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单词 sport
释义 sport noun¹ 1 (bre) (name sports) physical activity done for pleasure体育活动adjective | verb + sport/sports | sports + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤amateur, pro (informal, especially name) , professional业余体育运动;职业体育运动➤organized有组织的体育运动➤youth青少年体育运动➤high-school, school (especially bre) 高中/学校体育运动▸➤college, collegiate, intercollegiate (name) 高校/院校/校际间体育运动➤after-school课外体育运动▸➤motor (usually motorsport in bre, motorsports in name) 赛车运动verb + sport/sports➤do, play进行体育运动◆he does a lot of sport. (bre) 他参加很多体育运动。◆we played sports together when we were kids. (especially name) 我们小的时候经常一起参加体育运动。➤be involved in, get involved in, participate in参加体育运动◆we encourage the children to get involved in sport / sports.我们鼓励孩子们参加体育运动。➤promote促进体育运动◆a campaign to promote sport / sports among women鼓励妇女参加体育运动的宣传活动sports + noun (the following nouns all follow sports in bre, and name.无论英式英语还是美式英语,下列名词均接在 sports 后。) event体育赛事▸➤arena, bar, centre, club, facilities, field, ground, hall, pavilion, stadium, venue体育场;运动酒吧;体育中心;体育俱乐部;运动设施;运动场地;体育馆;体育场馆◆the construction of a new $250-million sports arena一座 2.5 亿美元新体育场的建设◆the council has allocated an extra £11 million to a new community sports club. (bre) 地方议会已经另外下拨了 1,100 万英镑新建一个社区体育俱乐部。➤league (especially name) 体育联赛▸➤day (bre) 运动会日◆the school sports day学校的运动会日➤programme/program (especially name) 运动计划◆government funding for sports programmes / programs for girls and women政府对女子体育运动的资助➤figure, hero, person (usually sportsperson) , personality, star体育人物;体育界名人;体育明星▸➤team运动队▸➤enthusiast, fan体育狂;体育迷▸➤commentator体育评论员▸➤channel, coverage, news, page, section体育频道;体育报道;体育新闻;体育版;体育专栏◆sports coverage in the local newspaper is good.这家地方报纸的体育报道相当不错。➤programme/program, show (especially name) 体育节目▸➤columnist, correspondent, editor, journalist, photographer, reporter, writer体育专栏撰稿人;体育记者;体育编辑;体育摄影记者▸➤injury运动损伤➤medicine, nutrition运动医学/营养学➤nutritionist, psychologist运动营养学专家/心理学家▸➤bag运动休闲包▸➤equipment运动器械▸➤goods (bre) (sporting goods in name) 体育运动品▸➤bra, clothing运动胸罩;运动服➤drink运动型饮料➤book, movie体育书籍/电影◆it is one of the best sports books i have read.那是我看过的最好的体育书籍之一。➤shop, store体育用品商店➤betting体育博彩◆sports betting on the internet因特网体育博彩➤marketing体育营销preposition➤in sport在体育运动中◆the use of drugs in sport (bre) 体育运动中的药物滥用◆the use of drugs in sports (name) 体育运动中的药物滥用phrases➤love for sport, love for sports, love of sport, love of sports, passion for sport, passion for sports (name) 对体育运动的喜爱;对运动的热情◆she has a real passion for sport / sports.她特别喜欢体育运动。➤the world of sport, the world of sports (name) 体育界sport noun² 2particular type of sporting activity某项体育运动adjective | verb + sport | preposition | phrases adjective➤mainstream, major, popular主流体育运动;重要体育运动;受大众欢迎的体育运动◆popular sports such as football诸如足球等群众喜闻乐见的体育运动➤minor, minority (bre) 小规模的/少数人的体育运动▸➤competitive, recreational (especially name) 竞技/休闲体育运动➤olympic奥林匹克体育项目▸➤contact, non-contact有身体接触的/无身体接触的体育项目◆in theory, basketball is a non-contact sport.理论上讲,篮球是一种无身体接触的体育项目。➤active剧烈的运动▸➤dangerous, risky危险的运动▸➤spectator观赏性体育运动▸➤indoor, outdoor室内/室外运动▸➤winter (usually winter sports) 冬季运动▸➤individual, team个人/团队运动项目▸➤adventure, extreme (usually adventure sports, extreme sports) 冒险/极限运动◆the inherent dangers of adventure sports such as mountaineering登山之类冒险运动的固有危险➤field (bre) 野外运动▸➤country (bre) 乡间户外体育运动▸➤water (usually water sports) 水上运动▸➤combat搏击运动◆combat sports such as karate and judo carry with them the risk of injury.像空手道和柔道之类的搏击运动有受伤的危险。➤racket用球拍的运动▸➤equestrian马术运动▸➤blood, cruel (especially bre) 猎杀鸟兽的运动verb + sport➤take up开始运动◆i need to take up a sport to get fit.我需要开始一项运动以保持身体健康。➤dominate主导体育运动◆in the 1960s, the soviet union dominated the sport of gymnastics.20 世纪 60 年代,苏联在体操运动中独领风骚。➤promote促进体育运动◆a campaign to promote the sport among young people促进青年中此项体育运动的宣传活动preposition➤sport of⋯运动◆the sport of boxing拳击运动phrases➤love for a sport, love of a sport, passion for a sport对体育项目的喜爱;对运动的热情◆she has a real passion for the sport.