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单词 satisfied/not satisfied
释义 satisfied/not satisfied1 when you think something is good enough2 when you have what you want in your life, your job etc3 making you feel satisfied4 the feeling that you have when you are satisfied5 to make someone feel satisfied6 not satisfied7 desires or needs that are never satisfiedrelated wordsself-satisfied 自我满足的 proud (2),see alsogood enough,happy,like,complain,1. when you think something is good enough 认为某事已足够好 satisfied /ˈsætɪsfaɪd, ˈsætəsfaɪd/ [adjective] the way you feel when you think that something is as good as it should be, for example someone's work or something you buy [对某人的工作、自己买的东西]满意的,满足的 i did the whole essay again, but she still wasn't satisfied. 我重写了整篇论文,可她还是不满意。 sussman puffed on his pipe, a satisfied grin on his face. 萨斯曼抽着烟斗,脸上露出满足的微笑。satisfied with his boss seems satisfied with his work. 他的老板对他的工作好像是满意的。 95% of passengers say they are satisfied with the bus service. 95%的乘客都说他们对公共汽车服务感到满意。satisfied that patients seemed satisfied that the standard of care was adequate. 病人似乎很满意,他们认为护理水平是足够的。satisfied customer a good travel agent knows that a satisfied customer will always come back. 好的旅行社知道,满意的顾客还会再来。 happy /ˈhæpi/ [adjective not before noun] informal satisfied with what you have achieved 【非正式】[因为做成某事而]感到满意的 pinker stated that he was perfectly happy with the arrangement. 平克说他对这样的安排十分满意。happy with doctors said they were happy with how the operation had gone. 医生说他们对手术的过程感到满意。happy about i'd gotten a lot done over the weekend and was happy about that. 周末我干了不少事,对此感到很满意。 pleased /pliːzd/ [adjective not before noun] especially british the way you feel when you think something is very good and you feel very satisfied with it 【尤英】[因为某事很好而]高兴的,满意的 were you pleased when you saw the results? 你看到结果高兴吗?pleased with tom's teacher was pleased with his progress. 汤姆的老师对他的进步很满意。 ‘how's your new car?’ ‘it's great - i'm really pleased with it.’ “你的新车怎么样?”“很好,我很满意。” find/consider something satisfactory /ˌfaɪnd, kənˌsɪdəʳ something ˌsætə̇sˈfæktəri/ [verb phrase] to think something is good enough because it is of a high enough standard or it gives you what you need 觉得某事物令人满意 a decision was made that both sides found satisfactory. 作出了一个双方都满意的决定。 the new rules will not affect schools that parents consider satisfactory. 这些新规定不会影响家长认为满意的学校。2. when you have what you want in your life, your job etc 因人生得意、工作如意等而感到满足的 satisfied also happy informal /ˈsætɪsfaɪd, ˈsætəsfaɪd, ˈhæpi/ [adjective not usually before noun] happy because you have what you want 满足的 delia won't be happy until she's earning more than her husband. 迪莉娅一定要挣得比丈夫更多才会满足。 bowman said he had been perfectly happy in his role as director, before the change in job specifications. 鲍曼说,在工作职责有变化之前,他是很满足于当主任的。satisfied with i don't really want a bigger house - i'm satisfied with what i've got. 我不是很想要大一点的房子,现有的我已经相当满足了。 i'd be happy with a part-time job, as long as the wages were ok. 只要报酬还可以的话,有一份兼职的工作我就满足了。satisfied to do something my kids are perfectly happy to watch the same videos over and over again. 我的孩子一遍又一遍地看同样的录像,感到非常满足。 content /kənˈtent/ [adjective not before noun] satisfied with everything in a situation, so that you do not want to change anything or ask for anything more [对某一情形]满足的 the baby sat on its mother's lap, perfectly content. 宝宝心满意足地坐在母亲膝盖上。content to do something at the moment my mother seems content to take things slowly. 这阵子我母亲好像对悠闲的生活很满足。 he rarely talked about his own work, and was content to listen to the experiences of others. 他很少谈自己的工作,却乐于倾听他人的经验。content with he was a strong, vital man, successful and content with his life. 他是个身强力壮、充满活力的人,事业成功,对生活满足。 fulfilled /fʊlˈfɪld/ [adjective not usually before noun] satisfied because you feel that your life or your work is interesting, useful, and important [对生活或工作]满足的,满意的 i think if i could write a song that i knew was good, not necessarily a big hit, i would feel fulfilled. 我要是能写一首自己觉得不错的歌,也不一定要很受欢迎,我也会感到满足。 a young married woman, supposedly fulfilled by husband and children, confessed the emptiness of her life. 一位年轻的已婚女子,按说有了丈夫和孩子应该感到满足,可她却坦白说生活空虚。3. making you feel satisfied 使你感到满足 satisfying /ˈsætɪsfaɪ-ɪŋ, ˈsætəsfaɪ-ɪŋ/ [adjective] a job, activity, or experience that is satisfying makes you feel satisfied, because you enjoy doing it and the results are often very good [工作、活动或经历]令人满足的,令人满意的 there's something very satisfying about baking your own bread. 