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单词 recent
释义 recent adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be近来adverb➤very最近▸➤comparatively, fairly, pretty, quite, rather, relatively较近期;相当近期;相对较近期◆a relatively recent development较新近的发展 recent adjectiverecent ♦︎ current ♦︎ latest ♦︎ present ♦︎ modern ♦︎ new ♦︎ contemporary ♦︎ present-day ♦︎ modern-daythese words all describe sth that belongs to the present time because it is happening now or happened only a short time ago.这些词均表示当前的、近来的、现今的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆recent / modern times / the present time◆recent / current / present / contemporary / present-day events◆the current / latest / present / contemporary / present-day situation◆recent / current / the latest / present / modern / contemporary trends◆the recent / current / latest / present / modern / new / contemporary / modern-day version◆recent / current / the latest / modern / new / contemporary / present-day forms / theories◆the current / modern / contemporary scene◆current / modern / new / contemporary politics◆modern / a new / contemporary / present-day / modern-day society◆modern / contemporary / present-day life◆the modern / a new / the contemporary world◆(a) recent / modern / new / contemporary / present-day literature / writer◆(a) modern / new / contemporary / present-day art / artist / music■ recent [usually before noun] that happened or began only a short time ago近来的;新近的◆the next chapter summarizes recent developments in the field.下一章概述该领域最近的发展状况。◆the prime minister discussed the issue during his most recent visit to poland.总理在最近访问波兰时讨论了这个问题。◆there have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。 opp long-standing → old 1 ▸ recently adverb◆we received a letter from him recently.我们不久前收到了他的一封信。◆i haven't seen them recently (= it is some time since i saw them).我近来没见过他们。■ current [only before noun] happening or existing now现时发生的;当前的;现在的◆the necklace would be worth over $5 000 at current prices.那条项链按现价将超过 5 000 元。◆ask your current employer to give you a reference.请你现在的雇主为你写封介绍信。◆our current financial situation is not good.我们目前的财政状况并不好。opp former , then , ex- → former , previous → previous ▸ currently adverb◆this matter is currently being discussed by the board.董事会现在正在讨论这个问题。opp previously → previous ■ latest [only before noun] the most recent or newest最近的;最新的◆she always wears the latest fashions.她总是穿着最新款的时装。◆her latest novel has been shortlisted for a literary prize.她最近出版的小说已入围一个文学奖的候选名单。◆have you heard the latest news?你收到最新消息了吗?▸ the latest noun [singular] (rather informal) ◆this is the latest in robot technology.这是最新的机器人技术。◆have you heard the latest?你收到最新消息了吗?■ present [usually before noun] current现时发生的;当前的;现在的◆the present owner of the house is a mr t. grant.现在的房主是一个叫 t• 格兰特的先生。◆this is a list of all club members, past and present.这是过去和现在的所有俱乐部会员名单。◆we do not have any more information at the present time.目前我们没有任何进一步的消息。opp past → previous ▸ at present phrase◆ (rather formal) the council has no plans at present to develop this site.地方议会目前并无计划开发此地。▸ presently adverb◆ (especially name) the crime is presently being investigated by the police.警方目前正在调查此案。note 辨析 current or present?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆the current / present situation / state / position / climate / trend / practice / arrangement / value / level / generation / crisis当前的情况/状态/位置/气候/趋势/做法/安排/价值/水平;当今的一代;当前的危机 current is used especially in financial contexts and in the phrase current affairs. * current 尤用于财务语境以及短语 current affairs (时事)中◆current spending / expenditure目前的消费/支出◆the current surplus / deficit / yield当前的盈余/赤字/收益 present is used more often with lengths of time, except in financial contexts. * present 更常与表示一段时间的词连用,但在财务语境下用 current 而不用 present◆the present day / century / moment / time当今;本世纪;当下;此刻◆what's the budget for the current year?