她对运动十分着迷。sport nounsport ♦︎ exercise ♦︎ pe ♦︎ workout ♦︎ aerobicsthese are all words for activity that you do in order to stay healthy or become stronger.这些词均表示体育运动、锻炼。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to do sport / exercises / pe / a workout / aerobics■ sport [uncountable] (bre) (name sports [plural]) activity that you do for pleasure or to keep fit and that needs physical effort and skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules体育运动◆i'm not interested in sport.我对体育运动不感兴趣。◆ (bre) do you do a lot of sport?你常参加体育运动吗?◆ (name) we played sports together when we were kids.小时候我们一起参加体育运动。ⓘ the plural form sports is used in both british and american english when it comes before another noun. * sport 用于另一个名词前时要用复数形式,在英式和美式英语中都是如此◆sports shoes运动鞋◆a sports club体育运动俱乐部  ➡ see also sport → game 2 ■ exercise [uncountable, countable] physical or mental activity that you do to stay healthy or become stronger; a set of movements or activities that you do to stay healthy or develop a skill(身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼;一套锻炼动作;练习◆swimming is good exercise.游泳是有益的运动。◆i don't get much exercise sitting in the office all day.我整天坐在办公室里,很少运动。◆ (bre) remember to take regular exercise.记住要经常锻炼身体。◆the mind needs exercise as well as the body.大脑跟身体一样也需要锻炼。◆vigorous / gentle exercise剧烈的/温和的运动◆breathing / relaxation / stretching exercises呼吸/放松/伸展运动◆repeat the exercise ten times on each leg.每条腿重复做十次这种动作。  ➡ see also exercise → train verb 2 , training → training ■ pe (bre) (name p. e.) /piː iː/ [uncountable] the abbreviation for 'physical education' (sport and exercise that is taught in schools)体育(课)◆a pe lesson / class / teacher体育课;体育教师■ workout /wɜːkaʊt; name wɜːrkaʊt/ [countable] a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit锻炼◆she does a 20-minute workout every morning.她每天早晨锻炼 20 分钟。  ➡ see also work out → train verb 2 ■ aerobics /eərəʊbɪks; name eroʊbɪks/ [uncountable] physical exercises intended to strengthen the heart and lungs, often done in classes, with music有氧运动◆i go to aerobics (= to an aerobics class) every monday.我每周一去上有氧运动课。▸ aerobic adjective◆aerobic exercise有氧运动sport [countable] an activity that you do for pleasure or to keep fit and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special playing area and according to fixed rules体育运动◆skiing, skating and other winter sports滑雪、滑冰和其他冬季运动◆which is the country's most popular spectator sport (= which sport do the most people watch)?该国最受欢迎的观赏性体育运动是什么?◆i need to take up a sport to get fit.为了健康,我需要开始运动了。◆ (name) did you play any sports in high school?你上高中时有做什么运动吗?ⓘ in british english use do and the uncountable sport.在英式英语中,用 do 和不可数形式的 sport 搭配◆ (bre) did you do any sport at school?你上学时有做什么运动吗?  ➡ see also sport → sport sport [uncountable] (bre) (name sports [plural]) activity that you do for pleasure or to keep fit and that needs physical effort and skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules体育运动◆i'm not interested in sport.我对体育运动不感兴趣。◆ (bre) do you do a lot of sport?你常参加体育运动吗?◆ (name) we played sports together when we were kids.小时候我们一起参加体育运动。ⓘ the plural form sports is used in both british and american english when it comes before another noun. * sport 用于另一个名词前时要用复数形式,在英式和美式英语中都是如此◆sports shoes运动鞋◆a sports club体育运动俱乐部  ➡ see also sport → game 2 sport/spɔ:t ||; spɔrt/noun1. [u] a physical game or activity that you do for exercise or because you enjoy it 体育运动: ◇john did a lot of sportwhen he was at school. 约翰念书时参加许多体育活动。◇do you like sport? 你喜欢体育活动吗? 2. [c] a particular game or type of sport 某种体育活动: ◇what's your favourite sport? 你最喜欢哪一种体育活动?◇ winter sports(= skiing, skating, etc) 冬季体育活动(滑雪、溜冰等) ➔sporting adj a major sporting event 一项重要的体育比赛项目 ☞ sport/game☞ sport¹☞ sport²




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