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单词 secrete
释义 secrete /sɪkriːt/ [transitive] (formal or technical术语) (of part of the body or a plant) to produce a liquid substance(身体器官或植物部位)分泌◆insulin is secreted by the pancreas.胰岛素是胰腺分泌出来的。▸ secretion /sɪkriːʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the secretion of bile by the liver肝脏分泌胆汁的过程◆bodily secretions人体分泌物secrete/sɪˈkri:t ||; sɪˈkrit/verb[t] 1. (used about a part of a plant, animal or person) to produce a liquid (指植物、动物或人体某部份)分泌(液体) 2. (formal 正式) to hide sth in a secret place 隐藏 secretesee ⇨ hide 1 se·crete /sɪ`krit; sɪˈkriːt/v [t] 1. if part of a plant or animal secretes a substance, it produces that substance [动植物器官]分泌:◇a hormone that is secreted into the bloodstream 分泌到血液中的激素 2. formal to hide something【正式】 隐藏,藏匿




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