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单词 sporadic
释义 sporadic /spərædɪk/ (written) happening at intervals that are not regular or very frequent; happening in only a few places without any pattern偶尔发生的;间或出现的;零星的◆sporadic gunfire was reported each night.报道称每夜都有零星的炮火。◆planning controls protect the countryside from sporadic development.规划管制保护乡村地区免受零星开发的破坏。ⓘ sporadic usually describes sth unpleasant such as violence or disease. * sporadic 通常描述暴力或疾病之类令人不快的事物。▸ sporadically adverb◆fighting continued sporadically for two months.战斗断断续续地进行了两个月。sporadic/spəˈrædɪk ||; spəˈrædɪk/adj not done or happening regularly 偶尔发生的;断断续续的 ➔sporadically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv sporadicsee ⇨ regular/regularly 2 spo·rad·ic /spə`rædɪk; spəˈrædɪk/adjnot happening regularly, or happening only in a few places 偶尔发生的; 零星的; 分散的:◇sporadic outbreaks of fighting 战斗的零星爆发




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