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单词 see
释义 see verb¹ 1become aware of sth using your eyes看见adverb | verb + see | preposition | phrases adverb➤clearly, easily, plainly清楚地/容易地/清晰地看见▸➤dimly, faintly模模糊糊/隐隐约约看见▸➤barely, hardly几乎看不见◆i could hardly see because of the smoke.由于有烟,我几乎什么都看不见。➤just仅仅看到◆we could just see the hotel in the distance.我们只能看见远处的旅馆。➤suddenly突然看见➤first-hand, personally亲眼看见;目睹◆he saw first-hand the impact of colonialism.他亲眼见证了殖民主义带来的冲击。➤commonly经常看到◆this problem is commonly seen in young adults.这个问题在年轻人中很常见。verb + see➤be able to, can能够/可以看见◆i could see the boat clearly now.现在我能清楚地看到那条船。➤go to去看◆i went to see a movie.我去看了场电影。➤get to有机会看见◆i finally got to see them in concert.我终于有机会在音乐厅见到他们。➤turn around to, turn to转身看;回头看◆she turned to see who it was.她回头看到底是谁。➤be amazed to, be shocked to, be surprised to惊奇地/惊诧地/吃惊地看到◆he was surprised to see martha standing there.看到玛莎站在那儿,他大吃一惊。➤be relieved to欣慰地看到➤be keen to (especially bre) 渴望看见▸➤be delighted, be glad to, be happy to, be overjoyed to, be pleased to很高兴看到;看到⋯极为高兴◆i'm glad to see that you're keeping well.看到你很健康,我真高兴。➤be sad to看到⋯很难过➤would love to希望看见◆i'd love to see her win the gold medal.我希望看到她拿金牌。➤wait to等待看见◆i can't wait to see his face!我等不及要见他!◆we'll have to wait to see if sales hold up.我们还需等等才能知道销售量是否挺得住。➤expect to期待看见◆we expect to see an increase of 50-60%.我们预期有 50% 到 60% 的增长。➤be likely to有可能看见➤be great to, be nice to见到⋯很高兴◆it's nice to see the children playing together.看到孩子们在一起玩真好。➤be interesting to看到⋯有趣▸➤let sb让某人看见◆a dolphin? oh, let me see!海豚?哦,让我看看!◆let me see the evidence!拿出证据给我看!preposition➤into预见◆she claims that she can see into the future.她自称能预见未来。phrases➤get a/the chance to see, get an/the opportunity to see得到机会看见◆i also got a chance to see what she looked like.我也有机会一见她的真容了。➤have a/the chance to see, have an/the opportunity to see有机会看见➤only to see只是看见◆i looked up, only to see tommy chatting to someone.我抬起头,只看见汤米在跟人聊天。➤see at a glance一看便知◆you can see at a glance if all is well.你一看便知是否一切顺利。➤see with the naked eye用肉眼看见◆the star is bright enough to see with the naked eye.那颗星星很亮,肉眼就能看见。➤see (sth) with your own eyes亲眼看见(⋯)◆i know it's hard to believe but i saw it with my own eyes.我知道这令人难以置信,可确实是我亲眼所见。see verb² 2visit sb拜访verb + see | preposition verb + see➤come to来拜访◆veronica came to see him in prison.韦罗妮卡来监狱看他。➤come around to, come over to来看望◆logan came around to see me about a job.洛根来我这里是想找个工作。◆he came over to see me after my surgery.我手术后,他来看我。➤go to去拜访◆she went to see the doctor about it.她去了医生那儿咨询这个问题。➤want to, wish to想见;希望见到◆what is it you want to see me about?你要见我,什么事?➤be here to来这儿探访◆i'm here to see lisa daniels.我是来见丽莎・丹尼尔斯的。preposition➤about因⋯拜见◆she's gone to see the mechanic about getting her car repaired.她去找修理工修车去了。see verb³ 3understand/realize sth理解;看出verb + see➤can能理解◆i can see why you were so angry about it.我明白你为什么如此生气了。➤cannot, do not不能理解;看不出◆i don't see why she should get more money than the others.我不明白为什么她应该比别人拿钱多。➤be easy to容易理解▸➤be difficult to, be hard to难以理解◆it is difficult to see how to get around this problem.很难想出解决这个问题的办法。➤fail to未能理解◆i fail to see how this idea will help anyone.我看不出来这个主意能对什么人有帮助。see verb⁴ 4find out弄清楚verb + see | phrases verb + see➤want to想弄清楚◆i want to see how they'll react.我想看看他们作何反应。➤come over to, go over to, look over to走过来/走过去/看过来以便弄清楚◆he came over to see what was going on.他走过来看发生了什么事。➤let sb让某人弄清楚◆let's see what happens.咱们看看出什么事了。phrases➤go and see去看看◆'is the taxi here?' 'i'll just go and see.'“出租车来了吗?”“我这就去看看。”➤wait and see等着瞧◆'is he going to get better?' 'i don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.'“他会好起来吗?”“不知道,我们只能等着瞧了。”see verb  ➡ see also the entries for look verb 1 and notice另见 look 动词词条第 1 义和 notice 条see ♦︎ spot ♦︎ catch ♦︎ glimpse ♦︎ sightthese words all mean to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes, especially suddenly or when they are not easy to see.这些词均表示看到、注意到。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to see / spot that / how / what / where / who...◆to just see / spot / catch / glimpse sb / sth◆to suddenly see / spot / catch / glimpse sb / sth■ see (saw, seen) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes看见;见到;看出◆she looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd.她在人群里找他,但没能看见他。◆he could see (that) she had been crying.他看得出她曾哭过。◆did you see what happened?你看见发生了什么事吗?◆i hate to see you unhappy.我不愿意看到你不高兴。◆she was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她逃离犯罪现场。◆i saw you put the key in your pocket.我见到你把钥匙放进了口袋。■ spot (-tt-) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to see or notice sb/sth, especially suddenly or when they are not easy to see or notice(尤指突然)看见,看出,注意到,发现(不易看到的东西)◆i've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.我刚发现了封面上的一处错误。◆can you spot the difference between these two pictures?你能看出这两幅画的区别吗?◆her modelling career began when she was spotted by an agent at the age of 14.她自从 14 岁时被一个经纪人发掘后,就开始了模特儿生涯。■ catch (caught, caught) [transitive] to see or notice sth for a moment, but not clearly or completely察觉;瞥见◆she caught sight of a car in the distance.她看见远处有一辆汽车。◆he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.他看了一眼镜子里的自己。◆i caught a look of surprise on her face.我发现她脸上露出了惊奇的神色。■ glimpse [transitive] (written) to see sb/sth for a moment, but not clearly or completely瞥见;看一眼◆he'd glimpsed her through the window as he passed.他路过时透过窗户瞥见了她。  ➡ see also glimpse → look noun ■ sight [transitive] (written) to suddenly see sth, especially sth that you have been looking for看到,发现(尤指正在找的东西)◆after twelve days at sea, they sighted land.在海上航行了十二天后,他们发现了陆地。  ➡ see also sight → look noun see(saw, seen)[transitive] (used especially in the progressive tenses尤用于进行时) to spend time with sb and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them与某人谈恋爱(或有性关系)◆are you seeing anyone at the moment?