自己烤面包有一种非常满足的感觉。 working with children with special needs can be a satisfying and rewarding experience. 帮助有特殊需要的儿童是件令人满足和有意义的事。 fulfilling /fʊlˈfɪlɪŋ/ [adjective] something that is fulfilling, such as a job or way of life, makes you feel satisfied and happy, because you are using your abilities in a useful way [工作或生活方式等]令人满意的;令人感到充实的 pruitt says that for him, fatherhood is creative and fulfilling. 普鲁伊特说,对于他来说,为人父可以发掘创造力,令人有满足感。 many older people who have no fulfilling personal relationships lavish their affection on pets. 许多老人没有人际交往,内心得不到满足,就把自己的感情倾注在宠物身上。 rewarding /rɪˈwɔːʳdɪŋ/ [adjective] a job or activity that is rewarding is satisfying, because you feel you are doing something useful for yourself or for other people [工作或活动]有益的,有意义的 nursing is a very rewarding job. 护理是一种非常有意义的工作。 the literature course has been hard work, but very rewarding. 文学课很艰苦,但是让人受益匪浅。 by planning for retirement, you can make it a happy and rewarding time of your life. 把退休生活计划一下,就可以过得愉快而有意义。4. the feeling that you have when you are satisfied 满足感 satisfaction /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən, ˌsætəsˈfækʃən/ [uncountable noun] the feeling of being satisfied, especially because you have achieved something good or useful 满意,满足 most teachers take great pride and satisfaction in their work, and enjoy working with young people. 大多数老师为自己的工作感到自豪和满足,他们乐于和年轻人打交道。with satisfaction she finished her letter, and read it through with satisfaction. 她写完信,满意地通读了一遍。get satisfaction from something he enjoys coaching the hockey team, and gets a lot of satisfaction from it. 他喜欢给这个曲棍球队当教练,从中得到很大的满足。satisfaction with warner's pay increase reflected his boss's satisfaction with his work. 沃纳得到加薪反映出老板对他的工作是满意的。job satisfaction satisfaction that you get from doing your job 工作上的满足 the pay is pretty good, but you don't get much job satisfaction. 薪水很好,可是工作上得不到满足。 fulfilment british /fulfillment american /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of being satisfied and happy with your life [对生活的]满足感 for many kids, music can be a way toward self-expression and fulfillment. 对许多孩子来说,通过音乐可以表现自我,得到满足。 seeing my work come to fruition gives me a strong sense of fulfilment. 看到自己的工作取得了成果,我有一种很大的成就感。find fulfilment (in something) some women do find fulfillment in being a mother, but it is wrong to assume that this is so for all women. 有些妇女当了母亲后确实感到了满足,但是认为所有妇女都是如此那是错误的。seek fulfilment try to find it 寻求满足 thomas sought fulfilment in the religious life. 托马斯在宗教生活中寻求满足。 contentment /kənˈtentmənt/ [uncountable noun] the feeling of being happy and satisfied because you have what you want or need, and do not want anything more 满意,满足 mitchell gave up his job, and says he found peace and contentment in living close to the land. 米切尔放弃了工作,说住在农村,内心感到平和与满足。 i look for smiles and expressions of contentment in people's faces as i pass, but i don't see them very often. 我经过人们身边,想在他们脸上看到笑意和满足的神情,但是很少能看到。5. to make someone feel satisfied 使某人感到满足 satisfy /ˈsætɪsfaɪ, ˈsætəsfaɪ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to make someone feel satisfied by being or giving them what they want or need 使满足,使满意 i tried on dozens of wedding dresses before i found one that satisfied me. 我试穿了不少婚纱才找到了令我满意的一套。 a compromise was eventually reached, but even this failed to satisfy environmentalists. 最后达成了妥协,但即使这样,也未能令环保主义者满意。 keep somebody satisfied/happy /ˌkiːp somebody ˈsætə̇sfaɪd, ˈhæpi/ [verb phrase] to make someone continue to feel satisfied with a situation or arrangement 使某人满意/高兴 a company can only be successful as long as it keeps its customers satisfied. 公司只有让顾客满意了才能成功。 part of your job is to keep our clients happy. 你的工作之一是要让客户满意。 politicians pass legislation to keep their constituents happy. 政客们立法是为了取悦选民。 fulfil british /fulfill american /fʊlˈfɪl/ [transitive verb] to give someone what they want or need 满足[某人的希望或需要],使满意 you must give more detailed answers if you are to fulfil the examiner's expectations. 如果你要让阅卷人满意,就必须答得更详细一些。 schools should fulfill the needs of poorer children, giving them a chance in society. 学校应该满足穷苦学生的需要,给他们在社会上立足的机会。 