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单词 ago
释义 ago/əˈgəʊ ||; əˈgo/adv in the past; back in time from now 之前;以前;过去: ◇patrick left ten minutes ago (= if it is twelve o'clock now, he left at ten to twelve). 帕特里克十分钟前走了。◇that was a long time ago. 那是很久以前的事了。◇ how long ago did this happen? 这是多久以前的事? ago is used with the simple past tense and not the present perfect tense i arrived in britain three months ago. compare ago and before. ago means ‘before now’ and before means ‘before then’ (that is before a particular time in the past) anne married simon two years ago. she had left her first husband six months before (= six months before she married simon). ago 与简单过去时连用,不可与现在完成时连用:i arrived in britain three months ago. 我三个月前到达英国。比较 ago 及 before。ago 指“现在之前”,before 指“那时之前”(即过去某一时间之前):anne married simon two years ago. 安妮和西蒙两年前结婚。she had left her first husband six months before (six months before she married simon). 她(和西蒙结婚的)六个月前跟前夫离异。 agosee ⇨ before 3 ⇨ time 4     • • •• ⇨ a minute/second ago• ⇨ a short time ago• ⇨ a short/little while ago• ⇨ not long ago a·go /ə`go; əˈɡəʊ/adjused to say how far back in the past something happened 以往的,以前的:◇10 years/a moment/a long time ago jeff left an hour ago. 杰夫一小时前离开了。◇we went there a long time ago. 我们很久以前去过那里。usage note 用法说明: ago, for, and 和 sinceuse ago to show how far back in the past something happened. always use it with verbs in the simple past tense. ago 用于表示某事在多久以前发生,总是与动词的简单过去式连用:◇i came here a year ago. 我一年前来到这里。use for and since with the present perfect tense to talk about a situation that began in the past and continues now. since is used with dates and times. for 和 since 与现在完成式连用,用于表示一个状况从过去开始并延续到现在。since 与日期和时间连用:◇i've been here since 1997. 自1997年以来,我就在这里了。◇she's been waiting since 12 o'clock. 她从 12 点开始一直等到现在。for is used with periods of time. for 与一段时间连用:◇i've lived here for six years. 我在这里住了六年。◇she's been waiting for three hours. 她已经等了三小时。 ☞ ago




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