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单词 hurt/injure
释义 hurt/injure1 hurt or injured in an accident, fight etc2 to hurt a part of your body3 to hurt or injure someone4 to permanently injure someone5 damage to a part of the body6 someone who is injured7 not hurt or injuredrelated wordssee alsoharm,damage,accident,shoot,hit,pain,hospital,medical treatment,1. hurt or injured in an accident, fight etc 在事故、打斗等中受伤 be injured/be hurt /biː ˈɪndʒəʳd, biː ˈhɜːʳt/ [verb phrase] if someone is hurt or is injured, part of their body is damaged, especially in an accident or fight [尤指在事故或打斗中]受伤 ‘did you hear about that fire in the school?’ ‘yes, thank god no one was hurt.’ “你听说学校里的那场火灾了吗?”“听说了,感谢上帝没人受伤。” four people have been injured in a road accident on the arizona highway. 亚利桑那州高速公路上发生的一起交通事故中,有四人受伤。badly/seriously injured one man died, and another was seriously injured when a wall on a construction site collapsed. 一个建筑工地上有一面墙倒塌,造成一人死亡,另有一人受重伤。badly/seriously hurt fortunately, the driver of the van was not badly hurt. 所幸的是,小型货车的司机伤得不重。slightly injured/hurt six soldiers were slightly injured when a grenade exploded in a nearby truck. 附近一辆卡车上一个手榴弹爆炸,六名士兵受了轻伤。get hurt there were so many people at the match - it was lucky that no one got hurt. 有很多人观看比赛——真是幸运,没有人受伤。be fatally injured be injured so badly that someone dies 受致命伤 the motorbike rider, gregory watts, was fatally injured in the crash. 摩托车手格雷戈里·沃茨在这次撞车事故中受了致命伤。 be wounded /biː ˈwuːndə̇d/ [verb phrase] to be injured in a war, a fight etc, by a weapon such as a knife, gun, or bomb 受伤[指战争中、打架时刀、枪、炸弹等武器所致的伤] the man, in his early 30s, was wounded in the stomach after two gunmen opened fire. 两名持枪歹徒开枪,这名30出头的男子腹部中了弹。be badly/seriously wounded during the first five months of the war, 10, 000 people died and over 12,000 were seriously wounded. 战争的头五个月里,有一万人死亡,一万二千多人受重伤。be fatally wounded be wounded so badly that someone dies 受致命伤 we heard that my brother had been fatally wounded in the battle, and died two days later. 我们听说我哥哥在战场上受了致命伤,两天以后就死了。2. to hurt a part of your body 使身体某一部位受伤 hurt /hɜːʳt/ [transitive verb] if you hurt a part of your body, you accidentally damage it so that it feels painful or you cannot move it easily 弄伤,弄痛[身体某部分] nick's hurt his back, and the doctor says he will have to rest for a few weeks. 尼克弄伤了背部,医生说他得休息几个星期。 i can't go running this week - i've hurt my foot. 这个星期我不能去跑步了—我的脚弄伤了。hurt yourself that's a sharp knife. be careful you don't hurt yourself. 这把刀很锋利,小心不要伤到自己。 injure /ˈɪndʒəʳ/ [transitive verb] to hurt a part of your body, especially seriously and in a way that takes a long time to get better 使受伤[尤指需要较长时间才能恢复的伤] tom injured his shoulder playing tennis. 汤姆打网球时伤了肩膀。injure yourself many elderly people injure themselves in their own homes, for example by slipping in the bath. 许多年长者都是在自己家里受伤的,比如在浴室里滑倒。 bruise /bruːz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hurt a part of your body when you fall or hit it against something, causing a dark, painful mark to form on your skin 挫伤,碰伤,使[皮肤]青肿 mom fell on the ice and bruised the side of her leg. 妈妈在冰上滑倒,碰伤了腿的一侧。badly bruise keller badly bruised a hip, and came off early in the second half of the match. 凯勒严重擦伤了屁股,比赛下半场很早就离场了。 my skin bruises quite easily. 我的皮肤很容易擦伤。 bruised [adjective] some of his teeth were damaged and his jaw was badly bruised. 他有几颗牙齿摔坏了,下巴也擦伤得很厉害。 sprain /spreɪn/ [transitive verb] to hurt your knee, wrist, or another joint by twisting or pulling it suddenly and awkwardly 扭伤[因突然拉拽] i sprained my knee while i was playing basketball. 我打篮球时扭伤了膝盖。 you'll need strong walking boots in the mountains, if you don't want to sprain an ankle. 在山里行走,如果不想扭伤脚踝的话,就需要一双结实的轻便靴。 sprained [adjective] stadler had to withdraw from the tournament, because of a sprained wrist. 斯塔德勒因为扭伤了手腕,只得退出锦标赛。 