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单词 sweat²
释义 sweat²n 1. [u] liquid that comes out through your skin, especially when you are hot or nervous; perspiration 汗,汗水:◇sweat was running down her face. 她汗流满面。 2. [singular 单数] when you sweat 出汗,流汗:◇break into a sweat (=start to sweat) 开始冒汗: he broke into a sweat as soon as he went on stage. 他一上台就开始冒汗。 3. no sweat spoken used to say that you can do something easily 【口】 一点不难,没问题[用于表示可以很容易地做某事]:◇"can you give kara a ride home?" "yeah, no sweat!" “你可以让卡拉搭便车回家吗?”“行,没问题。”




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