本年度的预算是多少?■ modern [only before noun] of the present time or recent times; (of styles in art, music, fashion, etc.) new and intended to be different from traditional styles现代的;近代的;(艺术、音乐、时装等的风格)新式的,有别于传统的◆modern european history欧洲近代史◆stress is a major problem of modern life.压力是现代生活中的主要问题。◆shakespeare's language can be a problem for modern readers.莎士比亚的语言对现代读者来说可能不易理解。◆the gallery has regular exhibitions of modern art.该美术馆定期举办现代艺术展。 opp ancient → old 1  ➡ see also modern → modern ■ new (often with the 常与 the 连用) modern; of the latest type现代的;最新型的◆he couldn't stand the new breed of career politicians.他不能忍受新式职业政客。◆comedy is the new rock and roll.如今喜剧就像过去的摇滚乐那样大行其道。◆they called themselves the new romantics.他们自称新浪漫主义者。■ contemporary /kəntemprəri; name kəntempəreri/ (rather formal) (of life, society or culture) modern(生活、社会或文化)当代的,现代的◆the film paints a depressing picture of life in contemporary britain.这部影片描绘了当代英国压抑的生活图景。◆she is one of the great innovators of contemporary dance.她是当代舞蹈的伟大创新者之一。note 辨析 modern or contemporary?in many cases you can use either word, especially when talking about art, culture or society.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,尤其是谈论艺术、文化或社会时◆modern / contemporary art / architecture / dance / fiction / literature / music / painting / culture / society / politics / history现代艺术/建筑/舞蹈/小说/文学/音乐/绘画/文化/社会/政治/历史◆the modern / contemporary world / scene现代世界/场景 modern, but not contemporary, is also used to talk about science and technology. * modern 亦可用于修饰科学和技术,但 contemporary 不能这样用◆modern technology / physics / medicine / warfare / equipment / machinery / techniques现代技术/物理/医学/战争/设备/机械/工艺  ➡ see also modern → modern■ present-day [only before noun] (especially written) of the present time当今的;现时的;当代的◆his theories have no relevance to present-day society.他的理论与当今社会无关。◆serbia at that time already included present-day macedonia.当时的塞尔维亚已经包括现今的马其顿。ⓘ present-day is used especially to refer to sth in the form that it has now, when this is different from the form it had in the past. * present-day 尤用来表示事物现在的形式,以示与过去的形式有所不同◆present-day society / english / russia当代社会/英语/俄罗斯▸ the present day noun [singular] ◆a study of european drama, from ibsen to the present day从易卜生到现代欧洲戏剧的研究■ modern-day [only before noun] of the present time当今的;现时的;当代的◆modern-day america当代美国ⓘ modern-day is often used to describe a modern form of sb/sth, usually sb/sth bad or unpleasant, that existed in the past. * modern-day 常用于描述过去存在的人或事物的现代形态,通常是不好的或消极的◆it has been called modern-day slavery.人们称之为现代奴隶制。recent [usually before noun] that happened or began only a short time ago近来的;新近的◆the next chapter summarizes recent developments in the field.下一章概述该领域最近的发展状况。◆the prime minister discussed the issue during his most recent visit to poland.总理在最近访问波兰时讨论了这个问题。◆there have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。 opp long-standing → old 1 ▸ recently adverb◆we received a letter from him recently.我们不久前收到了他的一封信。◆i haven't seen them recently (= it is some time since i saw them).我近来没见过他们。recent/ˈri:snt ||; ˈrisṇt/adj that happened or began only a short time ago 最近的;近来的: ◇ in recent years there have been many changes. 近几年来有很多变化。◇this is a recent photograph of my daughter. 这是我女儿的近照。 recentsee ⇨ new 1 ⇨ recently 3     • • •• ⇨ in recent weeks/months etc re·cent /`risṇt; ˈriːsənt/adjhaving happened or begun to exist only a short time ago 近来的,最近的,不久前的:◇please attach a recent photo to the form. 请在表格上贴上近照。◇a recent survey showed that one in five teenagers had tried drugs. 最近的调查显示五分之一青少年尝试过毒品。 ☞ recent




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