你现在是不是跟什么人好上了?see [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth设想;想像◆i can't see her changing her mind.我想她不会改变主意。◆his colleagues see him as a future director.他的同事认为他很可能是未来的主事者。see(saw, seen) [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to watch a game, television show, performance, etc.观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等)◆did you see that documentary about brazil last night?昨晚你有没有看那个有关巴西的纪录片?◆fifty thousand people saw the game.有 5 万人观看了那场比赛。see(saw, seen) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have an opinion of sth认为;看待◆i see things differently now.现在我看问题的方法不一样了。◆try to see things from her point of view.试着从她的角度去看问题。◆lack of money is the main problem, as i see it (= in my opinion).依我看,主要问题是缺钱。◆the way i see it, you have three main problems.依我看,你有三个主要问题。see(saw, seen) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes看见;见到;看出◆she looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd.她在人群里找他,但没能看见他。◆he could see (that) she had been crying.他看得出她曾哭过。◆did you see what happened?你看见发生了什么事吗?◆i hate to see you unhappy.我不愿意看到你不高兴。◆she was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她逃离犯罪现场。◆i saw you put the key in your pocket.我见到你把钥匙放进了口袋。see(saw, seen) [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (especially spoken) to understand what is happening, what sb is saying, how sth works or how important sth is理解,明白,领会(正在发生的事、某人的话、某事物如何起作用或有多重要)◆'it opens like this.' 'oh, i see.'“这样就打开了。”“哦,我明白了。”◆you see, she only heard about the plan yesterday.要知道,她昨天才得知这个计划。◆i don't think she saw the point of the story.我觉得她没有领会故事的中心意思。◆oh yes, i see what you mean.噢,我明白你的意思了。◆can't you see that he's taking advantage of you?他在利用你,难道你看不出来?see(saw, seen) [transitive] to visit sb拜访;看望;探视◆when was the last time you saw a dentist?你上次去看牙医是什么时候?◆come and see us again soon!早点再来看我们!◆he said he'd been to see his sister.他说自己去看望姐姐了。ⓘ in this meaning see is used especially in the expressions come/go and see sb and come/go to see sb.表达此义时 see 尤用于短语 come/go and see sb 和 come/go to see sb。see/si: ||; si/verb (past tense saw /sɔ: ||; sɔ/ past participle seen /si:n ||; sin/) 1. [i,t] to become conscious of sth, using your eyes; to use the power of sight 看见;目睹: ◇it was so dark that we couldn't see. 太黑了,我们什么都看不见。◇on a clear day you can see for miles. 天气晴朗的时候,你看得见几英里外的景物。◇have you seen my wallet anywhere? 你有没有见过我的钱包?◇i've just seen a mouse run under the cooker. 我刚看见一只老鼠跑到炉子底下去了。◇he looked for her but couldn't see her in the crowd. 他寻找她,但在人群中看不见她。 ☞look at the note at look ¹. 参看look^1的注释。 2. [t] to look at or watch a film, play, television programme, etc 观看(电影、戏剧、电视节目等): ◇did you see that programme on sharks last night? 昨晚你有没有看电视上那个有关鲨鱼的节目?◇have you seen spielberg's latest film? 你有没有看过史匹堡最新的电影? 3. [t] to find out sth by looking, asking or waiting (通过看、问或等待)获悉,发现: ◇ go and see if the postman has been yet. 去看看邮差来了没有。◇we'll wait and see what happens before making any decisions. 我们先等着瞧发生什么,然后再作决定。◇‘can we go swimming today, dad?’ ‘i'll see.’ “爸爸,我们今天可以去游泳吗?”“让我先考虑一下。”◇i saw in the paper that they're building a new theatre. 我从报章上得知他们正在兴建一家新剧院。 4. [t] to spend time with sb; to visit sb 会见;探望: ◇i saw alan at the weekend; we had dinner together. 我周末曾与艾伦见面;我们一起吃了晚饭。◇you should see a doctor about that cough. 你应该去看医生,治好咳嗽的毛病。◇is she seeing anybody (= having a romantic relationship) at the moment? 她现在在交男朋友吗? 5. [i,t] to understand sth; to realize sth 理解;领会 · ◇do you see what i mean ? 你明白我的意思吗?◇she doesn't see the point in spending so much money on a car. 她不明白为什么要花那么多钱去买一辆汽车。 [i] ◇‘you have to key in your password first.’ ‘oh, i see.’ “你必须先键入你的密码。”“噢,我明白了。” 6. [t] to have an opinion about sth 认为: ◇how do you see the situation developing? 你认为这局势会怎么发展? 7. [t] to imagine sth as a future possibility 想象(未来的可能性): ◇i can't see her changing her mind. 我无法想象她会改变主意。 8. [t] to do what is necessary in a situation; to make sure that sb does sth 做必须做的事;确保: ◇i'll see that he gets the letter. 我会确保他收到那封信。 9. [t] to go with sb, for example to help or protect him/her 陪伴(如提供帮助或保护): ◇he asked me if he could see me home, but i said no. 他问我可否让他送我回家,但我说不必了。◇i'll see you to the door. 我送你到门口。 10. [t] to be the time when an event happens 为某事发生的时候: ◇last year saw huge changes in the education system. 去年教育制度出现了大改革。 as far as i can see→far²as far as the eye can see→far²let me see;let's see→letsee eye to eye (with sb) to agree with sb; to have the same opinion as sb 同意某人的看法;跟某人的看法一致: ◇we don't always see eye to eye on political matters. 我们的政治观点不尽相同。 see if... to try to do sth 尝试: ◇i'll see if i can find time to do it. 我会看看有没有时间做那件事。◇see if you can undo this knot. 看看你能否解开这个结子。 see you around(informal 非正式) used for saying goodbye to sb you have made no arrangement to see again (与没有约定再见面的人道别时用)再见 see you (later) used for saying goodbye to sb you expect to see soon or later that day (与不久或稍后会再见面的人道别时用)再见 you see used for giving a reason (用于提出理由): ◇she's very unhappy. he was her first real boyfriend, you see. 她郁郁不乐,毕竟他是她第一个真正的男朋友。 see about sth/doing sth to deal with sth 处理: ◇i've got to go to the bank to see about my traveller's cheques. 我必须去银行处理有关旅行支票的事宜。 see sb off to go with sb to the railway station, the airport, etc in order to say goodbye to him/her (到火车站、机场等)送行 see through sb/sth to be able to see that sb/sth is not what he/she/it appears 看透;看穿: ◇the police immediately saw through his story. 警方立即看穿他是在编造故事。 see to sb/sth to do what is necessary in a situation; to deal with sb/sth 做必须做的事;处理: ◇i'll see to the travel arrangements and you book the hotel. 我来负责安排旅行,你去订旅馆房间。 