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单词 specification
释义 specification nounadjective | verb + specification | preposition adjective➤complete, detailed, full完整的说明;详细的说明▸➤exact, precise精确的/准确的说明▸➤standard标准规格▸➤high (especially bre) 很高的规格◆the yachts are built to the highest specifications.这些快艇是按照最高规格建造的。➤original最初的规格▸➤design, performance, product, technical设计/性能/产品/技术规格▸➤customer客户具体要求▸➤contract, job (both especially bre) 合同/职务细则◆the manager has drafted job specifications for each of the positions.经理拟就了各个工作岗位的职务细则。verb + specification➤develop, draw up, write制订细则;起草说明➤provide提供细则➤have有规范◆the prototype has the same basic specifications.原型的基本规格相同。➤meet与规范相符◆the aircraft have to meet the strict specifications laid down by the faa.航空器必须符合联邦航空局制订的严格规范。preposition➤according to the/your specifications, to the/your specifications根据具体要求◆each vehicle can be equipped according to your specifications.每一辆车都可以按照您的具体要求来配置。specification /spesɪfɪkeɪʃn/ noun (manufacturing 制造) [countable, usually plural; uncountable] detailed information about how sth is or should be designed or made 规格;规范◆the technical specifications of the new model (= of car) 新款(汽车)的技术规格◆these houses are built to a high specification. 这些房子建筑规格很高。◆the part will perform exactly to specification (= exactly as it is supposed to). 这一部件将会完全符合设计规范。⨁ design / product / technical specifications设计/产品/技术规范 ⨁ to agree / change / set specifications商定/改变/确定规格 ⨁ to comply with / conform to / meet specifications遵守/符合/满足规范 (manufacturing 制造) [countable] the particular set of features that a machine or a vehicle has (机器或车辆的)技术参数◆the regulations for cabs cover age, roadworthiness and vehicle specifications. 出租车条例涉及车龄、车辆性能和技术参数。3. [countable, uncountable] an act of giving detailed information about what sb wants or expects from sth 详细说明;明确说出◆there was no clear specification of objectives. 并没有对目标作详细说明。 syn spec ◇ job specification ☞ specificationspecification /spesɪfɪkeɪʃn/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆the technical specifications of the new model (= of car) 新车型的技术规格◆the house has been built exactly to our specification.房子完全是按照我们的设计要求建造的。specification /spesɪfɪkeɪʃn/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆the technical specifications of the new model (= of car) 新车型的技术规格◆the house has been built exactly to our specification.房子完全是按照我们的设计要求建造的。specification/ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ||; ˌspɛsəfəˈkeʃən/noun [c,u] detailed information about how sth is or should be built or made 规格;具体说明 spe·ci·fi·ca·tion /ˏspɛsəfə`keʃən; ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/n [c usually plural 一般用复数]a detailed instruction about how something should be done, made etc 规格,规格说明:◇a rocket built to exact specifications 按照严格的规格建造的火箭




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