break /breɪk/ [transitive verb] to break a bone in your body 摔断[骨头] it was such bad luck - it was our first time skiing and nicola broke her leg. 运气真不好一我们第一次滑雪,妮古拉就摔断了腿。 broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ [adjective] chris escaped from the accident with no more than a broken arm. 事故中,克里斯死里逃生,只断了一条胳膊。 twist/wrench /twɪst, rentʃ/ [transitive verb] to hurt your knee or another joint, by turning it too suddenly or strongly while you are moving 扭伤[因活动的时候突然或用力转动] i couldn't play, having twisted my knee in the previous night's game. 我在前一天晚上的比赛中扭伤了膝盖,不能参加比赛了。 the doctor said that i'd wrenched my shoulder and shouldn't drive for a while. 医生说我扭伤了肩部,要有一阵子不能开车。 twisted [adjective] scott insisted on coming, despite his twisted ankle. 斯科特不顾脚踝扭伤,坚持要来。 pull /pʊl/ [transitive verb] pull a muscle to injure a muscle by stretching it too much, especially during hard physical activity 拉伤肌肉 i pulled a muscle trying to move the piano into the apartment. 我想把钢琴搬进公寓里,结果拉伤了肌肉。 crawford had been ordered to take a day's rest after pulling a leg muscle. 克劳福德腿部一块肌肉拉伤了,被吩咐在家休息一天。 pulled [adjective] ted was having treatment for a pulled muscle. 特德拉伤了肌肉,正在接受治疗。 damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ [transitive verb] written to injure a part of your body fairly seriously, especially in a way that means it will take a long time to get better or will never get better 【书面】损伤[尤指需要长时间恢复或不会恢复的伤] lewis damaged his knee in training and will not appear in the game. 刘易斯在训练中膝盖受伤,无法在比赛中出场。 when carrying out the operation, doctors have to take great care not to damage the delicate nerve endings. 医生在进行手术时,必须非常小心,免得破坏脆弱的神经末梢。 damaged [adjective] his damaged left foot will keep him off the field for the rest of the season. 他左腿上的伤使他在本赛季余下的时间里都不能上场。 dislocate /ˈdɪsləkeɪt/ [transitive verb] to injure a joint by falling on it or stretching it so that the two parts of the joint are moved out of their normal position and stay out of position 使[关节]脱臼 sam dislocated his shoulder in a riding accident. 萨姆在一次骑马事故中肩部脱白了。 dislocated [adjective] the fall left her with several bruises and a dislocated shoulder. 这一跤摔得她身上好几处瘀青,肩膀也脱了臼。 be bleeding /biː ˈbliːdɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if part of your body is bleeding, blood is coming out of it because you have been injured 出血,流血 his head was bleeding, and he'd obviously been in a fight. 他头上流着血,显然跟人打过架了。be bleeding from john saw that he was bleeding from some sort of wound on his chest. 约翰看到他胸口在流血,好像受了什么伤。be bleeding heavily/profusely a lot of blood is coming out 血流如注 the cut on her leg had opened again and was bleeding heavily. 她腿上的伤口又开了,流出很多血。3. to hurt or injure someone 使某人受伤 hurt /hɜːʳt/ [transitive verb] to cause physical harm to someone and make them feel pain 使受伤;弄痛 let go of my arm! you're hurting me! 放开我的手!你弄痛我了。 dan was a good man. he'd never hurt anyone deliberately. 丹是个好人,他从不故意伤害别人。hurt somebody with something put the stick down, terry. you might hurt someone with it. 把棍子放下,特里,你会伤到人的。 injure /ˈɪndʒəʳ/ [transitive verb] to cause physical harm to someone, for example in an accident or fight 事故或打斗等]使受伤 the bomb killed eleven people and injured 55. 炸弹炸死11人,炸伤55人。badly/seriously/critically injure several shots were fired, critically injuring three women. 有人开了好几枪,有三名女子严重受伤。 wound /wuːnd/ [transitive verb] to injure someone with a weapon such as a knife or gun, causing cuts, bleeding etc [用刀或枪等武器]使受伤 two boys were on trial for wounding a sixteen-year-old girl with a revolver. 两名男孩用左轮手枪打伤一名16岁的女孩,正在为此接受审讯。wound somebody in the chest/knee etc the bullet wounded him in the shoulder. 那颗子弹打伤了他的肩膀。 inflict pain /ɪnˌflɪkt ˈpeɪn/ [verb phrase] formal to deliberately hurt a person or an animal 【正式】给…带来[身体的]痛苦,折磨 inflicting pain as a means of teaching children discipline is wrong. 用体罚的办法来管教孩子是不对的。inflict pain on most drugs can be produced quite successfully without inflicting pain on helpless animals. 