see1 to see someone or something2 to be able to see something, but with difficulty3 when something happens in a place where everyone can see4 something that you see5 when something can be seen6 when something cannot be seen or is difficult to see7 something you think you see that is not really there8 something you can see through9 something you cannot see through10 when something makes you unable to see11 unable to see12 unable to see very well13 the ability to seerelated wordsto understand something 明白某事 understand/not understand,see alsowatch,look,notice/not notice,clear/not clear,1. to see someone or something 看见某人或某物 see /siː/ [transitive verb not in progressive] i saw your brother in town this morning. 今天早上我在镇上看到你弟弟。 have you seen my pen anywhere? 你有没有在哪里看到过我的钢笔? if you see either of these men, inform the police immediately. 如果你们看到这两名男子,请立即通知警方。 did you see a white van parked out here earlier today? 今天早些时候,你有没有看到一辆白色小货车停在这外面? when did you last see your dog? 你最后一次看到你的狗是什么时候?see somebody doing something i saw matt coming out of the cinema with jane. 我看到马特和简一起从电影院里走出来。 i first saw her feeding the ducks in the park. 我初次看到她在公园里喂鸭子。see somebody do something she saw him get into a porsche driven by a dark-haired woman. 她看见他上了一辆由一个黑发女子开的保时捷。 i didn't see her arrive because i had my back turned. 她来的时候我没有看到,因为我正好转身背对着。see who/what/where etc it was too dark for her to see who the woman was. 太黑了,她看不清楚那女人是谁。 have you seen what jake's done to his bedroom? 你看到杰克把他的卧室折腾成什么样子了吗?can see somebody/something shh! i can see someone moving in the bushes. 嘘!我看到灌木丛里有人在动。see something with your own eyes see something or someone yourself, especially something strange or surprising 亲眼见到某事物 ‘how do you know it's true?’ ‘because i saw it with my own eyes!’ “你怎么知道这是真的?”“因为这是我亲眼看到的! catch sight of/catch a glimpse of /ˌkætʃ ˈsaɪt ɒv, ˌkætʃ ə ˈglɪmps ɒv/ [verb phrase] especially written to see someone or something for only a very short time, and not very clearly 【尤书面】看见/瞥见 rick caught sight of the driver's face as the car raced by. 汽车疾驰而过,里克正好看到了司机的脸。 lynn caught a brief glimpse of herself in the mirror. 琳恩很快地照了一下镜子。 spot /spɒtǁspɑːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to suddenly see someone or something that you have been looking for, or something interesting or unusual 突然看到[在寻找的人或物,或有趣、奇特的事物] a resident spotted a man sitting in his car watching the explosion and notified the police. 一位居民看到一名男子坐在车上看着爆炸的场面,于是报了警。 he was spotted in the manhattan area in mid-may. 5月中旬的时候,他被发现在曼哈顿地区露面。 i spotted this article about it in the paper. 我在报纸上看到关于这事的这篇文章。 set eyes on also clap eyes on british /ˌset ˈaɪz ɒn, ˌklæp ˈaɪz ɒn/ [verb phrase] to see someone or something -- use this either when talking about the time when you first saw them, or when saying strongly that you have never seen them or never want to see them again 看到[用于谈论第一次见到某人或某物,或强烈表明从未见过或再也不想见他们时] this was the woman he was going to marry -- he knew it the moment he set eyes on her. 这就是他想要娶的女人,他第一次看到就认定是她了。 i'd never clapped eyes on the guy before in my life. 我这辈子从来没见过这个人。 i hoped we would never set eyes on one another again. 我希望我们以后再也不会看到对方。 witness /ˈwɪtnɪs, ˈwɪtnəs/ [transitive verb] to see something happen, especially an accident, a crime, or an important event 看见,目击[尤指事故、罪行或重要事件] police are appealing for information from anyone who witnessed the attack. 警方呼吁目击这起袭击事件的人提供线索。 the crash was witnessed by millions of viewers who were watching the race on tv. 正在电视上观看比赛的上千万观众都目击了这次撞车事件。 witness [countable noun] in court, a witness said he had seen o'grady punch the woman in the face. 一名证人在法庭上说他看到奥格雷迪用拳头打了那女人的脸。witness to police are appealing for witnesses to an arson attack on an apartment block. 警方呼吁公寓大楼纵火案的目击者出来作证。 sight /saɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] especially written to suddenly see something or someone from a long distance, especially when you have been looking for a long time 【尤书面】突然看见,发现[远处的某物或某人,尤指长久以来一直在寻找的目标] the missing boys were sighted by a rescue helicopter. 失踪的男孩们被一架救援直升机发现了。 at least ten birds have been sighted feeding on the lake this year. 今年至少看到有十只鸟在湖上觅食。 we sighted a fishing boat in the distance. 我们看到远处有一艘渔船。 sighting [countable noun] sight of no further sightings of the fur seal were reported until the early 90s. 直到90年代初才有人报告说再次发现海狗。the first sighting when something is seen for the first time 首次见到 the first sighting of halley's comet 第一次发现哈雷彗星 get a look (at) /ˌget ə ˈlʊk (æt)/ [verb phrase] to be able to see someone or something clearly, even though you see them for only a very short time 清楚地看到[即使只在很短的时间内] get a good/proper look (at) hold it up to the light so i can get a proper look at it. 把它拿到灯下来,让我看清楚些。 i don't think i could identify him. i didn't really get a good look. 我想我认不出他,我当时没有好好看清楚他。get a better look (at) she stood on her toes to get a better look. 她踮起脚,想看得更清楚一些。get a close look (at) i didn't get a close look at the driver, but i think he was middle-aged. 我没有看清楚那司机,不过我想他是个中年人。 we drove into the prohibited zone, to get a closer look. 我们开车进了禁区,想看得更清楚一些。 see first hand also see at first hand british /ˌsiː fɜːʳst ˈhænd, ˌsiː ət fɜːʳst ˈhænd/ [verb phrase] if you see first hand something that is happening, you see it yourself, rather than being told about it by someone else 亲眼看到 travelling in rural thailand, i saw first hand the devastating effects of economic reform. 我在泰国的农村地区旅行时,亲眼目睹了经济改革所带来的惊人影响。 central news has been to south america to see at first hand the lives that oxfam hopes to improve. 《中央新闻报》已去过南美,对乐施会希望改善的生活作了实地考查。2. to be able to see something, but with difficulty 好不容易看到某事物 make out /ˌmeɪk ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive] to see someone or something, but only with difficulty 勉强看到 make out something among the trees below, he could make out a yellow pick-up truck. 