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单词 taste in clothes, music etc
释义 taste in clothes, music etc1 a person's judgment in choosing things like clothes, music, furniture etc2 good taste3 when someone has good taste4 something that has been made or chosen with good taste5 someone who does not have good taste6 something that has not been made or chosen with good tasterelated wordssee alsostyle/elegance,1. a person's judgment in choosing things like clothes, music, furniture etc 某人选衣服、音乐、家具等东西时的判断力 taste /teɪst/ [countable/uncountable noun] use this to talk about the kind of clothes, music, furniture etc that someone likes [对衣服、音乐、家具等的]鉴赏力;品味 i don't think much of his taste. 我觉得他的品味不怎么样。taste in tastes in fiction vary from person to person. 对小说的鉴赏力因人而异。 we have similar taste in music. 我们的音乐品味很相似。be a matter of taste it depends on your taste 是爱好问题 it's not necessarily better or worse, it's just a matter of taste. 这不一定是孰优孰劣的问题,只是品味不同罢了。there's no accounting for taste everyone has different taste in things 人各有所好 i can't understand why she likes it, but as they say, there's no accounting for taste. 我不明白她为什么会喜欢这东西,但一如别人所说:人各有所好。2. good taste 良好的品味 taste/good taste /teɪst, ˌgʊd ˈteɪst/ [uncountable noun] the ability to make good judgments about what kind of clothes, furniture etc is attractive or good 良好的鉴赏力;高品味 the room was furnished with style and taste. 这个房间布置得很有风格和品味。 i admired their good taste in clothes. 我很欣赏他们在衣着方面的品味。a man/woman of taste formal someone who has good taste 【正式】有品味的人 matisse said that a photograph by a man of taste could have the appearance of art. 马蒂斯说过,有品味的人拍的照片也会像一幅艺术品。3. when someone has good taste 某人具有良好的品味 have taste/have good taste /hæv ˈteɪst, hæv ˌgʊd ˈteɪst/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be able to make good judgments about which clothes, furniture etc are attractive or good and which are not 有鉴赏力;有品味 mrs anderson has taste, and her home is lovely. 安德森夫人很有品味,她的家布置得很漂亮。 the scotch was johnnie walker black. ‘this guy's got good taste,’ i thought. 这苏格兰威士忌是尊尼获加黑牌。“这家伙很有品味。”我想。have taste/have good taste in julie has really good taste in books. 朱莉对书籍的鉴赏力很高。have great/terrific/impeccable etc taste robinson had impeccable taste. 鲁宾逊的品味无可挑剔。 discerning /dɪˈsɜːʳnɪŋ/ [adjective usually before noun] able to recognize things that are good or of high quality - use this especially when talking about buying things 有眼光的,有鉴赏力的[尤指购物时] discerning investors will find the guide useful. 有眼光的投资者会发现这指南很有用。 you don't have to be wealthy to develop a discerning palate. good taste in food 要培养对食物的鉴赏力不一定要很有钱。 discriminating /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪtɪŋ, dɪˈskrɪməneɪtɪŋ/ [adjective] able to judge what is of good quality and what is not, especially because you have a lot of knowledge or experience 有鉴别能力的,识别能力强的[尤因知识或经验丰富] as film audiences get older, they will become more discriminating. 电影观众随着年龄增长会变得更有鉴赏力。 discriminating travelers return to st. bartholomew's year after year. 有品味的游客年年都回到圣巴塞洛缪大教堂游览。 have a good eye for /hæv ə ˌgʊd ˈaɪ fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be good at noticing and recognizing what is attractive, of good quality etc, and which things look good together 有鉴赏眼光;具有识别能力 she has an incredibly good eye for fashion. 她对时装有惊人的鉴赏力。 you need to have a good eye for colour and design if you are going to decorate your own house. 如果要自己来装修房子,你得对色彩和设计有良好的鉴赏力。