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单词 spoon-feed
释义 ˈspoon-feedverb [t] (past tense, past participle spoon-fed) 1. to teach people sth in a way that gives them too much help and does not make them think for themselves 填鸭式灌输;满堂灌: ◇the students here do not expect to be spoon-fed. 这里的学生不希望教师满堂灌。◇they had information spoon-fed to them. 他们学的知识是以满堂灌的方式传授给他们的。 2. to feed sb, especially a baby, with a spoon 用勺喂﹙婴儿﹚ spoon-feed /ˈ· ·/v [t]to help someone too much so that they do not learn anything 向[某人]作填鸭式灌输:◇spoonfeeding students does not help them remember things. 向学生进行填鸭式灌输没法帮助他们记忆吸收。




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