他在下面的树丛里隐约看到一辆黄色的小货车。 i could just make out murphy in the bed next to mine. 我只能勉强看到墨菲躺在我隔壁的那张床上。make it out some crystals are so small, a microscope is needed to make them out. 有些晶体小得要用显微镜才能看见。make out what/where/who it was difficult to make out where the rocks ended and the sea began. 很难辨认出哪里是岩石和海的界线。 at first, i couldn't make out what i was seeing. 起初,我不知道我看到的是什么。 distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to see the shape of someone or something with difficulty 【正式】[费力地]看清;辨认出[某人的身影或某物的形状] the room was too dimly lit for me to distinguish anything clearly. 房间里灯光太暗,我什么都看不清楚。 it was just possible to distinguish the darkened village below. 下面黑糊糊的村子依稀可辨。3. when something happens in a place where everyone can see 某事发生在大家都看得见的地方 in full view of /ɪn ˌfʊl ˈvjuː ɒv/ [preposition] if someone does something, especially something unpleasant or shocking, in full view of a group of people, they do it in a place where people can see it clearly 在众目睽睽之下[尤指做不好或令人震惊的事] the muggers stole his mobile and wallet in full view of a crowd of shoppers. 那些行凶抢劫者就在购物者的众目睽睽之下抢走了他的手机和钱包。 he made an obscene gesture in full view of tv cameras. 他就当着电视摄像机做了个下流手势。 in front of /ɪn ˈfrʌnt ɒv/ [preposition] if something happens in front of someone, it happens where they can see it, especially when it is shocking or unpleasant 当着…的面[尤指令人震惊或不快的事发生] the man was shot in front of his wife and three children. 那人当着他妻子和三个孩子的面被开枪打死。 the waitress complained that her employer had humiliated her in front of customers. 服务员投诉老板当着顾客的面羞辱她。right in front of somebody use this to emphasize how shocking something is 就当着某人的面 mom grabbed my arm and scolded me, right in front of all my friends. 妈妈就当着我所有朋友的面,抓着我的胳膊骂我。 before your (very) eyes /bɪˌfɔːʳ jɔːʳ (veri) ˈaɪz/ [adverb] if something surprising or shocking happens before your eyes, it happens very close to you, so that you can see it clearly [就]在你的眼前 before our very eyes, he produced $50,000 out of his suitcase and offered to buy the house. 他就当着我们的面从旅行箱里拿出五万美元,说要买下这房子。right before your eyes when you see someone murdered right before your eyes, you don't forget it easily. 如果有人就在你面前被杀,你是不容易忘记的。 in broad daylight /ɪn ˌbrɔːd ˈdeɪlaɪt/ [preposition] if a crime or something shocking happens in broad daylight, it happens during the day in a public place where people can see it 在光天化日之下 he gunned down a man in broad daylight and got away. 他在光天化日之下开枪击倒一名男子后逃之天天。 a woman was attacked in broad daylight, right in front of our office. 一名女子光天化日之下遭到袭击,就在我们办公室前面。4. something that you see 见到的事物 sight /saɪt/ [countable/uncountable noun] something that you see, or when you see something 看到的东西;景象;看见 sunrise over the himalayas is a magnificent sight. 喜马拉雅山的日出是一个壮观的景象。 it was a sight so awe-inspiring we could have stayed for hours. 那景色令人惊叹,我们可以几个小时流连忘返。the sight of something when you see something 看到某物 i can't stand the sight of blood. 我不能忍受看到血。at the sight of something even charles cheered up at the sight of the food. 看到食物,就连查尔斯都欢呼雀跃了起来。(at) first sight the first time you see someone or something 第一次见到 when i met my husband, it was love at first sight. 我对我丈夫是一见钟情的。 it was our first sight of land after 15 months at sea. 那是我们在海上航行了15个月以后第一次见到陆地。on sight as soon as you see someone or something 一看到就… the superintendent issued orders to shoot looters and arsonists on sight. 警司发布命令,一见到抢劫者和纵火者就开枪。a familiar/common sight something that you often see 熟悉的景象 homeless kids are now a familiar sight on london's streets. 现在,无家可归的孩子在伦敦的街头已是司空见惯的了。a sorry sight someone or something that makes you feel sad or sympathetic 可怜兮兮的模样 gavin looked a sorry sight -- his jaw was broken, and he had a black eye. 加文看上去一副可怜兮兮的样子—下巴破了,一只眼睛也乌青了。quite a sight used to emphasize how impressive, beautiful, funny etc something looks 值得一看的场面 we looked at the huge crowd gathering below us. ‘it's quite a sight, isn't it?’ 我们看着下面聚集的大片人群,“多么热闹的场面啊!” view /vjuː/ [countable noun] the area you can see from a window or place, especially when it is beautiful or when you are able to see something from a place [从窗户或某个地方看出去的]景色,风景 we lived in a town house, with a spectacular view of the east china sea. 我们住在连栋房屋里,看出去就是东中国海的壮丽景色。 is it the superb views that bring you back here each year? 是这美丽的景色让你每年都要回来吗?view of edwina's office was south-facing, with a view of the lake. 埃德温娜的办公室朝南,看出去就是湖。get/have a good view (of something) be able to see all of it 看得很清楚[某物] we had a good view of the firework display from ron's balcony. 我们在罗恩的阳台上看烟花表演,非常清楚。provide/afford/offer a view to have very good views -- used especially in advertisements 可看到…的景色[尤用于广告] the hotel is situated on a hill, providing panoramic views of the city. 酒店坐落在山上,俯瞰城市全景。 the open-air terrace affords unparalleled views of the big apple. 从露天平台上可以看到纽约无与伦比的景色。a room/apartment/office etc with a view we were very, very lucky to get an apartment with a view. 我们运气非常好,租到了一套能看到风景的公寓房。 dan was delighted to get a room with breathtaking views of the los angeles basin. 丹非常高兴,他住的房间能看到洛杉矶内港,景色令人叫绝。 scene /siːn/ [countable noun] what you see in a place -- used especially when you are describing a place where something unusual or shocking is happening 场面,景象[尤指有异常或令人震惊的事发生的地方] the village is a scene of devastation after the heavy rains. 暴雨过后,村子里一片狼藉,到处都遭到了破坏。 i had to laugh at the absurdity of the scene. 这荒唐的场面,我只能一笑置之。 reporters described the horrific scenes which followed the bombing. 记者们对爆炸发生以后的可怕场面作了报道。scene of there are scenes of confusion here as refugees pour out of the city. 难民潮水般地涌出城市,这里的场面一片混乱。 panorama /ˌpænəˈrɑːməǁ-ˈræmə/ [countable noun] an impressive view of a very large area that stretches a long way across in front of you 全景 at sunrise, they surveyed the vast panorama of snow-covered hills and mountains. 日出的时候,他们看到了一片群山连绵、白雪皑皑的壮阔景象。 