回升;跌后回升◆the dollar rallied sharply on tuesday. 美元周二快速反弹。◆the company's shares had rallied slightly by the close of trading. 这家公司的股价收盘略有回升。rally /ræli/ noun [countable] (plural rallies) a rise in prices after a period of falling prices or little activity 价格回升;止跌回升◆they are confident that a market rally is around the corner. 他们相信市场即将反弹。◆the market staged a late rally on wednesday. 市场在周三收市前有所回升。⨁ a market / price / stock rally市场/价格/股票的跌后回升 ⨁ a powerful / sharp / strong rally有力/急剧/强劲回升 ⨁ an early / a late rally开市后/收市前跌后回升 ⨁ to spark / stage / trigger a rally引起/出现/引发价格回升 ☞ rally☞ rallyrally [intransitive] to come together in order to help or support sb/sth集合,联合起来(以提供帮助或支持)◆the cabinet rallied behind the prime minister.内阁团结一致支持首相。◆many national newspapers rallied to his support.许多全国性报纸一致对他表示支持。ⓘ when people rally they don't always literally come together in one place, but they act together to give sb/sth their support. * rally 并非总是指人们真的聚集在某处,而是表示人们一致行动以支持某人或某事物。rally¹/ˈræli ||; ˈrælɪ/noun [c] (plural rallies) 1. a large public meeting, especially one held to support a political idea 集会(尤指政治性的): ◇a peace rally 呼吁和平的集会 2. (brit 英) a race for cars or motorbikes on public roads (在公路上举行的)汽车或摩托车拉力赛 3. (used in tennis and similar sports) a series of hits of the ball before a point is won (网球及类似的体育项目)得分前的连续对打rally²/ˈræli ||; ˈrælɪ/verb (present participle rallying third person singular present rallies;past tense past participle rallied) 1. [i,t] rally (sb/sth) (around/behind/to sb) to come together or to bring people together in order to help or support sb/sth 聚集;集合;召集: ◇the cabinet rallied behind the prime minister. 内阁同心支持首相的政策。 2. [i] to get stronger, healthier, etc after an illness or a period of weakness 恢复健康或力量: ◇he never really rallied after the operation. 手术以后他实际上没有康复。 rally round to come together to help sb 集结起来协助某人: ◇when i was in trouble my family all rallied round. 我有麻烦的时候,家人都向我伸出援手。 rallysee ⇨ unite 4☞ rally¹☞ rally²




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