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单词 suit/look good together
释义 suit/look good together1 to suit someone2 to look good with something else3 to not look good with something elserelated wordssee alsoclothes,style/elegance,suitable,fashionable/not fashionable,1. to suit someone 适合某人 suit /suːt, sjuːtǁsuːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if something such as a piece of clothing or a colour suits someone, they look good when they wear it because it is the right colour, style etc [衣服或颜色等]适合[某人] do you think this colour suits me? 你觉得这种颜色适合我穿吗? steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didn't suit him at all. 史蒂夫穿了一件红色的真丝衬衫,一点也不适合他。 your hair suits you like that. 你这样的发型很适合你。 that dress would really suit annie. 那条裙子会很适合安妮穿。 look good on /lʊk ˈgʊd ɒn/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if a piece of clothing looks good on someone, it looks good when they are wearing it [某人穿某衣物]穿得好看 why don't you wear that black dress? it looks really good on you. 你为什么不穿那条黑的裙子?你穿真的很好看。 those trousers would look really good on you. 那条裤子你穿一定很好看。 flattering /ˈflætərɪŋ/ [adjective] clothes or styles that are flattering help to make someone look more attractive, for example by making a fat person look thinner [衣服或款式]使人显得漂亮的 high-heeled shoes are flattering but not very comfortable. 高跟鞋好看,但不是很舒服。 she wore a plain black dress, quite simple but very flattering. 她穿了一件素色的黑裙子,简简单单,但非常漂亮。2. to look good with something else 与另一物搭配好看 go with /ˈgəʊ wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] i'm not sure that those earrings will go with your dress. 我不知这副耳环和你的裙子是否相配。 that jacket will go really well with your blue skirt. 那件外套和你的蓝裙子一定很配。 i love that pale blue wallpaper, but i don't think it would go with the carpet. 我非常喜欢那浅蓝色的墙纸,但是我觉得可能和地毯不协调。 go together /ˈgəʊ təˌgeðəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb not in progressive] if two things go together, they look good when they are worn or seen with each other 相配,协调 that jacket and skirt don't really go together. 那件外套和裙子不是很配。 it's funny but the yellow walls and the black floor actually go together quite well. 很奇怪,黄色的墙壁和黑色的地板竟然很相配。 match /mætʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] if something matches something else, or if two things match, they look good together because they are similar in colour or style [颜色或风格][与…]相配 she was wearing black high-heeled shoes that matched her skirt and jacket. 她穿着黑色的高跟鞋,跟她的裙子和外套很相配。 in the lounge everything matched; the curtains, the sofa, the carpet and the cushions. 休息室里的每一样东西:窗帘、沙发、地毯,还有靠垫,都很相配。 i'm looking for a rug to match my bedroom curtains. 我在找一块能和我卧室的窗帘相配的小地毯。handbag/hat/shoes to match that match 相配的手袋/帽子/鞋子 for every outfit, stephanie seemed to have a handbag and shoes to match. 斯蒂芬妮每一套衣服似乎都有一个手提包和一双鞋子相配。 matching /ˈmætʃɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] matching pieces of clothing, furniture etc are similar to each other in colour or style and so look good together [衣服、家具等颜色或风格]相配的 emily was wearing a dark green skirt and matching blouse. 埃米莉穿着一条墨绿的裙子和与之相配的衬衫。 in the kitchen was a rustic oak table and six matching chairs. 厨房里有一张粗糙的橡木桌子和六把配套的椅子。 complement /ˈkɒmplɪment, ˈkɒmpləmentǁˈkɑːm-/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal if a piece of clothing or a colour complements something, it makes it look more attractive 【正式】与…相配;使更具吸引力 a simple string of pearls will complement any outfit. 一条简单的珍珠项链配任何装束都很好看。 soft, creamy bed linen adds a luxurious touch and complements any colour scheme. 柔和的米黄色寝具给人一种豪华舒适的感觉,和任何色调都相配。 she looked beautiful -- the white silk of her blouse complemented her olive skin perfectly. 她看上去很漂亮一白色的真丝衬衣和她橄榄色的皮肤十分相配。 set off /ˌset ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] if one thing sets off another thing, it makes it look more attractive and noticeable, for example by being different in colour or style 使显得更加漂亮,衬托 set off something the brass rail sets off the wooden panelling very nicely. 黄铜的栏杆使木板饰面显得更美。set something off it's a lovely dress, and a brightly coloured silk scarf will set it off perfectly. 这条裙子很漂亮,配一条色彩鲜艳的真丝围巾一定好极了。 blend in /ˌblend ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if something blends in with the things around it, it looks good with them because it has a similar colour or pattern to theirs and does not look very different from them 相配,谐调[因颜色或图案相似] the colour's perfect for our bedroom - it should blend in very nicely. 这个颜色很适合用在我们的卧室—这肯定非常谐调。blend in with i'm looking for some pale green curtains that will blend in with the walls. 我在找一种和墙壁相配的浅绿色窗帘。 choose plants that will blend in with the existing garden scheme. 选购植物要和花园里本来的格局谐调。3. to not look good with something else 与另一物搭配不好看 not match /nɒt ˈmætʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] if two things do not match, they are not the same colour or style and so do not look attractive together [两种事物]不相配 that tie doesn't match your shirt. 那条领带和你的衬衫不相配。 i felt slightly out of place, and was conscious that my jacket and trousers didn't quite match. 我觉得有点格格不入,意识到我的外套和裤子不是很配。 not go with/not go together /nɒt ˈgəʊ wɪð, nɒt ˈgəʊ təˌgeðəʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if one thing does not go with another, or if two things do not go together, they do not look attractive next to each other 不相配 that shirt doesn't go with your blue trousers. 那件衬衣和你蓝色的裤子不配。 pink and purple don't usually go very well together. 粉红色和紫色一般很难配得好。 clash /klæʃ/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] if two things clash, they look very bad when they are worn or seen together because they are completely different in style, colour etc 不相配,不谐调[因风格或颜色等完全不同] choose bright colors, but make sure they don't clash. 选用鲜亮的颜色,但是要确保颜色之间要协调。clash with that scarf clashes terribly with her green coat. 那条围巾和她绿色的外套非常不配。 i can't wear red - it clashes with my hair. 我不能穿红色—这和我头发颜色不配。




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