the white limestone formed a dramatic panorama against the darkening sky. 白色的石灰岩衬着渐渐灰暗下来的天空,构成了一幅令人叫绝的全景图。 panoramic /ˌpænəˈræmɪk◂/ [adjective] panoramic view an apartment with panoramic views of the hudson river 可以看到哈得孙河全景的一套公寓房 spectacle /ˈspektəkəl/ [countable noun usually singular] something that you see that is very surprising, strange, or shocking 令人震惊的景象;奇观 the spectacle of visitors to london are often shocked by the spectacle of people begging in the streets. 到伦敦来的游客常常为人们在街头行乞的景象所震惊。a strange/bizarre/tragic etc spectacle the sight of european tourists dancing in grass skirts made a bizarre spectacle. 欧洲游客身穿草裙翩翩起舞,蔚为奇观。make a spectacle of yourself to do something silly, surprising, or shocking when a lot of people can see you 使自己出洋相 she knew she was making a spectacle of herself with her childish outburst, but she couldn't seem to help herself. 她知道自己孩子般地乱发脾气很出洋相,可她似乎控制不住自己。 visual /ˈvɪʒuəl/ [adjective usually before noun] designed to be seen or having a particular effect when seen 视觉的 the movie is greatly enhanced by its stunning visual effects. 这部影片因为有着惊人的视觉效果,质量大大提高。 teachers have been using visual aids in the classroom for decades. 教师几十年来都在课堂上使用直观教具。 children learn to read by interpreting visual symbols. 儿童是通过对形象符号的理解来学习识字的。 visually [adverb] as well as being nutritious, food needs to be visually attractive. 食物除了要有营养,还要在视觉上吸引人。 use a variety of bright bold colors to make your design visually attractive. 运用各种鲜亮显眼的颜色,可以让你的设计产生视觉上的美感。5. when something can be seen 某物可以看见 visible /ˈvɪzɪbəl, ˈvɪzəbəl/ [adjective] detectives found no visible signs of a struggle. 侦探没有发现可见的挣扎迹象。visible from/at/above etc the church tower is visible from the next village. 教堂大楼从隔壁的村子都可以看得见。 only the top of his head was visible above the water. 只看到他的头顶露出水面。 a single headlight was suddenly visible far below them. 突然,在他们下面很远的地方亮起了一盏车头灯。 trim any visible fat before frying the meat. 把看得见的肥肉全部去掉再煎。clearly visible the bullet holes are still clearly visible in the walls. 墙上的弹孔依然清晰可见。barely/hardly/scarcely visible the marks are in faint gold, and hardly visible. 记号是淡金黄色的,几乎看不见。visible to the naked eye visible without using special instruments to help you 肉眼可辨的 these stars are barely visible to the naked eye. 这些星星肉眼几乎看不见。 visibly [adverb] visibly upset/moved/shaken etc when you can see that someone is upset etc 显然很不高兴/感动/吃惊等 the kings were visibly shaken when the judge passed sentence. 法官宣布判决的时候,金氏一家显然很吃惊。 the questions made her visibly nervous. 这些问题显然使她很紧张。 visibility /ˌvɪzɪˈbɪləti, ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti/ [uncountable noun] how far it is possible to see, especially when this is affected by weather conditions - used especially in weather reports 能见度[尤用于气象预报] fog has reduced visibility to under 20 metres. 大雾使能见度降低至20米以内。good visibility when the air is clear so you can see a long distance 能见度良好 conditions are perfect for the yacht race; there is a light wind and visibility is good. 这次帆船比赛天气条件很理想,风小,能见度良好。poor/zero/low visibility when it is difficult to see very far 能见度差/为零/低 poor visibility made skiing extremely hazardous. 能见度差,滑雪非常危险。 most modern planes can land in zero visibility. 大多数现代飞机在能见度为零的时候也能降落。 in sight/within sight /ɪn ˈsaɪt, wɪðɪn ˈsaɪt/ [adverb] if something or someone is in sight or within sight, you can see them from where you are 能看见,在视野内 the only building in sight was a small wooden cabin. 唯一能见到的建筑物是一栋小木屋。 the boat was stopped by the us coastguard within sight of shore. 小船在看得到海岸的地方被美国海岸警卫队截住了。 it was a glorious summer day, with not a cloud in sight. 那是个阳光灿烂的夏日,看不到一片云。 it was late afternoon, and there wasn't a soul in sight. 那是傍晚时分,看不见一个人影。 meredith looked around - there was no-one in sight. 梅雷迪斯四处张望—看不到一个人。 the taxi driver was still nowhere in sight. 出租车司机还是毫无踪影。come in/within sight of to come close enough to a place to see it 看到 it was several hours before the three men came within sight of the city. 几个小时以后,那三个人看到了那座城。 show /ʃəʊ/ [intransitive verb] if something shows, people can see it, especially when you do not want them to 显露出来,看得出 don't worry about that mark - it won't show. 不要担心那块斑—看不出来的。 your slip is showing, did you know? 你的衬裙露出来了,你知道吗? in view /ɪn ˈvjuː/ [adverb] if something or someone is in view, they can be seen from where you are and are not hidden by anything [某物或某人]在视线之内;看得见地 david pulled the blankets up so only the top of his head remained in view. 戴维把毯子拉上来,只把脑袋露在外面。 there were no buildings in view to suggest the presence of any humans. 看不到有任何建筑物,表示没有人迹。keep somebody in view place the child's desk near the teacher's, so that the child can keep the teacher in view. 把这孩子的书桌放到老师的书桌旁边,让他看得到老师。 appear /əˈpɪəʳ/ [intransitive verb] if someone or something appears, you begin to see them or you suddenly see them 出现 the stars appeared one by one in the sky. 星星一颗接一颗地在天空中出现。appear at/in/on etc at that moment, kenny appeared in the doorway. 就在那时,肯尼在门口出现。 i heard a tap, and lila's face appeared at the window. 我听到有人敲窗的声音,莉拉的脸出现在窗口。 a drop-down menu appeared on the screen, and i clicked ‘format’. 屏幕上出现一个下拉菜单,我点击了“格式化”。appear from behind/under etc a man suddenly appeared from behind the bushes. 一个男人突然从树丛后面钻了出来。appear (as if) from nowhere appear suddenly, without any warning 不知从哪里冒了出来 just then, gillian appeared as if from nowhere. 就在这时,吉利恩不知从哪里冒了出来。 a gray sedan appeared from nowhere in the fast lane. 快车道上不知从哪里冒出了一辆灰色的大轿车来。 come into sight/come into view /ˌkʌm ɪntə ˈsaɪt, ˌkʌm ɪntə ˈvjuː/ [verb phrase] if someone or something comes into sight, they move into a position where you can see them 进入视线 the crowd cheered as the president's motorcade came into sight. 总统的车队进入了视线,人群欢呼了起来。 i heard the splash of oars, and a rowing boat came into view. 我听到了桨划水的声音,一只划艇出现在眼前。