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单词 guideline
释义 guideline nounadjective | ... of guidelines | verb + guideline | guideline + verb | preposition adjective➤clear, good, helpful, practical, useful清楚的指导方针;好的指导方针;有帮助的指导方针;实用的准则;有用的指导原则▸➤basic, broad, general, simple基本准则;宽泛的准则;一般性的指导原则;简单的指导方针▸➤comprehensive, detailed, explicit, specific综合性的指导方针;详细的准则;明晰的指导方针;具体的指导方针▸➤strict, stringent严格的指导方针➤draft, proposed准则草案;准则提议➤new, revised, updated新的指导方针;修订的指导方针;适时更新的准则➤voluntary自愿准则◆a task force has formed to develop voluntary guidelines.成立了特别小组以制订自愿准则。➤recommended推荐的指导方针➤formal, official正式的/官方的指导方针➤federal, government联邦/政府指导方针➤international, national, state国际准则;国家的指导方针;州级指导方针▸➤planning, safety, security规划方针;安全准则▸➤clinical, ethical, legal临床指导方针;道德准则;法律准则➤sentencing量刑准则◆the us supreme court is reviewing sentencing guidelines.美国最高法院正在复审量刑准则。... of guidelines➤set一套指导方针◆the organization has issued a set of guidelines for builders to follow.该组织颁布了一套建筑商须遵守的指导方针。verb + guideline➤develop制订指导方针▸➤propose, recommend, suggest提议/推荐/建议指导方针▸➤draw up, establish, formulate, lay down, lay out, set out起草/确立/拟定/制订/设计/提出指导方针➤accept, adopt, approve接受/采纳/通过指导方针◆the following guidelines were approved in october 1995.下述指导方针是 1995 年 10 月通过的。➤give (sb), issue, offer (sb), provide (sb with), release给予(某人)准则;发布指导方针;(给某人)提供指导原则◆the document gives clear guidelines on the use of pesticides.文件对杀虫剂的使用给出了清楚的说明。➤adhere to, apply, enforce, follow, implement, meet, stick to奉行/实施/执行/遵循/履行/符合/坚持指导方针◆we have to follow the safety guidelines laid down by the government.我们得遵循政府制订的安全准则。◆a number of deals have not met the guidelines.相当数量的交易不符合指导方针的要求。➤breach, ignore, violate违背指导方针;无视指导原则;违反准则◆the minister is accused of allowing the company to breach guidelines on arms sales.部长被指控放任这家公司违反武器销售的准则。guideline + verb➤apply准则适用(于)◆the same general guidelines on when to dress formally apply to both men and women.何时着正装的一般性准则男女均适用。➤state sth准则指出⋯➤require sth指导方针要求⋯◆the guidelines require this information to be made available to the public.指导方针要求将这一信息公之于众。➤recommend sth, suggest sth指导方针建议⋯/提出⋯◆the guidelines recommend that children under 12 avoid these foods.指导方针建议 12 岁以下的儿童应避免吃这些食品。preposition➤under guideline根据指导方针◆under federal guidelines, they must serve at least five years in prison.根据联邦政府准则,他们必须在狱中服刑至少 5 年。➤within guideline在指导方针下◆within clear guidelines, managers can use their budget to entertain clients.在明确的方针指导下,经理们可以在预算允许范围内招待客户。➤guideline about关于⋯的指导方针◆detailed guidelines for doctors about how to deal with difficult patients医生如何应付难缠病人的详细指导➤guideline for⋯的指导方针◆the article suggests some guidelines for healthy eating.这篇文章给出了一些健康饮食的指导。➤guideline from来自⋯的指导原则◆guidelines from the department of education教育部的指导方针➤guideline on⋯方面的指导方针◆new eu guidelines on food hygiene欧盟关于食品卫生新的指导方针 guideline /gaɪdlaɪn/ nounguidelines [plural] written instructions which tell you what you may or must do when dealing with a particular thing 指导原则;方针;准则;指标◆the organization has issued a set of guidelines for builders. 这一组织已为建筑商发布了一套指导原则。◆some companies have breached government guidelines on pollution. 某些公司已违反了政府关于污染的指导方针。 syn guidance ⨁ to draw up / give / issue / publish guidelines制订/传达/发布/公布指导原则 ⨁ to breach / follow / stick to guidelines违反/提供/坚持指导原则 ⨁ clear / revised / strict guidelines明确的/修订的/严格的指导方针 guidelines [plural] advice 建议◆here are some basic guidelines to help you delegate more effectively. 这是一些帮助你更有效地进行授权的基本建议。3. [countable] something that helps you to form an opinion or make a decision 参考◆the figure of $30 per person is just a guideline. 每人 30 元的数字仅供参考。☞ guidelineguideline /gaɪdlaɪn/ [countable] something that can be used to help you make a decision or form an opinion参考◆these prices are a guideline only.这些价格仅供参考。◆it may help to have a few guidelines to follow.有些规则可循,也许会有帮助。note 辨析 guide or guideline?there is very little difference in meaning between these two words. guide is often used in situations where being exact is less important; guideline is often used in business situations, where it is impossible to be exact, but still important to be as nearly right as possible. guide is not usually used in the plural.这两个词含义差别很小。guide 常用于不需要特别精确的场合,guideline 常用于不可能精确但要尽量准确的商业场合。guide 通常不用复数形式◆it may help to have a few guides to follow. guideline/ˈgaɪdlaɪn ||; ˈgaɪdˌlaɪn/noun[c] 1. [] official advice or rules on how to do sth 指导方针;准则 2. something that can be used to help you make a decision or form an opinion 标准: ◇these figures are a useful guideline when buying a house. 这些数字在买房子时可作为有用的标准。




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