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单词 servicing
释义 ☞ serviceservicing [uncountable] (especially bre) the act of checking and repairing a vehicle or machine to keep it in good condition(车辆或机器的)检修,维修,保养◆like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing.和其他类型的设备一样,这东西也需要定期检修。  ➡ see also service → maintain 2 note 辨析 maintenance, service or servicing? maintenance of a building or machine is a continuous process that involves checking it regularly and doing repairs as they are needed. a service is a single act of checking a vehicle or machine and doing any repairs that are needed. servicing is the fact of giving sth a service on a regular basis. * maintenance 可指对建筑物或机器进行的维修,是一个持续的过程,包括定期检查和必要的维修。service 是对车辆或机器进行检查和维修的单次行为。servicing 指定期进行维修保养这一实际情况。




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