6. when something cannot be seen or is difficult to see 某物看不见或很难看见 invisible /ɪnˈvɪzɪbəl, ɪnˈvɪzəbəl/ [adjective] if something is invisible, it cannot be seen 看不见的 the gas is invisible but highly dangerous. 这种气体看不见,但非常危险。 word perfect uses invisible codes for many different functions. 完美文字处理软件的许多不同功能都用了隐形代码。 he nodded toward the distant ship, invisible in the darkness. 他朝着远处黑暗中看不到的轮船点点头。invisible to the naked eye invisible without using special instruments to help you 肉眼看不到的 the space probe can photograph parts of the electronic spectrum that are invisible to the naked eye. 太空探测器可以拍摄到肉眼看不见的部分电子光谱。 out of sight /ˌaʊt əv ˈsaɪt/ [adverb] if someone or something is out of sight, you cannot see them, for example because they are too far away or they are behind something else [因太远或隐藏在其他东西后面而]看不见 jim waited until his parents’ car was out of sight and then left the house. 吉姆等到他父母的车消失了,然后离开了家。 it's best to keep your purse out of sight in this office. 在这个办公室里最好把钱包放在看不到的地方。drop/pass out of sight move to a position where you cannot be seen 移至看不见的地方 we both quickly dropped out of sight behind the desk. 我们俩赶紧在书桌后面躲了起来。 the car passed out of sight over the hill. 汽车绕过山那边看不见了。out of sight of he would punch and kick me as soon as we were out of sight of the teachers. 老师一看不到我们,他就会对我拳打脚踢。 lose sight of /ˌluːz ˈsaɪt ɒv/ [verb phrase] to no longer be able to see someone or something because they have moved too far away from you, especially when you are chasing them 不再看得见[尤指在追赶某人或某物时] police lost sight of the man when he ran into a crowd of people. 那人跑进人群里,警察再也看不到他了。 they gave up the chase, losing sight of the car as it turned the corner. 汽车拐弯消失了,他们就放弃了追赶。 dim /dɪm/ [adjective usually before noun] dim shape/outline/figure etc one that is difficult to see because it is too far away or because there is not enough light 隐约的形状/轮廓/身影等 he saw the dim outline of the taxi-driver's head inside the cab. 他隐约看到出租车里司机头部的轮廓。 there was enough starlight coming in the window to make out the dim shapes of bunkbeds and rucksacks. 星光通过窗户照进来,使双层床和背包的轮廓隐约可见。 dimly [adverb] the distant coastline was dimly outlined against the evening sky. 夜空下,远处海岸线的轮廓依稀可见。 indistinct /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt◂/ [adjective] something that is indistinct is difficult to see because its edges are unclear or it is very small 模糊的,不清楚的 even with the binoculars, i could barely make out the indistinct shapes gliding through the water. 即使用了双筒望远镜,我也好不容易才看到有隐隐约约的身影在水上滑行。 all the police have to go on is a grainy, indistinct video clip. 警方所能依据的只是一段粗糙、模糊的录像。 blind spot /ˈblaɪnd spɒtǁ-spɑːt/ [noun phrase] part of a place that is within the area that you can see, but that you cannot see properly or easily 盲点,看不到的地方 his son walked into his blind spot just as he was reversing the car. 就在他倒车的时候,他的儿子走进了他视线的盲点。 the recent escapes have prompted prison officers to install video camera surveillance of the blind spot. 最近的几起越狱事件促使狱警安装摄像机监视看不到的地方。7. something you think you see that is not really there 你以为见到但实际并不存在的事物 hallucination /həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃən, həˌluːsəˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] an experience of seeing something which is not really there, for example because you have been taking drugs or because you are ill [因吸毒、生病等而产生的]幻觉 suffer/have hallucinations i suffered horrendous hallucinations and flashbacks, and quit using lsd. 因为我出现了可怕的幻觉,而且幻觉不断地重现,所以我就把迷幻药戒掉了。 in tests, the drug caused patients to have hallucinations. 这种药品在试验的时候使病人产生了幻觉。 illusion /ɪˈluːʒən/ [countable noun] something that you imagine you can see, that is either not there at all, or is actually something else 错觉;假象 the road appears to get narrower as you look into the distance, but it's just an illusion. 你往远处看,路好像越来越窄,但这只是错觉。give/create an illusion of something it's a small room, but the mirrors create an illusion of space. 这房间很小,但是这些镜子造成一种错觉,让人觉得空间很大。 she isn't particularly tall, but her upright posture gives an illusion of height. 她不是特别高,但是她姿势毕挺,给人一种错觉她很高。 mirage /ˈmɪrɑːʒǁmɪˈrɑːʒ, ˈmɪrɑːʒǁməˈrɑːʒ/ [countable noun] something, especially an area of water in a desert, that you think you can see in the distance but which is not really there, caused by hot air conditions [尤指沙漠里的]海市蜃楼 she thought at first it must be the edge of the sea, then realised it was a mirage. 起初她以为是到了大海的边际,后来才明白那是海市蜃楼。 an eerie no-man's land where travellers see mirages 一个荒无人烟的恐怖地方,旅行者常在那里看到海市蜃楼 vision /ˈvɪʒən/ [countable noun] something that you imagine you can see, especially as part of a strong religious experience 梦幻;异象[尤指一种宗教体验] in her vision, joan of arc saw an angel telling her to go and fight for france. 圣女贞德在梦幻中看到天使叫她去为法国而战。vision of three days before she died, rita was blessed with a vision of our lord. 丽塔去世的前三天见到我主显异象。have visions many people claim to have had visions while praying at lourdes. 许多人称在卢尔德祈祷时见过异象。 be seeing things /biː ˈsiːɪŋ θɪŋz/ [verb phrase] spoken to imagine that you are seeing something that is not there - use this especially to say that you are so surprised at something that you see that you almost cannot believe it 【口】产生幻觉[尤表示不相信自己看到的事] i thought i saw patty arrive. i must be seeing things today. 我以为看到帕蒂来了,今天我一定是见鬼了。8. something you can see through 透明的东西 clear /klɪəʳ/ [adjective] if water, air, or glass is clear, you can easily see through it 清澈的;明亮的;明净的;晴朗的 the lake was so clear you could see the plants on the bottom. 湖水清澈得连湖底的水草都看得见。 on a clear day, you can see mount fuji from tokyo. 在晴朗的天气,在东京都能看到富士山。 i only realised later that the clear liquid in the glass must have been vodka. 我后来才明白,玻璃杯里的透明液体一定是伏特加酒了。crystal-clear use this to emphasize how clear something is 清澈透明的 the water was crystal-clear, edged by sparkling white sand. 海水清澈透明,岸边是亮闪闪的白沙。 