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单词 earner
释义 earner /ɜːnə(r); name ɜːrn-/ noun [countable] 1.a person who earns money for a job that they do 挣钱者;挣工资者◆the survey revealed that top earners in the country tended to be men. 调查显示这个国家挣钱最多的往往是男人。⨁ a high / low earner高/低收入者 ⨁ income / salary / wage earners挣收入/薪金/工资者 activity or a business that makes a profit 赢利活动;赚钱的生意◆tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner. 旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。◆(bre) (informal) her new business has turned out to be a nice little earner. 她新开的商店还真有点赚钱呢。⨁ a big / steady earner挣大钱的人;有稳定收入的人 ⨁ a dollar / an export / a foreign currency earner挣美元者;靠出口为生者;赚外汇者 wage earner ☞ earnerearner/ɜ:nə(r) ||; ˈɝnɚ/noun[c] 1. a person who earns money for a job he/she does 挣钱者;挣工资者: ◇a high/low earner 高薪/低薪的人 2. an activity or a business that makes a profit 赢利活动;赚钱的生意: ◇tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner. 旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。 earnern [c]




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