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单词 mouse
释义 mouse noun¹ 1animal动物adjective | verb + mouse | mouse + verb | mouse + noun | phrases adjective➤deer, field, house, etc.鹿鼠、田鼠、家鼠等➤laboratory实验用鼠➤white白鼠verb + mouse➤chase追逐老鼠➤catch抓老鼠➤kill杀灭老鼠➤breed繁殖老鼠mouse + verb➤squeak老鼠吱吱叫➤run, scurry老鼠跑;老鼠窜➤gnaw sth老鼠啃咬⋯◆a mouse had gnawed its way through the cable.有老鼠咬穿了电缆。mouse + noun➤droppings老鼠屎➤hole老鼠洞➤trap (usually mousetrap) 捕鼠器;捕鼠夹phrases➤as quiet as a mouse悄无声息◆she crept upstairs, as quiet as a mouse.她蹑手蹑脚悄无声息地上了楼。mouse noun² 2for a computer计算机adjective | verb + mouse | mouse + noun | preposition adjective➤optical, wireless光电/无线鼠标verb + mouse➤click, double-click单击/双击鼠标➤use使用鼠标➤drag, move拖动/移动鼠标mouse + noun➤button鼠标按键➤click鼠标的单击◆some of these mouse-click short cuts are worth learning.这其中的一些单击鼠标快捷方式值得学习。➤cursor, pointer鼠标光标/指针➤mat, pad (especially name) 鼠标垫➤port鼠标端口preposition➤with the mouse用鼠标◆you can move the cursor around the screen with the mouse.你可以用鼠标在屏幕上移动光标。  ➡ topic at computer mouse /maʊs/ noun [countable] (plural mouses or mice / maɪs/) 1.a small device that you move and press with your hand in order to perform actions on a computer screen (计算机的)鼠标◆you can sign up just by a click of the mouse. 点击鼠标即可注册。  ➡  picture at office 2.a way of referring to a very small company that can create no new jobs (无法创造新就业机会的)小公司  ➡  elephant , gazelle ☞ mousemouse/maʊs ||; maυs/noun [c] (plural mice /maɪs ||; maɪs/) 1. a very small animal with fur and a long thin tail 鼠 ☞ mice, like rats, hamsters, etc are members of the rodent family. mouse像rat(大鼠)、hamster(仓鼠)等,都是啮齿类动物(rodent)。 2. a piece of equipment, connected to a computer, for moving around the screen and entering commands without touching the keys 鼠标器,鼠标(与计算机接驳的设备之一,用于代替键盘输入指令): ◇use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position. 用鼠标把图符拖到新的位置。 ☞picture on page s2 见S7页插图 mouse /mas; maʊs/n [c] 1. plural mice /maɪs; maɪs/ a small animal with smooth fur, a long tail, and a pointed nose 老鼠,耗子 2. plural mouses a small object connected to a computer, that you move with your hand and press to give commands to the computer [电脑]鼠标,滑鼠 ☞ mouse




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