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单词 polished
释义 polished adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be磨光adverb➤brightly, highly, well磨得光亮◆the brightly polished brasses擦得闪闪发光的黄铜饰品◆she slipped on the highly polished floor.她在打磨得很光滑的地板上滑倒了。➤beautifully, finely, nicely, perfectly打磨得很漂亮◆the finely polished wood table精心打磨的木桌➤freshly, newly新近打磨的polished/ˈpɒlɪʃt ||; ˈpɑlɪʃt/adj1. shiny because of polishing 磨光了的;擦亮了的: ◇polished wood floors 擦亮了的木地板 2. (used about a performance, etc) of a high standard (指表演等)高水平的: ◇most of the actors gave a polished performance. 这些演员大多数表演很精彩。 polishedsee ⇨ shine/shiny 4 pol·ished /`pɑlɪʃt; ˈpɒlɪʃt/adj 1. shiny because of being rubbed with polish 擦亮的,磨光的,光亮的:◇polished shoes 擦亮的鞋子 2. [singular 单数] done with great skill and style 精湛的,精良的; 优雅的:◇a polished performance 精湛的演出




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