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单词 pole
释义 pole nounadjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤north, south北极;南极▸➤geographic, geomagnetic, magnetic地极;地磁极;磁极◆the north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic north pole.磁北极位于地北极的西面。➤opposite (figurative) 极端◆the two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius.这两位作者代表了天才小说家的两个极端。preposition➤between the (two) poles of (figurative) (两个)极端之间◆an artistic compromise between the poles of abstraction and representation在抽象与具象两种艺术极端之间作出的折衷➤from pole to pole从极点到极点◆the meridian is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole.子午线是从极点到极点的一条假想线。phrases➤be poles apart (figurative) 大相迳庭;截然相反◆in temperament, she and her sister are poles apart (= completely different).她和姐姐的性情截然相反。pole/pəʊl ||; pol/noun[c] 1. a long, thin piece of wood or metal, used especially to hold sth up 杆,柱,棒(尤用于撑住物品): ◇a flagpole 旗杆◇a tent pole 帐篷支柱 ☞picture at ski 见ski插图 2. either of the two points at the exact top and bottom of the earth 地极: ◇the north/south pole 北╱南极 ☞picture at earth 见earth插图 3. either of the two ends of a magnet, or the positive or negative points of an electric battery 磁极;电极 ☞picture at magnet 见magnet插图 pole /pol; pəʊl/n [c] 1. a long piece of wood or metal 杆,柱,竿:◇tent poles 帐篷柱◇a fishing pole 钓鱼竿 2. north/south pole the most northern and southern point on earth 北极/南极:◇an expedition to the north pole 北极探险 3. be poles apart to be completely different 截然不同:◇their political views are poles apart. 他们的政治观点截然不同。 ☞ pole




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