transparent /trænˈspærənt, -ˈspeər-/ [adjective] use this about objects or materials that you can see through 透明的,透光的 the box has a transparent plastic lid so you can see what's inside. 那盒子有一个透明的塑料盖,可以看到里面的东西。 the boy's arms and hands were so thin they seemed almost transparent. 那男孩的胳膊和手非常瘦小,简直就像透明的一样。 see-through /ˈsiː θruː/ [adjective usually before noun] see-through clothes are made of thin material that you can see through [衣服]透明的,透视的 a see-through blouse 一件透明的衬衫 she posed for ‘vogue’ in a see-through black teddy. 她穿一件黑色透视连身内衣为《时尚》杂志拍照。9. something you cannot see through 不透明的东西 opaque /əʊˈpeɪk/ [adjective] as the liquid cools it becomes cloudy and opaque. 液体慢慢冷却,变得混浊起来。 keep herbs and spices in opaque glass bottles to protect them from sunlight. 把香料保存在不透明的玻璃瓶里避免光照。 frosted /ˈfrɒstɪd, ˈfrɒstədǁˈfrɔː-/ [adjective] glass that is frosted is fairly thick and with an uneven surface that is difficult or impossible to see through [玻璃]毛面的,磨砂的 two frosted glass doors opened into an elegant lobby. 打开两扇磨砂玻璃门,里面是一个雅致的大厅。 alice took another long drink from the tall frosted glass. 艾丽丝拿起高磨砂杯又痛饮了一口。 the frosted windows let in a weak light. 磨砂玻璃窗透进一丝微弱的光线来。10. when something makes you unable to see 某物使你看不见 blind /blaɪnd/ [transitive verb] if a light blinds you, it is so bright that you cannot look into it and it makes you unable to see for a few moments afterwards [光线亮得]使看不见,使目眩 onlookers were blinded by the flash of the explosion. 旁观者被爆炸的闪光照得什么都看不见。 she adjusted the mirror to avoid being blinded by the glare. 她调整了镜子的位置,以免反光看不见。 the floodlight had blinded him and he couldn't see to reload his gun. 泛光灯照得他眼睛发花,使他不能给枪装子弹。 blinding [adjective] the light was blinding, and she covered her face. 那光照得什么都看不见,她于是蒙起了脸。 the first bomb exploded with a blinding flash. 第一颗炸弹爆炸,发出眩目闪光。 dazzle /ˈdæzəl/ [transitive verb] if a very bright light dazzles you, it is so strong that you cannot see anything else, especially when this may have dangerous results [强光]使眼花[尤指可能会引起危险的后果] if you are dazzled by oncoming traffic, slow down and look for a place to stop. 如果你被迎面开来的汽车照得眼睛发花,就减速找个地方停下来。 she slowly opened her eyes, only to be dazzled by a strong shaft of sunlight. 她慢慢地睁开眼睛,然而一束强烈的太阳光照得她睁不开眼。 i moved aside so that the light no longer dazzled me. 我走到一边,不让那光线再刺到我的眼睛。 dazzling [adjective] the brightness of the sunlight was dazzling after so long in the gloom. 长时间待在阴暗的地方,就觉得太阳的光亮很耀眼。11. unable to see 看不见的 blind /blaɪnd/ [adjective] someone who is blind cannot see at all 瞎的,失明的 blake is now over 90, and almost blind. 布莱克已经九十多岁,眼睛几乎瞎了。 the operation left their son blind and brain-damaged. 那次手术给他们儿子带来的是失明和脑损伤。 there's a blind man who sells popcorn on the corner. 角落里有个盲人在卖爆米花。go blind become blind 失明 without treatment, the patient will go blind. 如果不治疗,病人会失明。the blind people who are blind 盲人 a radio programme specially for the blind 专门为盲人播出的一档广播节目 blind [transitive verb often in passive] to make someone unable to see, either for a short time or permanently 使看不见;使失明 the crash happened after drivers were blinded by a mixture of fog and thick black smoke. 雾气加上浓浓的黑烟阻挡了司机的视线,导致这次撞车事故的发生。 a riding accident left her blinded in one eye. 一次骑马事故使她的一只眼睛失明了。 blindness [uncountable noun] this tiny black fly is the biggest cause of blindness in central africa. 这种黑色的小苍蝇是中非许多人失明的罪魁祸首。 can't see /ˌkɑːnt ˈsiːǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] especially spoken if you can't see, you are unable to see things, either because there is something wrong with your sight, or because something is preventing you seeing clearly 【尤口】看不见 he makes fun of me because i can't see that well. 我看不清楚,他就嘲笑我。 it was pitch black and i couldn't see. 那里一片漆黑,我看不见。 you can't see from here, but they're out there. 你在这里看不见,但他们确实在外面。 that was the morning i got up, and i couldn't see. 就在那天早上,我起了床,什么也看不见。12. unable to see very well 看不清楚的 short-sighted /ˌʃɔːʳt ˈsaɪtə̇d◂/ [adjective] unable to see things that are far away 近视的 ‘are you short-sighted then?’ ‘yeah, can't see a thing without my lenses.’ “这么说你是近视眼”“对,不戴隐形眼镜我什么也看不见。” long-sighted british /far-sighted american /ˌlɒŋ ˈsaɪtə̇d◂ǁˌlɔːŋ-, ˌfɑːʳ ˈsaɪtə̇d◂/ [adjective] only able to see things that are far away and unable to see things that are close to you such as the writing in a book 远视的 my daughter's long-sighted and wears reading glasses. 我女儿远视,要戴阅读镜。 many people become far-sighted as they grow older. 许多人年纪大了就变成远视。 partially sighted /ˌpɑːʳʃəli ˈsaɪtə̇d◂/ [adjective] not able to see things very well at all, although not completely blind 弱视的 tape copies are available free of charge to blind and partially sighted people. 盲人和弱视者可免费获得磁带副本。 i am partially sighted, which makes me a lot more vulnerable. 我有弱视,所以很容易受伤。 visually impaired /ˌvɪʒuəli ɪmˈpeəʳd/ [adjective phrase] completely blind or unable to see much - use this especially to talk about special services or equipment for this group of people 有视力障碍的[尤用于指为这一人群提供的特别服务或设备] instructions can also be obained in braille for the visually impaired. 说明书还提供了盲文版本,方便有视力障碍者使用。 visually impaired people have as much right to full access to educational courses as anyone else. 有视力障碍者和任何人一样,都有修读教育课程的权利。 as blind as a bat /əz ˌblaɪnd əz ə ˈbæt/ [adverb] informal having great difficulty in seeing things 【非正式】像瞎子一样;视力很差 didn't you see me coming? you must be as blind as a bat! 没看到我过来吗?你一定是眼睛瞎了! she's as blind as a bat without her glasses. 她不戴眼镜几乎就像瞎子一样。13. the ability to see 视觉;视力 sight /saɪt/ [uncountable noun] the ability to see 视觉;视力 there are five senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. 人有五种官能:视觉、嗅觉、听觉、味觉和触觉。partial sight when someone can only see a little 有部分视力 ‘has peter got any sight at all now?’ ‘only partial sight, in one eye.’ “现在彼得还能看得见东西吗?”“只有一只眼睛还有点视力。]]impaired sight damaged 有障碍的视力 nicole has suffered since birth from impaired sight as a result of cerebral palsy. 