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单词 bearable
释义 bearable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be可以忍受▸➤become变得可以容忍▸➤make sth使⋯变得可以忍受◆the camaraderie among fellow employees made the tedious work just bearable.同事之间的友情使枯燥乏味的工作变得还能忍受。➤find sth觉得⋯可以忍受◆he found the dullness of his work hardly bearable.他觉得自己的工作枯燥乏味,简直无法忍受。adverb➤almost差不多可以忍受➤quite, somewhat (name) 还可以忍受;不太难熬▸➤just勉强可以忍受preposition➤for对⋯来说可以忍受◆the money made life more bearable for her.这笔钱使她的日子还过得去。bearable/ˈbeərəbl ||; ˈbɛrəbḷ/adj that you can accept or deal with, although unpleasant (虽然令人不快)可容忍的,可忍受的: ◇it was extremely hot but the breeze made it more bearable. 天气热极了,好在有微风,才好受一点。 [opp] unbearable 反义词为 unbearablebearablesee ⇨ stand 6 bear·a·ble /`bɛrəbḷ; ˈbeərəbəl/adja situation that is bearable is difficult or unpleasant but you can deal with it 可忍受的,忍耐得住的:◇his letters made her loneliness bearable. 他的来信使她能忍受寂寞。




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