do something to somebody's satisfaction /duː something tə somebodyˈs ˌsætə̇sˈfækʃən/ [verb phrase] formal if you do something to someone's satisfaction, you do it in a way that is good enough and is what they want or need 【正式】把某事做得令某人满意 kang has made most of the repairs to our satisfaction. 康的大部分修理工作我们都满意。 i hope this will settle the matter to your satisfaction. 我希望这件事情这样解决能令你满意。6. not satisfied 不满意的 not satisfied also dissatisfied formal /nɒt ˈsætə̇sfaɪd, dɪˈsætə̇sfaɪd/ [adjective] the way you feel when something is not as good as you want or expect it to be 不满意的 we've offered to install brand new machines free of charge, but the company is still not satisfied. 我们提出给他们免费安装崭新的机器,可是那家公司仍不满意。 the store issues refunds to dissatisfied customers. 这家商店会退还货款予不满的顾客。not satisfied with the teacher told james she wasn't satisfied with his work. 老师对詹姆斯说她对他的作业不满意。 employees of the company are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs. 这家公司的雇员对自己的工作越来越不满意。not fully satisfied if you are not fully satisfied with this product, your money will be refunded. 如果你对这产品不是十分满意,可以退钱给你。deeply dissatisfied very dissatisfied 深深不满 most rail-users were deeply dissatisfied with the sort of service they were getting. 大多数铁路乘客都对他们得到的这种服务很不满意。 dissatisfaction /dɪˌsætɪsˈfækjən, dɪˌsætəsˈfækjən, dɪsˌsæ-/ [uncountable noun] baker's increasing dissatisfaction with his role in the party led him to resign. 贝克对自己在党内的地位越来越不满意,导致他辞职了。 not be happy/be unhappy /nɒt biː ˈhæpi, biː ʌnˈhæpi/ [adjective not before noun] to feel annoyed and disappointed with something, because it has not been done well enough or you have not achieved what you wanted 不满意;不高兴[因某事做得不够好,或因没有做成想做的事] not be happy/be unhappy about if you decide you're not happy about the way the dress fits, we'll alter it for you. 如果你真的认为这裙子不合身,我们就帮你改。 wilkins was unhappy about being left off the u.s. olympic team. 威尔金斯被踢出美国的奥运会参赛队,感到很不高兴。not be happy/be unhappy with fans are not happy with the team's performance. 球迷对这支球队的表现不满意。 employees were generally unhappy with their promotion prospects. 雇员对晋升的前途普遍不满。 be fed up /biː ˌfed ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] british informal to be unhappy because you do not like the situation that you are in and you wish it would change 【英,非正式】[对身处的情形]厌烦的;不满的 it rained every day of our holiday. we were thoroughly fed up. 假期里天天下雨,我们都腻透了。be fed up with i'm fed up with this job. it's so boring. 我做腻了这工作,真是无聊。 tom's getting pretty fed up with married life. he never goes out any more. 汤姆对婚姻生活感到腻烦了,他再也没法出去玩了。 displeased /dɪsˈpliːzd/ [adjective not before noun] formal not satisfied and a little annoyed about the way something has been done 【正式】不高兴的;不满意的 sarah seemed displeased but did not say anything to me. 萨拉好像不高兴,但是没和我说什么。 bonner was displeased by neeman's remarks. 尼曼的话令邦纳很不高兴。displeased about several readers were displeased about the photos that accompanied the story. 有几个读者对报道上所配的照片很反感。displeased with singer was displeased with barbra streisand's adaptation of his story ‘yentl.’ 辛格对芭芭拉·斯特赖桑德改编了他的故事《延特尔》很不高兴。 not content also discontented formal /nɒt kənˈtent, ˌdɪskənˈtentə̇d/ [adjective] not satisfied or happy because you want something better than what you have now 不满足的 discontented workers joined the protests. 不满的工人参加了抗议活动。not content with farmers were discontented with economic reforms that did not improve their businesses. 农民们对经济改革不满,它并没有改善他们的经营。 marshall was not content with the draft of the contract. 马歇尔对合同草案不满意。 discontent [uncountable noun] there have been demonstrations and other signs of discontent. 有游行,还有其他的一些不满的征兆。 disgruntled /dɪsˈgrʌntld/ [adjective] not satisfied and slightly angry, especially because you feel you have been treated badly or unfairly 不满的;不高兴的[尤因为受到不好或不公正的待遇] it was the second pay cut in two years, and employees were becoming disgruntled. 这已经是两年之中第二次减薪了,员工心里渐渐产生不满。 after long delays, disgruntled passengers were taken to a nearby hotel. 飞机延误了很久,不满的乘客被送到附近的一家旅馆。7. desires or needs that are never satisfied 永远满足不了的欲望或需求 insatiable /ɪnˈseɪʃəbəl/ [adjective] an insatiable need, desire, demand etc is so strong that it never can be satisfied 不能满足的[需要、欲望、需求等] his curiosity about the natural world is insatiable. 他对自然界的好奇永远无法满足。 she had an insatiable thirst for attention. 她永不满足地渴求被人关注。 humankind seems to have an insatiable urge to conquer and explore. 人类好像有一种无止境的征服和探索的欲望。




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