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单词 promotion
释义 promotion noun¹ 1to a higher position晋升adjective | verb + promotion | promotion + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤rapid快速晋升▸➤internal内部晋升◆the company encourages internal promotion.公司鼓励内部晋升。verb + promotion➤earn, gain, get, receive, win获得/取得/得到/接受/赢得提升◆if i can't get promotion soon, i'll look for another job.如果不能很快得到提升,我就要找别的工作。➤deserve应该得到提升◆we congratulate james on his well-deserved promotion to chief executive.我们祝贺詹姆斯升为行政总裁,这是他完全应得的。➤recommend sb for推荐提升某人➤offer sb提出晋升某人➤deny sb拒绝提升某人➤announce宣布提升➤seek, want寻求/想要提升promotion + noun➤opportunities, prospects (bre) 晋升机会/希望▸➤race (bre, sport体育) 晋升比赛◆with three matches remaining, there are six teams in the promotion race.还剩下 3 场比赛,有 6 支球队在争取晋级。preposition➤promotion from, promotion to从⋯提升;提升到⋯◆her promotion from assistant to associate professor她从助教到副教授的晋升phrases➤chance of promotion, chances of promotion晋级的机会◆she felt she had little chance of promotion in her job.她觉得她在这一岗位晋升的机会不大。◆the team's chances of promotion took a knock when they lost at home. (bre) 主场失利后,球队晋级的可能性大大降低。promotion noun² 2advertising广告adjective | verb + promotion adjective➤special特别宣传广告▸➤marketing, sales, trade营销宣传;促销;贸易促进➤book书籍的宣传▸➤health健康宣传活动◆the new health promotion clinic will provide free check-ups.那家进行健康宣传活动的新诊所将提供免费体检。➤in-store, on-air, online店内/广播/网上促销➤seasonal季节性促销➤consumer针对消费者的促销verb + promotion➤do作宣传◆we're doing a special book promotion at key stores this week.我们本周将在一些重要书店进行专门的图书宣传活动。promotion /prəməʊʃn; name -moʊʃn/ noun (hr 人力资源) [uncountable, countable] a move to a more important job in a company or an organization 提升;晋升;提拔◆her promotion to sales manager took everyone by surprise. 她升任销售经理让每个人都感到意外。◆the new job is a promotion for him. 这一新职务对他来说是晋升。◆a job with excellent promotion prospects 有绝好晋升机会的工作 opp demotion 2.(marketing 营销) [uncountable, countable] activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service; a set of advertisements for a particular product or service 促销活动;广告宣传◆her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion. 她的工作内容主要是销售和促销。◆we are doing a special promotion of french food. 我们正在对法国食品进行特别促销活动。  ➡  see note at marketing promotions [uncountable + singular or plural verb] the part of a company that is responsible for advertising products or services and increasing sales (公司的)促销部门 cross-promotion ◇ consumer promotion ◇ sales promotion ☞ promotion☞ marketing/advertising/promotion/publicity/public relations☞ marketing/advertising/promotion/publicity/public relationspromotion /prəməʊʃn; name prəmoʊʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a set of advertisements for a particular product or service; activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service促销广告;促销活动◆we are doing a special promotion of chilean wines.我们正在进行智利葡萄酒的特别促销活动。◆her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.她的工作主要涉及销售和广告宣传。promotion /prəməʊʃn; name prəmoʊʃn/ [uncountable, countable] a move to a more important job or rank in a company or organization; a move by a sports team from playing in one group of teams to playing in a better group提升;晋升;(运动队的)晋级◆her promotion to sales manager took everyone by surprise.提拔她当销售经理,叫每一个人都很意外。◆the new job is a promotion for him.这份新工作对他来说就是升迁。◆the players were paid bonuses for winning promotion to the first division.成功晋级到甲级队,队员们都获得了奖金。opp demotion , relegation ⓘ demotion is the opposite of being promoted to a better job, but it is not very frequently used. relegation is when a sports team moves down to play in a worse group of teams. * demotion 是晋升的反义词,但不常用。relegation 指运动队降级。▸ promote verb [transitive] ◆she worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作勤奋,不久就升职了。◆they were promoted to the first division last season.上个赛季他们晋级到甲级队。promotionnoun [uncountable] ◆ (formal) a society for the promotion of religious tolerance一个促进宗教包容性的团体promotionnoun [uncountable] ◆ (formal) a society for the promotion of religious tolerance一个促进宗教包容性的团体promotion/prəˈməʊʃn ||; prəˈmoʃən/noun1. [c,u] promotion (to sth) a move to a higher position or more important job 提升;晋级;晋升: ◇the new job is a promotion for her. 这个新职务对她来说是一次晋升。 [opp] demotion 反义词为demotion 2. [u] [c] things that you do in order to advertise a product and increase its sales 宣传;推广;促销: ◇it's all part of a special promotion of the new book. 这都是该新书促销活动的一环。 3. [u] (formal 正式)promotion (of sth) the activity of trying to make sth develop or become accepted by people 促进;提倡: ◇we need to work on the promotion of health, not the treatment of disease. 我们需要在促进保健方面努力,而不是在治病方面。 promotionsee ⇨ advertising 2 ⇨ job 8 pro·mo·tion /prə`moʃən; prəˈməʊʃən/n 1. [c,u] a move to a better, more responsible position at work 提升,晋升:◇get promotion you only ever get a pay rise if you get promotion. 你只有升职时才能获得加薪。 2. [c,u] an activity intended to advertise a product or event [产品或活动的]推广,宣传:◇a sales promotion 促销活动 3. [singular 单数,u] when you try to make an idea popular 倡导,提倡:◇+ of the promotion of equal rights 提倡平等权利




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