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单词 ribbon
释义 ribbon nounadjective | ... of ribbon | verb + ribbon adjective➤long长缎带▸➤wide宽缎带▸➤narrow, thin细缎带;薄缎带▸➤satin, silk, velvet缎带;丝带;天鹅绒缎带▸➤hair发带... of ribbon➤length, piece一节/一条缎带◆he cut off a length of ribbon.他剪下一节缎带。verb + ribbon➤tie, tie sth with扎丝带;用丝带把⋯扎起来◆he tied some gold ribbon around the present.他给礼品系了一些金丝带。◆her hair was tied back with a black silk ribbon.她的头发用黑丝带扎在后面。➤tie sth back with, tie sth up with用丝带把⋯扎在后面;用丝带把⋯扎起来▸➤undo, untie解开丝带▸➤cut剪彩◆the mayor cut a ribbon to launch the celebrations.市长为庆典剪彩。➤have, wear扎着丝带◆she had a pink ribbon in her hair.她的头发上扎着一条粉红色的丝带。◆she was wearing a pink hair ribbon.她扎着一条粉红色的发带。ribbon [uncountable, countable] a narrow strip of fabric, used to tie things or for decoration(用于捆绑或装饰的)带子,丝带◆her present was tied with yellow ribbon.她的礼物上系着黄丝带。◆she was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.她的头发上系着两根蓝色丝带。ⓘ a ribbon of sth is something that is long and narrow in shape. * ribbon of sth 指狭长的东西◆the road was a ribbon of moonlight.这条路在月光下如同一条缎带。ribbon/ˈrɪbən ||; ˈrɪbən/noun [c,u] a long, thin piece of material that is used for tying or decorating sth 丝带;缎带: ◇a present wrapped in a blue ribbon 用蓝色丝带包扎的礼物 ☞pictures at hat and wrap 见hat及wrap插图 rib·bon /`rɪbən; ˈrɪbən/n 1. [c,u] a long narrow piece of cloth, used especially for tying things or as a decoration [束物、装饰用的]缎带,丝带:◇she had a red ribbon in her hair. 她头发上系了一条红丝带。 2. a long narrow piece of cloth with ink on it that is used in a typewriter [打字机的]色带




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