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单词 abdomen
释义 abdomen /æbdəmən/ [countable] (formal or medical医学) the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach and intestines腹(部)◆patients reported pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen.病人们有的说下胸疼痛、有的说上腹疼痛。abdomen/ˈæbdəmən ||; ˈæbdəmən/noun[c] 1. a part of your body below the chest that contains the stomach, bowels, etc 腹部 2. the end part of an insect's body (昆虫的)腹部 ☞look at thorax. 参看thorax。 ➔abdominal /æbˈdɒmɪnl ||; æbˈdɑmənl/ adj ab·do·men /æb`domən; ˈæbdəmən/n [c]technical the part of the body between the chest and the legs, which includes the stomach 【术语】 腹部




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