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单词 recapture
释义 recapture/ˌri:ˈkæptʃə(r) ||; riˈkæptʃɚ/verb[t] 1. to win back sth that was taken from you by an enemy or a competitor 夺回(被敌人或对手取走的东西);收复: ◇government troops have recaptured the city. 政府军已收复了该市。 2. to catch a person or animal that has escaped 再捕获(已逃走的人或动物) 3. to create or experience again sth from the past 再次创造或经历(过去的某事物);再体验;重温: ◇the film brilliantly recaptures life in the 1930s. 这部电影出色地重现了20世纪30年代的生活。 recapturesee ⇨ catch 4 re·cap·ture /ri`kæptʃə; riːˈkæptʃə/v [t] 1. to catch a prisoner or animal that has escaped 再抓获[逃犯]; 重新捕获[逃脱的动物]:◇both men were recaptured by the police. 两个人都被警方重新捕获。 2. to make someone experience or feel something again 使[某人]再次经历,使重温:◇a movie that recaptures the innocence of childhood 一部使人重温童年纯真的电影




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