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单词 magnetic
释义 magnetic/mægˈnetɪk ||; mægˈnɛtɪk/adj1. having the ability to attract metal objects 有磁性的: ◇a magnetic tape/disk(= containing electronic information which can be read by a computer or other machine) 磁带;磁盘 2. having a quality that strongly attracts people 极有吸引力的;有魅力的: ◇a magnetic personality 有魅力的性格 mag·net·ic /mæg`nɛtɪk; mæɡˈnetɪk/adj 1. having the power of a magnet 有磁力的:◇the earth's magnetic field 地球的磁场 2. magnetic tape/disk etc special tape etc that contains electronic information which can be read by a computer or other machine 磁带/磁盘等 3. magnetic personality/charm etc a quality in someone's character that makes them very interesting, exciting, and attractive 具有吸引力的个性/魅力等




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