4. something that has been made or chosen with good taste 制作或挑选出来的东西很有品味 tasteful /ˈteɪstfəl/ [adjective] made or chosen with good taste 有品味的;讲究的 the room is filled with tasteful furnishings and original artworks. 房间里摆满了品味高雅的家具和原创艺术品。 my uncle wore a flannel suit, a spotless white shirt and a tasteful but sombre tie. 我舅舅穿了一套法兰绒西装,一件洁白无瑕的衬衫,戴了一条有品味但色调暗淡的领带。 tastefully [adverb] griffiths sat behind a huge desk in a tastefully furnished office. 格里菲思坐在布置讲究的办公室的一张大书桌后面。 she was always tastefully dressed. 她总是穿得很有品味。 be in good taste /biː ɪn ˌgʊd ˈteɪst/ [verb phrase] to be attractive and suitable in a way that shows good taste 有鉴赏力;有品味 whatever she wears, you can be sure it will be in good taste, and just right for the occasion. 无论她穿什么都可以肯定是既讲究又得体的。 the furniture and decor are all in the best possible taste. 家具和装饰都是最有品味的。5. someone who does not have good taste 没有品味的人 have bad taste /hæv ˌbæd ˈteɪst/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be unable to make good judgments about which clothes, furniture etc are attractive or good and which are not 鉴赏力低的;品味差的 i know it's bad taste, but i like fluffy, lacy clothes. 我知道这品味不高,但我喜欢毛茸茸的、有花边的衣服。have bad taste in he has really bad taste in clothes. 他在服装方面的品味实在糟糕。have terrible/awful/appalling etc taste she just has such awful taste - i don't want her help picking out dresses. 她的品味太差了,我可不要她帮我挑衣服。 have no taste /hæv ˌnəʊ ˈteɪst/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not have good taste 没有鉴赏力;没有品味 it's unbelievable. the woman obviously has no taste at all. 真让人不敢相信,这女人显然一点品味也没有。6. something that has not been made or chosen with good taste 制作或挑选出来的东西缺乏品味 tasteless /ˈteɪstləs/ [adjective] not made or chosen with good taste 缺乏品味的 it was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture. 这个房间很难看—装潢没有品味,家具也很破旧。 i think a lot of modern architecture is completely tasteless. 我认为许多现代建筑完全没有品味。 vulgar /ˈvʌlgəʳ/ [adjective] not chosen with taste - use this about things that cost a lot of money or are very brightly coloured, and are bought to impress people 庸俗的,艳俗的[用于指昂贵或色彩很鲜艳的、买来炫耀的东西] vulgar fashions filled the store windows. 商店橱窗内满是艳俗的时装。 the article describes the vulgar excesses of the newly rich. 文章描写了那些暴发户种种庸俗放肆的行为。 vulgarity /vʌlˈgærɪti, vʌlˈgærəti/ [uncountable noun] he was horrified by the vulgarity of his uncle's house. 他舅舅那布置庸俗的房子让他感到讨厌。 cheap /tʃiːp/ [adjective] unattractive, of poor quality, and showing a lack of good taste 劣质的,粗劣的;俗气的 the interior of the car is all plastic and has a cheap look about it. 车子内部全是塑料制品,看上去很粗劣。 the girls wore bright frilly dresses and were drenched in cheap perfume. 女孩们身穿艳丽的有饰边的连衣裙,还喷了满身廉价香水。 naff /næf/ [adjective] british informal use this about something that you think shows very bad taste 【英,非正式】俗气的;毫无品味的 most people think taking a package holiday in bognor is really naff. 大多数人认为到博格诺的包价旅游是毫无品味的事。 don't wear that shirt with those slacks -- it looks naff. 穿那件衬衫时不要配那条宽松长裤——看上去很俗气。 tacky /ˈtæki/ [adjective] informal cheap-looking and showing very bad taste 【非正式】俗不可耐的,低俗的 cheap, tacky furniture in bright colors 色彩艳丽、廉价俗气的家具 the room was decorated to look like a cartoon swiss village, but managed to be cheerfully tacky. 房间被装修成卡通里的瑞士村庄的模样,有趣却带点俗气。 kitsch/kitschy /kɪtʃ, ˈkɪtʃi/ [adjective] cheap, unfashionable, and showing very bad taste, but often in an amusing way 俗气的;花里胡哨的 the kitschy decor of the mexican restaurant 这家墨西哥餐厅俗气的装潢 tourists lined up to buy postcards and assorted kitsch souvenirs. 游客排队购买明信片和各种各样花里胡哨的纪念品。




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