妮科尔患有脑瘫,一生下来就有视力障碍。lose your sight become unable to see 丧失视力,失明 she lost her sight at the age of 12 following an illness. 她12岁的时候病了一场,之后就失明了。 eyesight /ˈaɪsaɪt/ [uncountable noun] the ability to see - use this to talk about how well or badly someone can see 视力[用于指视力的好坏] my eyesight's got a lot worse over the last few years. 这几年我的视力差多了。 an eyesight test 视力测试good/bad eyesight you must have good eyesight. i can't even make it out from here. 你的视力肯定很好,我在这里连看都看不清。 vision /ˈvɪzən/ [uncountable noun] the ability to see - use this especially about damage to someone's sight or when someone's sight is affected by an injury, by alcohol etc 视力[尤表示视力受损或受酒精等影响] when he woke up he had a splitting headache and his vision was blurred. 他醒来时头痛欲裂,视力也模糊不清。 when i have a migraine, i can't stand up without vomiting and my vision is distorted. 我偏头痛发作的时候,一站起来就要呕吐,看到的东西也变形。have vision be able to see 能看见;有视力 my aunt still has some vision in her left eye - she can make out colours and shapes. 我姨妈左眼还有一点视力—还能分辨颜色和形状。double vision when you seem to see two of everything 重影,影 he complained that the new lenses gave him double vision and headaches. 他抱怨说他戴新的隐形眼镜有重影,而且头痛。20-20 vision perfect vision 很好的视力 until she was eighteen she had 20-20 vision - now she has to wear glasses. 她18岁之前视力良好,但是现在要戴眼镜了。 can see /kən ˈsiː/ [verb phrase] if you can see, you are able to see things, especially after you have been unable to 能看见[尤指以前是看不见的] thanks to a new operation, ann can see for the first time in her life. 多亏了一个新的手术,让安有生以来第一次见到了光明。 turn the light on so we can see! 把灯打开,让我们看看! see /si; siː/v saw /sɔ; sɔː/ , seen /sin; siːn/ , seeing 1. [i,t] to use your eyes to look at and notice people or things 看; 看见,看到:◇i can't see without my glasses. 我不戴眼镜就看不见东西。◇it was too dark to see anything. 太黑了,什么也看不见。◇i saw a man take the bag and run off. 我看到一个男人拿了包跑掉了。 2. [i,t] to understand or realize something 明白,认识到:◇do you see how it works? 你明白它是怎么运作的吗?◇i can't see that pat will agree to that. 我不认为帕特会同意这事。◇"just press the red button." "oh, i see." (=i understand) “只要按一下那红色的按钮。”“噢,我懂了。”◇i can't see the point of (=understand the reason for) waiting any longer. 我不明白再等下去有什么意思。◇do you see what i mean about the camera being broken? 我说照相机坏了,你明白我的意思吗? 3. [t] to watch a film, television programme etc 看,观看[电影、电视节目等]:◇what movie shall we go and see? 我们去看什么电影呢?◇did you see that concert on tv last night? 你有没有看昨天晚上电视上的那场音乐会? 4. [t] to visit or meet someone 探望; 会见; 遇见:◇i saw her in the park yesterday. 昨天我在公园里看到了她。◇you ought to see a doctor. 你应该去看看医生。 5. [t] to find out information or a fact 发现,查明,找出:◇plug it in and see if it's working. 把插头插上去看看行不行。◇i'll see what time the train leaves. 我来看看火车什么时候开。 6. [t] to think about someone or something in a particular way 认为,把…看作:◇fighting on tv can make children see violence as normal. 电视上的打打杀杀会让孩子觉得暴力是正常现象。 7. [t] to have experience of something 经历:◇the judge said he had never seen a case like this before. 法官说他以前从未碰到过这样的案子。 8. [t] to be the time when or the place where something happens [某一时间或地点]经历,发生,目睹:◇the 20th century saw huge social changes. 20 世纪发生了巨大的社会变革。 9. [i,t] to think something, especially about what is going to happen in the future 想; 认为:◇we are supposed to move house in may, but i don't see that happening. 我们应该是在五月份搬家,但是我看搬不了。 10. [t] to make sure that something is done correctly 确保,保证:◇please see that everything is put back in the right place. 请务必把每一件东西都物归原处。 11. [t] to go with someone or take them to a particular place, usually to make sure they get there safely 陪同,伴送:◇just wait a minute and i'll see you home. 等一会儿,我送你回家。 12. see eye to eye (with sb) to agree with someone (和某人)看法一致,(和某人)意见相同:◇ros and her mother don't always see eye to eye. 罗斯和她母亲不是总能意见一致的。 13. see you used to say goodbye to someone you will meet again 再见:◇okay, i'll see you later. 好吧,回头见。◇see you, ben. 再见,班恩。 14. let's see/let me see used when you are trying to remember something or are thinking about something 让我想想[用于试图记起某事或正在考虑某事的时候]:◇let's see. when did you send it? 让我想想,你是什么时候发出的? 15. i'll/we'll see used when you do not want to make a decision immediately 我/我们看看再说[用于不想立即作出决定的时候]:◇"can we go to disney world this year?" "we'll see." “今年我们能去迪士尼世界吗?”“我们看看再说吧。”see about sthto make arrangements or deal with something 安排; 处理,料理:◇fran went to see about her passport. 法兰去办理她的护照。see sb ↔ offto go to an airport, train station etc to say goodbye to someone who is leaving [到机场、火车站等]为…送行:◇we saw her off from stansted airport. 我们是在斯坦斯特德机场为她送行的。see sb outto go with someone to the door when they leave 将…送到门口:◇no, that's okay, i'll see myself out. (=go by myself to the door) 请留步吧,我自己出去。see through1 [see through sb/sth] to be able to know what the truth is when someone is not being honest with you 看穿,识破:◇can't you see through his lies? 难道你不能识破他的谎言?2 [see sb/sth through] to continue doing something difficult until it is finished, or to help someone until the end of a difficult time 把[某事]坚持到底; 帮助[某人]渡过困难:◇miller is determined to see the project through. 米勒下定决心要把这项目坚持到底。see to sthto deal with something or make sure that it happens 处理; 关照,留意; 务必做到:◇we'll see to it that he gets there safely. 我们务必会让他安全抵达的。usage note 用法说明: see, look at, and 和 watchif you see something, you notice it with your eyes, whether or not you want to. see(看见,看到)是指眼睛注意到了什么事物,与你愿不愿意无关:◇i saw some terrible things during the war. 战争中我目睹了一些可怕的事情。when you look at something, you deliberately turn your eyes towards it. look at 是指有意地转过眼睛去看:◇look at that rainbow! 看那彩虹!watch means that you look at something that is happening or moving for a period of time. watch 是指在一段时间里观看正在发生或活动的事物:◇he was watching tv. 他在看电视。◇they're going to watch the game. 他们要去观看比赛。 ☞ see




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