大多数药物均可以在无需折磨无助的动物的情况下成功研制出来。4. to permanently injure someone 使某人受到终身伤害 cripple /ˈkrɪpəl/ [transitive verb] to injure someone's legs or back so that they can never move or walk properly again 使[腿或背部]受伤致残 the driver, who had been taking drugs, crippled the young woman for life. 那名吸了毒的司机使那位年轻女子终身残废。 richard was crippled in the bombing of 1984, and had been in a wheelchair ever since. 理查德在1984年的那次爆炸事件中受伤致残,从此就坐上了轮椅。 crippled [adjective not usually before noun] he came home from africa crippled, his career in the army over. 他从非洲归来,身体残废了,军旅生涯也结束了。 maim /meɪm/ [transitive verb] to injure someone very seriously and permanently, especially in an accident or deliberate attack 使受重伤,使残疾[尤指由事故或故意的袭击造成] surely terrorists cannot believe that killing and maiming ordinary people is an achievement? 恐怖分子不会认为杀死和残害普通老百姓是一种成就吧? maimed [] of those who survived, most were sick, physically maimed, or mentally impaired. 活下来的那些人中,大都非病即残,或者是精神上受到损害。5. damage to a part of the body 身体某部位受到的损坏 injury /ˈɪndʒəri/ [countable/uncountable noun] the glass roof collapsed onto the crowd, causing horrific injuries. 玻璃顶棚塌向人群,造成了可怕的伤害。 our insurance provides cover in the case of illness or injury. 我们这项保险承保疾病和受伤。leg/back etc injury unfortunately, she had to withdraw from the game because of a leg injury. 不幸的是,她因为腿部受伤,只得退出比赛。serious injury wearing a helmet may protect you from serious injury. 戴头盔可以防止你受重伤。suffer an injury be injured 受伤 he suffered serious injuries in the car crash, and died on the way to hospital. 他在车祸中受了重伤,送医院途中身亡。escape injury not be injured 没有受伤 ten passengers were lucky to escape injury when their train was derailed last night. 昨晚火车脱轨,十名乘客幸未受伤。injury to your leg/chest etc morrison had to undergo surgery on an injury to his left knee. 莫里森左膝受伤,只得接受手术。 wound /wuːnd/ [countable noun] an injury caused by a weapon such as a knife, gun, or bomb [由刀、枪、炸弹等武器所致的]伤,创伤 deep wound the wound was deep and needed eighteen stitches. 伤口很深,需要缝18针。bullet/stab/gunshot etc wound barratt was taken to the hospital with stab wounds to his chest and neck. 巴勒特胸口和颈部被捅伤,送到了医院治理。wound to the leg/chest etc he died of a single gunshot wound to the left side of his head. 他头部左侧受了枪伤,一枪殒命。 bruise /bruːz/ [countable noun] a dark, painful mark on your skin where you have fallen or been hit 青瘀,伤痕,擦伤 jenny looked as though she'd been crying, and there was a nasty bruise on her cheek. 珍妮看上去像是哭过了,脸上还有一处严重的瘀伤。be covered in cuts and bruises jack often comes home from rugby covered in cuts and bruises. 杰克打完橄榄球回到家里,往往身上伤痕累累。 sprain /spreɪn/ [countable noun] an injury in which you hurt a joint by twisting or pulling it suddenly and awkwardly 扭伤 it's a slight sprain - you should rest it for a few days. 这是轻微的扭伤,你应该休息几天。ankle/shoulder/knee etc sprain robinson is suffering from an ankle sprain, and can't train this week. 罗宾逊扭伤了脚踝,这个星期不能训练。 damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ [uncountable noun] written an injury that will take a long time to get better or that may never get better 【书面】损伤[指需要长时间恢复或可能不会恢复的伤] never look straight at the sun. any damage to the retina could cause permanent blindness. 千万不可直视太阳,视网膜若受损伤可导致永久性失明。 rubella is a serious infection, which can cause severe physical damage to the unborn child. 风疹是一种严重的感染,可对胎儿在生理上造成重大的损害。6. someone who is injured 受伤的人 injured /ˈɪndʒəʳd/ [adjective] hurt in an accident, fight etc 受伤的 firefighters had to cut off the roof of the car, so that the injured man could be lifted out. 消防队员只得割开车顶,以便抬出那名受伤男子。the injured people who are injured 伤者 the injured were rushed to st thomas's hospital. 伤者被火速送往圣托马斯医院。 wounded /ˈwuːndɪd, ˈwuːndəd/ [adjective] injured, especially in a war, by a weapon such as a knife, gun, or bomb 受伤的[尤指战争中由刀、枪或炸弹等武器所致] a wounded soldier 一名受伤士兵 there are over 4000 refugees in the camp, many of them wounded. 难民营里有四千多名难民,许多人都受了伤。the wounded people who are wounded 伤者 helicopters have been sent in to rescue the wounded from the war zone. 