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单词 refuse1
释义 refuse verbrefuse ♦︎ reject ♦︎ deny ♦︎ decline ♦︎ turn sb/sth down ♦︎ veto ♦︎ throw sth out ♦︎ rebuff ♦︎ disallowthese words all mean to decide or say that you will not accept or consider sth, such as an offer, proposal or request.这些词均表示拒绝、回绝、否决。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to reject / turn down sth in favour of sth else◆to refuse / reject / decline / turn down / veto / throw out a proposal◆to refuse / reject / decline / turn down / rebuff a / an offer / request◆to refuse / reject / decline / turn down a / an chance / opportunity / invitation◆to refuse / reject / turn down / throw out / disallow an appeal◆to refuse / reject / turn down / veto / throw out a plan◆to refuse / reject / decline / turn down / veto / disallow an application◆to refuse / reject / veto / rebuff a suggestion◆to reject / veto / throw out a bill◆to refuse / deny sb access to sth◆to politely refuse / reject / decline sth■ refuse [intransitive, transitive] to say that you will not do sth that sb has asked you to do, or that you do not want sth that has been offered to you; to decide not to accept or consider sth; to say that you will not give sb sth that they want or need拒绝;回绝;推却;拒绝给(所需之物)◆go on, ask her. she can hardly refuse.去吧,去求她,她不大会拒绝的。◆she refused to accept that there was a problem.她拒不承认有问题存在。◆he flatly refused to discuss the matter.他断然拒绝商讨这件事。◆we invited her to the wedding but she refused.我们邀请她参加婚礼,但她推却了。◆the job offer was simply too good to refuse.这个工作机会太好了,无法拒绝。◆the government has refused all demands for a public enquiry.政府拒绝了所有进行公开调查的要求。◆they refused him a visa.他们拒绝给他签证。◆she would never refuse her kids anything.她对孩子百依百顺。opp agree → agree 2 , accept → take 5  ➡ see also refusal → refusal ■ reject [transitive] to decide or say that you will not accept or consider sth; to decide not to accept sb for a job or position拒绝接受;不予考虑;不录用◆he urged the committee to reject the plans.他敦促委员会拒绝接受这些计划。◆the proposal was rejected as too costly.由于耗资过高,该提案被否决了。◆i've been rejected by all the colleges i applied to.所有我申请的大学都没有录取我。opp approve → agree 2 , accept → let sb in ■ deny [transitive] (formal) to refuse to allow sb to have sth that they want or need拒绝;拒绝给予(所需之物)◆they were denied access to the information.他们未获准接触那些情报。◆access to the information was denied to them.他们未获准接触那些情报。■ decline [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to say politely that you do not want to accept or do sth谢绝;婉拒◆their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。◆we politely declined her invitation.我们礼貌地谢绝了她的邀请。opp accept → take 5 ■ turn sb/sth down phrasal verbto reject an offer or proposal or the person who makes it拒绝,回绝(提议、建议或提议人)◆his appeal against conviction was turned down.他上诉要求改判,被驳回了。◆he has been turned down for ten jobs so far.他迄今申请了十份工作均遭拒绝。◆he asked her to marry him but she turned him down.他请求她嫁给他,但是她回绝了。opp take sth up → take 5 ■ veto /viːtəʊ; name viːtoʊ/ [transitive] to stop sth from happening or being done by using your official authority; to say that you will not accept or do what sb has suggested对⋯行使否决权;拒绝认可;拒不接受;反对◆plans for the dam have been vetoed by the environmental protection agency.修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。◆i wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.我想去野营,但这个主意很快遭到其他人的反对。ⓘ it is usually a person in a position of authority who vetoes sth; often the decision or plan has already been agreed by other people. * veto 通常指权威人士否决某事物,常为其他人已同意的决定或计划。  ➡ see also veto → ban noun ■ throw sth out -->phrasal verb(threw, thrown)to decide not to accept or consider a proposal, idea or legal case, often after having a vote to decide this(常经过投票表决后)拒不接受,否决(建议、想法或法律案件等)◆the case was thrown out for lack of evidence.此案因证据不足未予立案。◆the recommendation was thrown out by an overwhelming majority.该建议以压倒性多数被否决。■ rebuff /rɪbʌf/ [transitive] (written, often disapproving) to refuse a friendly offer, request or suggestion in an unkind way粗暴回绝,生硬拒绝(善意的提议、要求或建议)◆they rebuffed her request for help.他们一口拒绝了她的请求,不给她帮助。◆the offer was immediately rebuffed by union leaders.工会领导人立刻拒绝了这一提议。■ disallow /dɪsəlaʊ/ [transitive, often passive] to officially refuse to accept sth, often because it has not been done correctly or a rule has been broken(因不符合规定)不准许,不接受,驳回◆the second goal was disallowed.第二个进球被判无效。◆her claim for unfair dismissal was disallowed.她提出的自己遭不公平解雇的索赔被驳回。




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