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单词 palace
释义 palace nounadjective | verb + palace | palace + verb | palace + noun | preposition adjective➤ancient古代的宫殿➤14th-century, etc. * 14 世纪等的宫殿➤imperial, papal, presidential, royal皇宫;教皇宅第;总统府;王宫➤beautiful, grand, great, huge, magnificent, sumptuous (especially bre) 美丽的宫殿;宏伟的宫殿;巨大的宫殿;华丽的宫殿➤pleasure欢乐宫;豪华会所➤summer夏宫verb + palace➤build建造宫殿➤live in住在宫殿里palace + verb➤stand宫殿矗立◆the palace stands on the west bank of the river.宫殿矗立在河的西岸。palace + noun➤complex, compound宫殿建筑群➤courtyard, gardens, grounds宫殿的庭院/花园/庭园➤door, gates宫殿的大门➤walls宫墙➤life宫廷生活◆she found it hard to adjust to palace life.她发现很难适应宫廷生活。➤aide, guard, official, spokesman, staff宫廷助手;宫廷警卫;宫廷官员;王宫发言人;宫廷工作人员➤servant宫殿仆人➤coup, revolution (especially bre) 宫廷政变/革命◆the king was deposed by his son in a palace coup.国王在一次宫廷政变中被儿子废黜。preposition➤at a/the palace, in a/the palace在宫殿里 palace nounpalace ♦︎ mansion ♦︎ country house ♦︎ villa ♦︎ manor ♦︎ stately home ♦︎ chateauthese words all mean a large house that belongs or used to belong to a rich or important family.这些词均表示豪华宅第。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a magnificent palace / mansion / country house / villa◆an ancient palace / mansion / manor◆a medieval palace / manor / chateau◆a royal palace / mansion / manor◆a country mansion / house / villa / manor■ palace /pæləs/ [countable] the official home of sb such as a king, queen or president; any large impressive house, usually in a city王宫;总统府;(城里的)豪华住宅◆buckingham palace is the official london residence of the queen.白金汉宫是英女王在伦敦的官邸。◆the old town has a whole collection of churches, palaces and mosques.旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。■ mansion /mænʃn/ [countable] a large impressive house in the country or the city公馆;宅第◆it is a magnificent example of a 17th century country mansion.那是 17 世纪乡间豪华宅第的一个范例。■ country house [countable] (bre) a large house in the country, especially one that belongs or used to belong to a rich important family(尤指富贵显赫家族的)乡间宅第,别墅◆he used to entertain the politicians of the day at his country house.他以前经常在乡间别墅里招待时政要人。■ villa [countable] a house in the country with a large garden, especially in southern europe; (in roman times) a country house or farm with land attached to it(尤指南欧的)乡间庄园;(古罗马时代附有土地的)乡间宅第◆once a private villa, the stella d'italia is now a hotel.stella d'italia 曾经是所私人别墅,现在是酒店。◆they found the remains of an impressive roman villa.他们发现了一个古罗马大庄园的遗址。■ manor /mænə(r)/ (also manor house) [countable] a large country house surrounded by a large area of land that belongs to it庄园宅第◆he bought the old manor and set about turning himself into the local squire.他买下了那个老庄园,摇身一变成了当地的乡绅。■ stately home [countable] (bre) a large, impressive house of historical interest, especially one that the public may visit(尤指供人参观的)豪华古宅◆there are many stately homes to visit in the area.这地方有许多老宅子可以参观。■ chateau (also château) /ʃætəʊ; name ʃætoʊ/ (plural chateaux or chateaus /ʃætəʊz; name ʃætoʊz/ ) [countable] (from french) a castle or large country house in france(法国的)城堡,乡间别墅◆the loire valley is home to more than 300 chateaux.卢瓦尔河谷有 300 多座城堡。palace /pæləs/ [countable] the official home of sb such as a king, queen or president; any large impressive house, usually in a city王宫;总统府;(城里的)豪华住宅◆buckingham palace is the official london residence of the queen.白金汉宫是英女王在伦敦的官邸。◆the old town has a whole collection of churches, palaces and mosques.旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。palace/ˈpæləs ||; ˈpælɪs/noun [c] a large house that is or was the home of a king or queen 皇宫;宫殿 pal·ace /`pælɪs; ˈpælɪs/n [c]a large house where a king or queen lives 宫殿,皇宫:◇buckingham palace 白金汉宫 ☞ palace




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