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单词 servile
释义 servile adjectiveservile ♦︎ smooth ♦︎ slick ♦︎ smarmy ♦︎ ingratiatingthese words all describe people who want too much to please sb or are too polite in an unpleasant or insincere way.这些词均表示竭力讨好的、过分殷勤的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a smooth / slick talker◆a servile / a smarmy / an ingratiating manner◆a smarmy / an ingratiating tone■ servile /sɜːvaɪl; name sɜːrvl, sɜːrvaɪl/ (rather formal, disapproving) wanting too much to please sb and obey them奴性的;逢迎的;恭顺的◆parents have no right to demand servile obedience from their children.父母无权要求子女对自己百依百顺。■ smooth (often disapproving) (of people, especially men, and their behaviour) very polite and pleasant, but in a way that is often not very sincere(尤指男人及其行为)圆通的,八面玲珑的◆i don't like him. he's far too smooth for me.我不喜欢他,我觉得他太圆滑。◆he's something of a smooth operator.可以说他是个八面玲珑的滑头。■ slick (especially name, often disapproving) smooth圆通的;八面玲珑的◆a slick, fast-talking car salesman一个花言巧语、口若悬河的汽车推销员◆i don't like him. he's way too slick for me.我不喜欢他,我觉得他太油滑。■ smarmy (informal, disapproving) too polite in a way that is not sincere过分殷勤的;谄媚的◆to be honest i found the hotel staff rather smarmy.老实说,我觉得这家旅馆的员工太逢迎讨好了。note 辨析 smooth, slick or smarmy?a person who is smarmy has an unpleasant manner which will make you react in a negative way towards them. a person who is smooth or slick has a confident and pleasant manner which may get them what they want, but actually should not be trusted. * smarmy 表示殷勤得让人感到不舒服,因而产生反感。smooth 或 slick 形容某人的举止很自信且讨人喜欢,或许从而可达到他们的目的,但实际上这种人不可信赖◆he was a smooth / slick talker who seemed to be able to convince anyone to buy his rip-off radios.他能说会道,似乎能够说服每个人去买他的冒牌收音机。 smooth is used more in british english; slick is used more in american english. * smooth 更多用在英式英语中,slick 更多用在美式英语中。■ ingratiating /ɪngreɪʃieɪtɪŋ/ (rather formal, disapproving) trying too hard to please sb竭力讨好的;巴结的◆they weren't just helpful, they were positively ingratiating.他们不只是愿意帮忙,分明是在竭力讨好。  ➡ see also ingratitate yourself → flatter servile /sɜːvaɪl; name sɜːrvl, sɜːrvaɪl/ (rather formal, disapproving) wanting too much to please sb and obey them奴性的;逢迎的;恭顺的◆parents have no right to demand servile obedience from their children.父母无权要求子女对自己百依百顺。servile/ˈsɜ:vaɪl ||; ˈsɝvaɪl/adj wanting too much to please sb and obey him/her 奴性的;逢迎的;恭顺的: ◇parents have no right to demand servile obedience from their children. 父母无权要求子女对自己唯命是从。servilesee ⇨ obey 4 ser·vile /`sɜvḷ; ˈsɜːvaɪl/adjtoo eager to obey someone and do whatever they tell you to 奴隶般的,奴性的




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