直升机已被派去营救战区的伤员。 paralysed also paralyzed american /ˈpærəlaɪzd/ [adjective] unable to move part or all of your body because of a serious injury or illness 瘫痪的 mrs burrows had been paralysed by a stroke, and could not move or speak. 伯罗斯夫人因中风瘫痪,不能行动,也不能说话。leave somebody paralysed the fall had left him permanently paralysed. 这一跤跌得他终身瘫痪。be paralysed from the neck/chest/waist down paralysed from the neck down, bundini could only move his eyes. 邦迪尼颈部以下瘫痪,只有眼睛能动。 casualty /ˈkæʒuəlti/ [countable noun usually plural] someone who has been injured or killed in a war, attack, or accident [战争、袭击事件或事故中的]伤亡人员 the bomb caused serious damage to the building, but there were no casualties. 炸弹爆炸给大楼造成了严重的破坏,但无人伤亡。suffer casualties indian troops have suffered more than 1200 casualties. 印度军队的伤亡人数超过了1,200人。7. not hurt or injured 没有受伤 unhurt /ʌnˈhɜːʳt/ [adjective not before noun] to not be hurt, even though you have been in a dangerous situation such as an accident [在危险中]未受伤的;安然无恙的 the driver of the car was unhurt, but his passenger was killed. 汽车司机安然无恙,但是他车上的乘客却不幸身亡。escape unhurt six day trippers escaped unhurt when their hot air balloon hit power lines. 热气球撞到输电线,乘坐在上面的六名一日游游客安然脱身。otherwise unhurt apart from a condition that is not serious or physical 除…之外没有受伤 the younger woman was suffering from shock but was otherwise unhurt. 那位较年轻的女子受了惊,但除此之外,身体并未受伤。shaken/shocked but unhurt shocked, but not physically hurt 受惊但没有受伤 the two youths, shaken but unhurt, declined to talk about the incident. 那两名青年受了惊吓但是没有受伤,他们拒绝谈论这一事件。 unharmed /ʌnˈhɑːʳmd/ [adjective not before noun] to not be hurt or harmed, even though you have been in a dangerous situation [在危险中]未受伤害的 the hostages were released unharmed some time afterwards. 过了一段时间之后,人质安然获释。escape unharmed all fourteen people who were working inside the building when the blaze started escaped unharmed. 起火时,正在大楼里上班的14人全部都安然逃生。 without a scratch /wɪðˌaʊt ə ˈskrætʃ/ [adverb] informal if you have a dangerous experience and escape from it without a scratch, you do not have any injury at all, because you have been very lucky 【非正式】丝毫未受伤地,安然无恙地 walk away/escape without a scratch all four people in the car were seriously hurt, but the truck driver walked away without a scratch. 汽车上的四人全部都受了重伤,但是卡车司机却平安脱身,毫发未损。 in one piece /ɪn ˌwʌn ˈpiːs/ [adjective phrase not before noun] informal not seriously hurt in a war, accident etc 【非正式】完好无损的[指在战争或事故中没受重伤] unlike ed, josh returned from the war in one piece. 不像埃德,乔希完好无损地从战场上回来了。all in one piece i was extremely relieved when my son came back from the warzone all in one piece. 看到儿子从战区平安归来,我大大地放了心。 walk away from /ˌwɔːk əˈweɪ frɒm/ [verb phrase] to not get injured in a very dangerous situation you have been involved in, because you have been very lucky - used especially in news reports 从…安然脱身[尤用于新闻报道中] i can hardly believe they were able to just walk away from the crash -- i thought they'd all been killed. 我几乎不敢相信他们居然能在这次撞车事故中安然脱身—我还以为他们都死了呢。 unscathed /ʌnˈskeɪðd/ [adjective not before noun] written not injured at all, even though you have had a dangerous experience 【书面】毫发未损的,安然无恙的 the bullet grazed the side of his head, leaving him virtually unscathed. 子弹从他头部擦边而过,他几乎毫发未损。escape/emerge/come out of something unscathed most of the passengers escaped from the plane unscathed. 大部分乘客安然无恙地逃离了飞机。 come to no harm/not come to any harm /ˌkʌm tə ˌnəʊ ˈhɑːʳm, nɒt ˌkʌm tʊ ˌeni ˈhɑːʳm/ [verb phrase] use this to say that someone will not be hurt if they do something, or was not hurt by doing something, going somewhere etc 不会受到伤害,不会有事 if you keep quiet, you'll come to no harm. 如果你保持安静,就不会有事。 i'm sure craig's old enough to catch a train into town without coming to any harm. 我相信克雷格已经长大,可以自己乘火车进城而不会有事的。 fortunately, none of the hostages came to any serious harm. 所幸没有人质受到严重伤害。




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